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Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear 一、 单词讲解1、 wares n.制品,器皿 table wares 餐桌用品 iron wares 铁制品 silver wares 银制品 glass wares 玻璃制品 hard wares shop 五金商品 warehouse 仓库 goods :things to be sold in a shop consumer goods 消费品 electrical goods 电器制品 merchandise 商品(goods bought or sold,trade goods ) commodity n.用于交换而获利的商品 commodity society 商品社会 agricultural commodities 农产品 household commodities家庭用品(锅,碗,瓢,盆等) product 工厂生产的或自然的产物(things useful made in a factory or taken from nature)steel product necessities 必需品 life necessities 生活必需品2、 anchor n.v. used to hold a ship still 锚 be at anchor 停泊 cast anchor 抛锚 weigh anchor 起锚 anchorman :a person who reads news on TV and gives reports 主持人,新闻播放员 TV presenter 电视节目主持人 MC:(US)Member of Congress 国会议员 Master of Ceremony 大会司仪 DJ:Disk Jockey 唱片骑师 Background notes: Jockey is a professional horse rider and as a verb ,to Jockey means to lead a horse into a good position .In the 1920s,radio began to enter American homes ,thousands of stations began to play recorded songs. In time, a name was invented for these radio men who talked and played music .They Jockeyed (influenced)the public taste in music. 3、 deck n. 1) 甲板,舱面 clear the decks 准备妥当 (to do a lot of work that needs to be done before you can do other things) eg. Im going to clear the decks before Christmas. 我准备为了过圣诞节把一切都安排妥当。 2)层 a double decker 双层汽车 Many things are different at sea .Even the language Is different .Simple words like right and left are Not the same. In a ship,rightis starboard and leftis port. 4、 tempt v. to attract sb to have or do something 吸引,引诱 tempt sb into doing sth tempt sb to do sth eg. Advertisers devise hundreds of competitions to tempt consumers into buying their products and free samples to tempt never go wrong! seduce v. 勾引,吸引 seduce sb into doing sth eg. He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay. induce (通过劝说)引诱做某事 (to lead somebody to do something by persuading) eg. What on earth possessed you to be induced into embezzling such a large sum of money? 你是怎么了?竟被引诱去挪用了那么一大笔数额的钱。 lure v.(to persuade someone to do sth esp. something wrong by promising something they want) eg. Life in the city lured him from home. allure v. to attract by offering something pleasant n. allure 2000 魅力2000 tantalize v.吊人胃口,逗你玩 (Tantalus, in Greek Mythology , is said to be the son of zeus ,when he felt thirsty ,the water which was up to his mouth would disappear ;when he felt hungry ,thefruit on trees near to his mouth would disappear too. ) eg. He was tantalized by he beauty , but lacked the courage to speak to her. egg sb on 怂恿,促使 (to encourage someone to do sth, esp. that they should not do) eg. Egged on by his mistress ,the cold-hearted man abandoned his family. 5、 bargain v. 讨价还价 bargain with sb over price bargain for better pay 讨个好价钱 bargain hunter、 到处买便宜货的人 a real bargain真划算 a wonderful bargain a bad bargain 真不划算口语补充: eg. Can you come down a little bit? eg. Well then , how about splitting the difference? eg. Thats my final offer. eg. Thats more like it!eg. Take it or leave it! 6、 embark vi. to get onto a ship embark on : to start something new and difficult 开始做某事或某种事业 eg. In the 1950s, China embarked on a major program of Industrialization. 在20世纪50年代,中国开始了实现工业化的主要任务。 board ( to get on a bus ,plane ,train in order to travel somewhere) eg. Flight N654 for New York is now boarding at Gate. 乘坐N654号航班飞往纽约的乘客请登机。 board the train 上火车 mount:to get on a horse or a bicycle mount a horse mount a bicycle ride
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