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动物:猫:Cat 狗:Dog 熊:Bear 虎:Tiger 龙:dragon 蛇:Snake 猴子:Monkey 兔子:Rabbit 熊猫:Panda 蜜蜂:Bee 老鼠:Mouse 蜘蛛:Spider 鸭子:Duck 火鸡:Turkey 狐狸:Fox 小鸟:Bird 马:Horse 牛:Cow 母鸡:Hen 猪:Pig 狼:Wolf 狮子:Lion 青蛙:Frog 羊羔:Lamb 猫头鹰:Owl 蚂蚁:Ant 乌鸦:Crow 蛤蟆:Toad 鸽子:Pigeon 鳄鱼:Crocodile 毛驴:Donkey 鱼:Fish 大象:Elephant 长劲鹿:Giraffe 龙虾:lobster 海狮:sea lion 海豚:Dolphin鲨鱼:Shark 鲸鱼:whale hweil 斑马:Zebra 蜗牛:Snail 蜥蜴:Lizard 章鱼:Octopus植物及水果:树:Tree 玫瑰花:Rose 花:Flower 水果:Fruit 梨:Pear 桃:Peach 苹果:Apple 香蕉:Banana 西瓜:Watermelon 樱桃:Cherry 芒果:Mango 葡萄:Grape 柠檬:Lemon 草莓:Strawberry 李子:Plum 菠萝:Pineapple 橙子:Orange食品:蜂蜜:Honey 蛋糕:Cake 糖:Candy 面包:Bread 面条:Noodle 巧克力:Chocolate 冰淇淋:Ice cream 披萨:Pizza 派:Pie 汉堡:Hamburg 烤牛肉:roast beef 饼干:cookie 糖果屋:Candy shop 棒棒糖:lollipop 棉花糖:Cotton candy泡泡糖:Bubble gum 颜色:黑:Black 白:White 绿:Green 黄:Yellow 紫:Purple 红:Red 粉红:Pink 灰:Gray 褐色、棕:Brown 橙色:Orange 蓝:Blue 天蓝色:Celeste 彩虹色:Rainbow 自然:雨:Rain 太阳:Sun 彩虹:Rainbow 水:Water 雷:thunder 打雷:thundering闪电:lightning 风:Wind 春:Spring 夏:Summer 秋:Autumn 美国用Fall 冬:Winter January February March April May June July August September October November December动作:跑:Run 走:Walk 跳:Jump 单脚跳 Hop 发射:Pop 吃:Eat 上:Up 下:Down 开:Open 关:Close 饥饿:Hungry 拍手:Clap your hands 摇晃身体:Shake your body触摸肩膀:touch your shoulder 懒惰的:Lazy 起床:get up 身体:眼睛:Eye 身体:Body 头:Head 肩膀:Shoulder 胃: Tummy 腿:Leg鼻子:Nose 嘴:Mouth 耳朵:Ear 手指:Finger 手:Hand 其它:锤子:Hammer 烟囱:Chimney 门:Door 窗子:Window 墙:Wall 铅笔:Pencil 书包:Backpack 纸:Paper 船:Boat 钟:Clock 剪刀:scissors sizz 胶水:Glue 正方形:square 长方形:rectangle 圆圈:circle 三角形:triangle句子:What is your name? How old are you? What time is it? What do you do? What do you want to be? Whats the weather like today?What color is it? What are you doing? How much is that dog? How many ears do you have? Which book do you like?Cant catch meCome with me to the fruit shop where is Master?
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