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牛津英语 8Achapter 6学案 Reading 一翻译词组噪音污染 。对。感兴趣 3使街道降低噪音 4。把氧气释放到空气中5保持活力和健康 6。彼此交流7,在危险中 8。喜欢呼吸纯净的空气9吸收空气中的有害气体 10。通过产生一种化学物质保护他们自己二选择并抄写单词1The little boy is very _(interesting ,interested)in insects .2. We try our best to save the children in _(danger, dangerous).3. Air pollution makes the people living in the city _(healthy ,unhealthy).4. My mother bought a _(living ,alive )fish .5. We can change the colour of the water by putting a _(chemistry, chemical).三用所给词的适当形式填空1. I cant hear you because the room is too_(noise).2. Which kind of _(pollute)do trees help to fight ?3 .Wind, electricity and fire are all_(nature)elements.4. Volleyball is _(little)popular than basketball.5. We can get many_(produce)from trees.四。选择( )1.J ay is known _a singer. A for B. to C. of D. as( )2. Theres _food left .Lets go to the supermarket to buy some. A .little B. a little C. few D a few( )3. The dish smells _.It must be cooked _.A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D .well, good( )4. The best way to fight pollution is _more trees. A. to plant B plant C. plants D. planted ( )5. Without tree shade ,the earth would get too hot _. A. for living B. to live C. for living on D. to live on ( )6 .Dont drink too much soup .It _a little salty . A. taste B .tastes C. is tasting D .tasty( )7. He had hardly _to say at yesterdays meeting . A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing ( )8. The medicine kept the patient _for another month. A .living B. to live C. alive D .lived( )9. There must be _in this wood.A. else something B anything else C. something else D. else anything( )10. We can find the correct places _the map. A. by reading B .to read C .at read D .with reading Language 一 写出下列动词的现在分词形式1. write 2.swim3. sunbathe 4.play5. lie 6.sing 7. eat 8.practise9 .be 10.begin 二用所给动词的适当形式填空 1Listen,the birds _(sing) in the trees. 2. Be quiet. My baby _(sleep). 3. Its time to go to bed. The twins_( take)off their clothes. 4. Its six. The Greens _(have) supper. 5 .Sorry, I can,t go with you .I_(write)a book now. 6.The telephone _(ring),please answer it. 7These books _(belong ) to Mary. 8. Look at the sign._you _(understand )what it means? 9. While Ted _(play)volleyball with Carol, his brother _(sunbathe). 10 .Many people_(not know)how to use a video recorder.三选择( )1 .Why is your schoolbag so heavy? It_ _many books. A. is containing B. containing C. contains D. contain( )2. He _to New York tomorrow. A .flies B. is flying C. flew D. has flown( )3 .I _my teachers address, but he _it. A. am knowing ,isnt knowing B. know ,knows C .know, doesnt know D .am not knowing , isnt knowing( )4._he playing tennis?_,_. A. Am , Yes ,he is B. Is , No, he is not C. Are, Yes ,hes D. Is , No, he isnt( )5. I think she _right now. A. reading B. reads C. is reading D .read( )6. The voice _impatient. A. sounds B sound C. is sounding D. are sounding ( )7 .Batteries are packets that _electricity. A. contains B .is containing C. contain D .are containing ( )8. Whats he doing? He_ _volleyball with Carol. A. playing B. play C. plays D .is playing( )9.Look,the children _kites. A. fly B. flying C. is flying D. are flying( )10.I _these cars _to you. A. believe ,dont belong B. believe, not belong C. dont believe ,belong D. not believe, belongSpeaking and using English一 补全对话A :_can we do to _pollution?B: Always put _in the litter bin ,and stop _plastic bags for shopping.A: _else?B: Stop factories from producing _gas, plant _trees in the streets , and make classrooms _noisy.A: So people in our city must do a lot of things to make the city clean and protect the _.B:I _with you .Its our duty. 二选词填空 without, oxygen, beauty, remove, destroyed, care, medicines, reduce, danger, more _trees, people could not live. We eat food that trees give us. We breathe the _that trees produce. They are o
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