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考前语基回扣第6组阅读理解之障碍词汇1abandon v. 放弃;抛弃;遗弃2alternative adj. 选择性的;可供选择的n. 可供选择的事物3addicted adj. 上瘾的;沉溺于某种嗜好的4bid v. & n. 出价;喊价;吩咐;竞标5beneath prep. 在下方(面);(指地位等)低于,次于6criterion n. 标准;准则7depressed adj. 沮丧的8deliberately adv. 故意地9expose v. 揭露10fragile adj. 易碎的;脆弱的11individual adj. 个人的;个别的n. 个人;个体12negotiate v. 谈判;协商13obtain vt. 获得;使得到14predict vt. 预言;预计;预测15primitive adj. 原始的;远古的16ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;愚蠢的17sponsor vt. & n. 赞助;发起;赞助商;发起人18trend n. 趋向;趋势;潮流19urge v. 敦促;催促;力劝urgent adj. 紧急的;紧迫的20violate v. 违反(法律;协议等);侵犯 完形填空之熟词生义1long v. 渴望(熟义:adj. 长的)The children are longing for a holiday.2note n音符 v注意(熟义:n.笔记)Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days.She has a deep voice and doesnt try for the high notes.3match v. 般配;与匹配(熟义:n. 火柴;比赛)She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.4matter v. 有关系;要紧(熟义:n. 事情;问题;麻烦事)It matters a lot whether he comes to the meeting.5mean adj. 自私的;卑鄙的;吝啬的(熟义:v. 意味着)Its mean of you to eat up all the apples.6measure v. 估量;判定(熟义:v. 测量,度量)Its hard to measure his ability when we havent seen his work.7monitor v. 监视;检查(熟义:n. 班长)The teacher has been monitoring the performance of the students.8message n(文学作品的)启示,主旨,寓意(熟义:n.信息)The main message in this article was about self-responsibility.9narrow v. 缩小;使变窄(熟义:adj.狭窄的)Parent and children should communicate more to narrow the gap between them.10object v. 反对(熟义:n. 物体;对象;宾语)Youre brave enough to object to your boss at the meeting.语法填空之派生词汇1名词后缀-ant(1)participant 参与者(2)servant仆人(3)applicant申请人(4)assistant助手(5)accountant会计2名词后缀-al(1)arrival到达(2)survival存活(3)approval赞成;批准(4)removal开除;移动(5)proposal提议3名词后缀-ing(1)earning收入(2)saving存款(3)belonging所有物(4)feeling感受;感觉(5)blessing祝福;祈福4名词后缀-ce(1)absence缺席(2)patience耐心(3)silence寂静(4)confidence信心(5)importance重要性书面表达之高级词汇动词普通用词高级词汇use利用;使用adopt/employ/make use offall下降decline/decreaseadvise建议suggest/recommendkeep保留preserve/reservefinish完成complete/accomplish/fulfillhave/own拥有possess/occupyend结束concludereplace代替substituteneed需要require/demandimprove促进promote/strengthen1
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