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嘉兴英语教学网 www.jxenglish.com 收集整理 欢迎使用英语:难辨动词选择80例1. He _ me to give up smoking. A. hopes B. suggests C. advises D. makes2. They _ him working all day long. A. had B. made C. forced D. obliged3. He is too young to _ right from wrong. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell4. At last he _ worker. A. became B. turned C. changed D. grew5. The peasants are _ good seeds for the coming spring. A. picking out B. choosing C. selecting D. choosing from6. When did you _ yesterday? A. arrive B. reach C. get D. get to7. How long will it _ you do the job? A. cost B. spend C. last D. take8. Its too cold to _ the engine. A. begin B. start C. ride D. drive9. Will you take part in the meeting to be _ next week?A. held B. taken place C. had D. happened10. Who _ the new world? A. invented B. made C. discovered D. uncovered11. Need I help you? Yes, you _. A. need B. may C. must D. should12. The Peoples Republic of China was _ in 1949. A. found B. founded C. built up D. put up13. He is _ as our best friend. A. thought B. looked C. considered D. regarded14. When did you _ his letter? A. hear from B. receive C. accept D. hear15. A new look has _ in China in the last few years. A. broken out B. taken place C. happened D. taken on16. She is _ her best clothes today. A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on D. having on17. Will you _ me a few minutes? A. share B. spare C. save D. spend18. He _ from his seat. A. rose B. stood c. got D. raised19. Trains _ more people than buses. A. take B. carry C. fetch D. bring20. Loud noises can _ people mad. A. drive B. turn C. cause D. have21. _ while the iron is hot. A. Strike B. Hit C. Beat D. Knock22. I found a wallet _ on the ground. A. laying B. lying C. lay D. lie23. I havent _ his letter yet. A. written B. answered C. replied D. returned 24. They _ the different parts into one. A. united B. connected C. joined D. linked25. He got _ in the battle. A. hurt B. harmed C. injured D. wounded26. Will you _ me the favour to put on the coat? A. do B. make C. give D. have27. Who _ it be? It must be Mary. A. must B. can C. should D. may28. He _ his way put when the film was over. A. did B. found C. made D. took29. Did you _ the concert yesterday? A. attend B. join on C. join D. have30. It is well _ to all that China is a large country. A. said B. told C. known D. reported31. We _ the apple into three parts. A. separated B. split C. parted D. divided32. China _ a large population. A. covers B. takes C. has D. makes33. They were _ busy working all day long. A. made B. kept C. had D. let34. I have been searching for my _ key. A. missed B. lost C. gone D. disappeared35. How I _ I were a happy bird. A. hope B. wish C. want D. expect36. _ your child here next time. A. Take B. Fetch C. Get D. Bring37. The boy _ an apology for being late. A. made B. asked C. expressed D. had38. Would you like to _ and have a cup of tea? A. call on B. visit C. drop in D. see39. She decided to _ her studies at home. A. continue B. go on C. keep on D. have40. It is hard for them to _ a good job. A. look for B. find out C. find D. discover41. Can you _ her becoming a bus driver? A. think B. imagine C. expect D. believe42. Youve changed a lot. I can hardly _ you at first. A. know B. remember C. find out D. recognize43. Weve _ friends for many years. A. been B. become C. made D. promised44. He asked me to _ him a helping hand. A. lend B. borrow C. make D. get45. We dont _ smoking here. A. admit B. allow C. agree D. let46. I am _ that a film will be shown tonight. A. said B. told C. spoken D. reported47. Many comrades _ in the battle. A. dropped B. fell C. lost D. killed48. Did you _ milk in my tea? A. get B. place C. put D. drop49. Eggs _ bad easily in summer. A. go B. become C. are D. change50. He didnt come to the party though he had _ to. A. invited B. promised C. allowed D. permitted51. The building is not _ yet. A. finished B. ended C. done D. completed52. The man is hard to _ with. A. deal B. do C. go D. meet53. Hes _ sixty this year. A. got B. reached C. had D. arrived54. Im _ her off. A. watching B. looking C. seeing D. noticing55. Our life _ poor. A. stays B. remains C. keeps D. continues56. He _ himself between Jack and tom. A. was seated B. sat C. seated D. was sat57. I _ my key at home. A. forgot B. lost C. left D. missed58. I _ to persuade him not to smoke, but failed. A. tried B. managed C. had D. had got59. He _ the children going into the rice field. A. stopped B. kept C. forbade D. warned60. He _ on his back. A. l
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