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工商管理学院管理学课程中英文简介Management课程代码:020013ACourse Code:020013A课程名称:管理学Course Name:Management学 时:48Periods:48学 分:3Credits:3考核方式:考试Assessment:Examination先修课程:无Preparatory Courses:None管理学是经济、管理类专业的专业基础课程和核心课程,是一门系统地研究管理过程的普遍规律、基本原理和一般方法的科学。本课程详细讲解了计划、组织、领导与控制等管理职能的客观规律和实施方法。课程采用课堂教学、科研和实践活动一体化的教学方式,以课堂教学为主,科研和社会实践活动为辅,加强学生对管理学理论和知识的理解和认识,增强学生参与管理实践的意识。本课程的任务是使学生能够系统地掌握管理学的知识体系,能综合运用管理学的基本理论和方法,并分析和解决管理中的实际问题,为后续专业课程的学习奠定管理学基础。Management, the basic and core discipline of economics and management students, is a science which systematically studies the universal law, basic principles and general methods of the management process. This course teaches the objective laws and methods of the management functions in details, such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling etc. In order to strengthen the students understanding of the managements theory and knowledge and enhance awareness of participating in the management practices, the course uses a teaching method including classroom teaching, researching and social practicing. Classroom teaching is the main part, while others are auxiliary. This courses target is to enable students to master the managements knowledge system, to apply basic theories and methods, to analyze and solve practical problems in management and lay a good management foundation for follow-up study of major disciplines.管理学(双语)课程中英文简介Management(double-language)课程代码:020023ACourse Code:020023A课程名称:管理学(双语)Course Name:Management(double-language)学 时:48Periods:48学 分:3Credits:3考核方式:考试Assessment:Examination先修课程:经济学Preparatory Courses:Economics教学目标:本课程是工商管理专业(实验班)的学科基础课,它通过传授管理学的基本概念、基本理论和基本方法,使学生掌握管理的基本规律,具备管理者的基本素质和技能,为进一步学习专业管理课程和从事管理工作奠定基础。同时,使学生具备阅读英文管理文献和用英语进行管理沟通的能力,为进一步学习其它双语专业管理课程、出国深造和培养国际化管理人才奠定基础。基本内容:管理的层次、职能、角色和技能;古典学派、行为学派、数量学派、系统学派、权变学派;企业系统及其环境、企业社会责任;计划的层次、过程和方法;决策的类型、过程和群体决策;组织过程、部门化、职权、集中化和非正式组织;直线职能、事业部、矩阵、团队和网络组织形式;组织文化与变革;激励理论与方法;领导理论;控制作用和过程。Teaching Goals: The course is the subject course of Business Administration Major(Test Class). It aims at making students master basic rules of management, have basic quality and skills as a manager, by teaching basic concepts, basic theory and basic methods of management, so it can lay down the foundation for learning other professional managerial courses and doing managerial jobs. At the same time, it can make students have the ability of reading English materials and managerial communication in English,and lay down the foundation for learning other double-language professional managerial courses, going aboard for study, and training international managerial talents.Basic content: Managerial levels, functions, roles and skills; Management thought of classical schools, behavioral school, quantitative school, system school, contingency school and quality school; Enterprise system and the environment, enterprise social responsibility; The levels, process and ways of planning; The types and process of making decision, group decision-making; The organizing process, departmentalization, authority, centralization and informal organization; Functional, divisional, matrix, team, and network organization structural forms; Organizational culture and change; Human motivation theories and methods; Leadership theories; Purpose and process.of controlling. 市场营销学课程中英文简介Marketing 课程代码(Course Code):020033A/020043A/020033B/020032A/020032B/ 课程名称:市场营销学Course Name:Marketing 学 时:48/32Periods:48/32 学 分:3/2Credits:3/2 考核方式:考试/考查Assessment:Examination/inspetion 先修课程:管理学Preparatory Courses:Management经济学Economics市场营销学是一门建立在经济科学、行为科学和现代管理理论基础之上,研究以满足顾客消费需求为中心的企业市场营销活动及其规律性的应用学科。它是经济管理各专业学生必须学习和掌握的一门专业基础课。通过本课程的教学,使学生比较全面系统地了解市场营销学的基本理论、方法和策略,熟悉和掌握企业市场营销活动的运作过程和管理环节;树立以顾客为中心的现代营销观念,并且能够灵活运用市场营销原理和方法发现、分析和解决现实企业营销活动中的实际问题,逐步提高学生市场营销管理能力,为进一步学习其他专业课程以及毕业后能够适应市场营销管理工作打下良好的基础。本课程的主要内容包括:市场营销的产生与发展,市场营销的核心概念及各种营销观念、顾客满意、市场营销环境及市场购买行为分析,市场营销信息系统与市场调研、市场细分与目标市场的选择,市场竞争战略、营销组合策略、市场营销管理以及市场营销理论的最新发展等。Marketing is an applicable course that is based on the economics, behavioral science and modern management theories and studies the marketing activities of the enterprises centering on meeting the consuming demands of the customers and the rule of those activities. Its a compulsory course for the economic management major students. The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental theories, methods and strategies of marketing thoroughly and systematically and help students familiar with the operating process and master managing skills in marketing activities of the enterprises, to establish the consumer-centered modern marketing concept among the students and develop their ability of marketing management and of discovering, analyzing and solving practical marketing problems by applying the marketing principles and methods flexibly so as to establish a sound foundation for their further study in other courses and for their work after graduation
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