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高三英语邀请信写作讲评课教学设计一、教学分析(一)教学内容本堂课是一节写作讲评课。学生课前完成了一封邀请信的作文。本堂课的主要内 容是引导学生从框架结构,语言运用连贯性和使用效果三个方面得到进一步的认 识。(二)学生分析 高三学生在文章体裁,写作方法及语言表达方面已经有了一定的积累。(三)教学目标 通过本课的学习,学生能够:1. 有邀请信的框架意识;2. 复习邀请信中的一些必要的表达;3. 根据教师点拨和讲解批改同伴的文章;4. 通过同学们之间相互合作讨论,提升团队的合作能力。二、教学步骤Step I Lead in: 通过引入李华这个话题,开启写作评价之旅。Step II Brainstorm and discussing:1. What factors should be included in writing to get a satisfactory score? 引导学生对优秀作文应该具备的要素进行思考和讨论,通过书写示范强调书写的 重要性,最后归纳出作文的三大黄金法则。How to get a satisfactory score?Golden rules of a good composition1. fluency1. a logical structure and overall items2. To the point3.Tidy and beautiful handwriting2. advanced and authentic(地道的expressions and good linking words4. accurate language5. 3 paragraphs3. clear and beautiful handwriting and proper length.6. 110 words or so2. Draw a structure of article IStep III Polish the article1. Lets appreciate some impressive sentences from your articles.(1) Language fails to express how much I miss you.From Jinghao(2) . As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, a fantastic evening party will be heldin our school. Hence I am writing to invite you to join us.From Jiamin(3) . There will be a large number of activities such as enjoying the moon-cakes,appreciating the moon, and guessing riddles, which will be not only meaningful but also interesting.From Tingen设计意图:将优秀学生的句子摘抄出来,大声朗读,即鼓舞了学生的自豪感,也 激励了其他同学。2. Analyze the first and second paragraph, find out the problems and practice writing.第一段存在的问题(1). 写作目的不明确;创设情境过多;Do you know Mid-Autumn Festival? Are you interested in it ?It is a traditional festival of China. There will be a party in our school. It is a good way to know Chinese traditional culture. Let me tell you something about it.请学生阅读示例段落,找出问题并作出修改。(2)其它常用表达邀请的句型:A. 我很荣幸地邀请您参加体验地道的中国文化。Its my plueraes/a great honour for me to invite you to experience authentic Chinese culture.B. 我谨代表学校,真诚地邀请您在您方便的时候参加我们的活动。On behalf of our school, I cordially/sincerely hope you can join us if it is convenient for you.(3)Practicing(2010)你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛,希望邀请外籍教师 Smith 来做评委。第二段存在问题(1). 时间表达不准确; there be 句型误用 The party is going to be held on next Sunday at 8p.m. lasting for 2 hours. 修改为: There are many interesting activities are held on the playground. 修改为: (2)适当添加细节:可以介绍活动需要做的准备工作,阐明邀请对方参加的原因 或者参加该活动对对方带来的好处等(3) 作文片段练习(2015)你是李华,计划和同学们去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节 (the Double Ninth Festival)o请给外教Lucy写封邮件,邀请她一同前往。要求1.出 发及返回时间 2. 活动:包饺子、表演节目等3. Let students comment on the following articleDear Lucy,The Double Ninth Festival is coming. To make you have a better understanding of the Double Ninth Festival, let me give you a brief introduction. The Double Ninth Festival which is a Chinese traditional festival for the elderly, originated 2000 years ago. So meaningful is the festival that many poets created many poems for it, which are viewed as brilliant treasures in Chinese literature. Regular customs such as making dumplings and keeping the elderly accompany also possess a wide popularity among Chinese people. However, nowadays, people are too busy to keep the elderly accompany, so many people choose to send their parents to the nursing home, which makes the elderly feel lonely. As I know, you are a people who is warm-hearted. At the nursing room, we can make dumplings with them and give them some performances to make them laugh. As scheduled, we will start our trip at 8 am and come back at 7 pm. I hope you can take my invitation into consideration.Yours, Li Hua 指导学生用刚才总结过的“ Golden rules”对一篇文章进行修改。请学生说出修改的 理由。Step IV、Homework 范文学习表格2015全国卷范文Dear Lucy,How is ever yt hing! Im one of y( students who are impressed by your consuming passion for Chinese tradii culture as well as social voluntary Accordingly hardly can I wait to ex1 invitation to you to visit the eldei nursing home on an upcoming festiva Double Ninth Festival.With the Double Ninth Festival approaching, we decide to visit tho, live in the nursing home, lonely an( As scheduled, the visit is due on 0( 28th, which exactly the festival fa t his year. We will set off at 8 a.m. back at 4 p.m. . Wha t we will do includes cleaning their house, makir dumplings and performing a play. Therefore, it will not only be a gr opportunity to show your love but a you to have a better understanding ( gems of the Chinese traditional culture-respecting the aged. Hopeft you can take my invitation into acc( will be our honor to have you.Im in eager anti cipa tion of your aiLi Hua文章体裁: 时态:I1人称:优美词汇: :ionalwork.end an、短语i: the一一the句型1 bored. :tober ls on自n行添加的细节ig其它:?at.so for )f oneilly,)unt. Itrival.2010年全国卷范文 Dear Ms. Smith,ImLi Hua, Chair of the Stu den t Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. Knowing tl are a warm-hearted and professiona teacherwho is popularwith the college studen ts, Im only too eager t oydm to be a judge
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