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6RSLogix 5000 SoftwareCPU Lock Security Tool665. Check the Add to Custom Tools box, if it is not already checked and click Next.6. Confirm the installation and click Next.7. Please wait while the CPU Security Tool runs through the installation process.8. After the installation completes click Close.Securing a Con trolLogixCon troller with Logix CPUSecurity ToolYou can secure a con troller with the Logix CPU Security Tool. The tool is in stalled un der the RSLogix 5000 Tools menu.PKhgrYlj 1*诫 FMixxvUVevrIJUiiMFiXta(y# 鼻卄 BtTBflCfl 匚OfttCte HSlduL EGttt E 血p 眩 idritiS.MfEariiboriB*RA3I RatrsnT 网 TorifRnl-Jirf AtfEirdaui|ML明冈IN Joo匕p WKTF-DHCPSew, Sw&JpUCJvt SHXrfy g血“皿.亦2应 ,童冋寸存二 3d已口wrxiwwUiwfeta4 Sei froywft AfCtfi BTd MfdUDfTHEES3E野 ii?iD erri 5uxkfiF Run.i.Example Splash Scree nUse the RSWho button to1. Start the Logix CPU Security Tool.Before a con troller can be secured, the path the con troller must be specified.2. To specify a path to the con troller, use the RSWho butt on to locate a con troller.locate the controller you need to secure.3. Select the controller that you need to secure and click OK.The Logix CPU Security Tool displays the current status of the controller.4. Click Change Password.Notice that the controlleryou selected is currently unsecured and there isno password set in the controller.Enter a password in the new password field and confirm the password and click OK.The Password Status for the controller now indicates a Password exists in the con troller, but the con troller is not secured yet.6. Click Secure Controller.7. Enter the password for the controller click Secure.If the controller has Nonvolatile Memory installed, this check box would save the security state of the controller to Nonvolatile Memory.Refer to the RSLogix 5000 Help for additional information on how to Save to Nonvolatile Memory.The con troller is now secured.The controller is now secured.70Access ing a Secured Con trollerWhe n you try to access a con troller that has bee n secured by the Logix CPU Security Tool and you don t have a local copy of the project file on yourcomputer, you will be prompted to select the proper file.To access a secured con troller, do the follow ing.1. From the Communication menu select Who ActiveF*i S *卫 J-l *L1,4 - i 气 LL J&j1- L产, rFilln !-i J 1vl 111MT ib. I I J L 1J h*2. Select the secured controller and select Go Online.If you don t have a local copy of the project file on your computer, you will be prompted to select a file.3. Click Select file to either find the project file or to identify a location where to save a project file.4. Identify a file and click Select.5. Reply Yes to create the project and upload.You are prompted with an un specific error message in formati onal scree n.6. Click OK to continue.An error message displays in dicat ing that the con troller is curre ntly secured and will preve nt you from going On-Line.If the project file already exists on the your system, an error message displays that in dicates that the con troller is secured and you cannot go on li ne.UN-Securing a ControlLogix controller with Logix CPU SecurityToolTo remove security from a con troller, do the follow ing.1. Start the Logix CPU Security Tool.2. Specify the path to the controller by using RSWho.3. Select the controller that you want to be unsecured and click OK.-111 X比 Loqix CPU Security - DaOfWeelcContrcllei Security Status: SECUREDThe controller is currently secured.Passiwoid S?aLus. Paword 凸疵怯 in ccntrollfti.Utnsecuie CohtrolerOrang岳Path to eonhQllai:SE CD E M01 (AB.ET H-1M韶Exit |Help4. Select Un secure Con troller.盘 Login CPU Security - DayOfWeekSecure ConUollet IUnsecure Coro& IController Security Status: UNSECUREDPassword Status: Passwxd exists in controllerChange PasswordPath to controller|SECDEM01!AB.ETH-l192168.1.4BdckplanExitLogin CPU SecurityController i$ syecured. Conbnue with E或?Y I No
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