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Unit 3 素养形成卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)() 1. A. crayonsB. rubbersC. rulers() 2. A. wheresB. whatsC. its() 3. A. myB. newC. your() 4. A. thatsB. itsC. this() 5. A. crayonB. drinkC. cake二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分) () () () () ()三、听录音,选出你所听到句子的答语。(10分)() 1. A. Its over there.B. Its a rubber.() 2. A. This is my ruler.B. No, it isnt.() 3. A. Its nice.B. No, thank you.() 4. A. Thank you.B. Im sorry.() 5. A. Yes, Mr Green.B. Thank you, Mr Green.笔试部分(70分)四、看图,在四线三格内写出相应的单词或词组。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分)() 1. A. pencilB. penC. pencil caseD.library() 2. A. pieB. crayonC. cakeD.ice cream() 3. A. redB. rubberC. rulerD.crayon() 4. A. thisB. thatC. itD.robot() 5. A. yourB. IC. sheD.he六、单项选择。(8分)() 1. This isnt pencil. A. IB. youC. my() 2. Dont listen to the. A. doorB. blackboardC. parrot() 3. Whats over there? A. thatB. itC. this () 4. my schoolbag?Its over there. A. WhatsB. WheresC. What七、情景交际。(8分)() 1. 你想知道那是不是杨玲的尺子,你可以对她说: A. Is this your ruler?B. Is that your ruler?() 2. 你发现桌子上的橡皮不是你的,你可以说: A. This is my rubber.B. This isnt my rubber. () 3. 外面很冷,你可以对别人说: A. Please close the window.B. Please open the window.() 4. 你想知道苏阳的午餐盒在哪里,你可以问她: A. Wheres your lunch box?B. Is this your lunch box?八、根据图片选出符合图意的句子或对话。(12分)A. Is this your pencil?B. Is this your pen?() 1. A. This is my ball.B. This is my robot.() 2. A. Is that your pencil?Yes, it is.B. Is that your pencil case?Yes, it is.() 3. A. This milk is for you.B. This cake is for you.() 4. 九、选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分)A. that B. pencil case C. it isnt D. not E. lunch boxA: Good morning. Look, whats 1. over there?B: Is that a 2. ?A: I dont know. Lets go and see. (我不知道。让我们去看看。)B: Oh, its 3. a lunch box. Its a red pencil case.A: Is this your 4. ?B: No, 5. . My pencil case is yellow.十、根据汉语意思完成句子。(12分)1. 这不是我的钢笔。This my pen.2. 它在那里。Its .3. 那是你的午餐盒吗? that your lunch box?4. 这个蛋糕是给你的。This cake is you.5. 蜡笔在哪里? is the crayon?6. 是的,它是。Yes, it .参考答案一、听录音, 选出你所听到的内容。1. crayons2. wheres3. your4. this5. cake二、听录音, 给下列图片排序。1. Thats a nice pen.2. This isnt my schoolbag.3. Please dont eat here.4. Is that your pencil?5. Is this your ruler?三、听录音, 选出你所听到句子的答语。1. Wheres your pencil?2. Is that your ruler?3. Would you like a cake?4. Dont shout, please.5. This rubber is for you.一、1. A2. A3. C4. C5. C二、41532三、1. A2. B3. B4. B5. B四、1. schoolbag2. rubber3. crayon4. pencil case5. ruler五、1. D2. B3. A4. D5. A六、1. C2. C3. A4. B七、1. B2. B3. A4. A八、1. A2. A3. B4. B九、1. A2. E3. D4. B5. C十、1. isnt2. over there3. Is4. for 5. Where6. is
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