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Table of ContentsAbstract in English.1Key Words in English .1Abstract in Chinese1Key Words in Chinese .2.Introduction.3. Problem3. Reasons.31. The differences of the concept of value.61.1 Individualism vs. Collectivism61.2 Centralization vs. Decentralization.71.3 Long-term vs. Short-term orientation.82. The differences of the thinking model.92.1 Synthesis vs. Analysis.92.2 Line model vs. Spiral model.112.3 Indistinct model vs. Accurate model.11. Solution.121. Before the negotiation.132. In the negotiation .133. After the negotiation.13Conclusion.14Appendix .15Bibliography.17 共17页,全文共4550字On Inefficient Cross-cultural Business Negotiation between China and AmericanAbstract Since China entered into the WTO, the business between China and American is more frequent than past and the business negotiation also increases continuously. Due to the cultural difference between China and American, there are lots of differences between Chinese and American when they meet the same matter. Also they may solve the same problem with different way. Thus, how to make the efficient communication in the business negotiation is an essential problem. Only if we increasingly know the cultural difference and realize the difference of the concept and the thinking model between two countries, could we reduce the inefficient cross-cultural communication in the business negotiation. This article will analyze the problem that is caused by the inefficient cross-cultural communication and the reason that causes the inefficient cross-cultural communication. Then, the article will relatively propose solution to the inefficient cross-cultural communication in the negotiation.Key words: business negotiation, the inefficient cross-cultural communication, cultural difference 摘 要随着中国加入WTO, 中美贸易活动变得更加的频繁。商务谈判也日益增多。由于中美文化不同,中国人和美国人在看待同样的问题时,可能存在着很多的不同,处理问题的方式也不尽相同。所以,如何在商务谈判中进行有效的沟通就显得非常重要。因此只有加强对中美双方文化差异的了解,认识到两者的价值观,思维方式等不同的现状,并以此作为相互交流的基础,才能减少商务谈判中的无效沟通,使商务活动顺利进行。因此,本文将分析无效沟通在商务谈判中所造成的问题和导致无效沟通的原因,并提出相应的解决建议。关键词:商务谈判 无效沟通 文化差异. IntroductionWith the development of the economical integration and globalization, the international trade has been a universal business activity in China. The business with the American that is the biggest partner of China becomes increasingly frankly. In the process of business between China and American, business negotiation is regarded as more and more important because it often affects whether the business could succeed. As we know, business negotiation can not be separated from culture. Business negotiation is a series of actions and the culture is a lubricant to the process. Only knowing about other countrys culture will bring about the efficient cross-cultural communication in business negotiation. On the contrary, neglecting the cultural difference will lead to the inefficient cross-cultural communication of the business negotiation.Thus, we should define the concept of the “culture” and the “international business negotiation” firstly. Culture is defined as a complex matter including knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom and other capabilities acquired by people as a member of society. And international business negotiation is a consultative process between government, trade organizations, multinational enterprise, private business firms and buyers and sellers in relation to investment and import and export of products, machinery and equipments and technology. It is one of the important steps taken towards completing import and export trade agreement. Through these two definitions, we could see the culture has great influence for the international business negotiation further. Form the definitions, we could know the international business negotiation exists between organizations of different countries to negotiate some matters and every nation in the world has its unique culture. All the nations have not only commonality but also individuality in their culture, China and American re no exception, so cultural difference could bring barriers and problems in the business negotiation. Thus, it is essential for the success of trade between China and American to know other nations culture, find out the cultural difference, use the correct negotiation strategies and try the best to minimize inefficient cross-cultural communication in the business negotiation.In order to minimize the ineffi
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