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百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我词汇1. Whether they are republics or con stituti onal mon archies, it is gover nment age ncies putting into practice legislative acts that represent the will of the people.2. While the executive, legislative, and judicialbra nches are separate and disti net in the Un ited States, all sides struggle to in flue nce the others.3. Most of what an executive does is to man age exist ing programs, to run the bureaucracy.4. These appo in tees, while fun cti oning as top man agers sig ni fica nt man ageme nt responsibilities, are seldom professional managers and seldom think of themselves as man ageme nt experts.5. These middle managers, despite their disparity in functions and technical backgr oun ds, largelyc on ti nue the man ageme nt specialty of public adm ini strati on.6. They spend their working lives fighting as officers in the administrative wars started by their political leaders.7. Mickey Mouse is ofte n used to mea n red tape, the symbol of excessive formality and atte ntio n to rout ine.8. Organi zati on create and retain such seem in glyigid“ practices and features ” bthey promote efficiency and equity on the whole-even though this may not be true in manyin dividual cases.9. Although he ended as the chief of staff of the . Army, he is on nobody s lisgen erals.10. If you want to be a leading actor, you must only playleading parts- “ much better toplay Hamlet in Denver tha n Laertes on Broadway.”#百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我11. Often this calls for the creation of organizations, public agencies, and bureaus,which in turn need to create more policies that give guidanee to the organizationsemployees on how to put into practice the overall public policy.12. Their democracy consisted of rule by an elite group of male citizens, whose well-being was maintained by politically suppressed women and a large slave population (which was not a desirable situation if you were a woman and worse if you were a slave).13. In a democracy the people meet and exercise the government in person; in a republic, they assemble an dadm ini ster it by their represe ntatives and age nts.14. Because of the n ecessities of both hot and cold wars, the Preside nt has bee nunusually strong vis-a -vis the Congress.15. As Aristotle had warned, time and again throughout history these pure democracies had been captured by demagogues and had degenerated into dictatorial tyra nni es.16. After all, it has the greatest number of enumerated powers and the executive and judicial bran ches must en force its laws.17. He was disdainful of those who asserted the presenee of a“ residuum of powerwhen he clearly saw none.18. A preside nt, accord ing to this view, could at least for a short while eve nassumedictatorial powers.19. However, whe n rece nt Preside nts have sought extraord inary powers, eve n with claims of national security and executive privilege, they have been checked by the Supreme Court.20. The important thing to remember is that this theory of executive power is quietly reserved to support the efforts of a leader who sees the nation through in a time of crisis, or, alternately, it lurks in the hands of an unprincipled opportunist or demagogue to stifle republica n in stitutio ns.21. A constitution provides the basic political and legal structure, the architecture, which prescribes the rules by which a gover nment operates.22. Only the realm of foreig n affairs has substa ntially escaped this tenden cy, although the war on terror has increasingly brought back questions of the rights of prisoners to the America n courts.23. Un like the British parliame ntary mach inery of gover nment that evolved over hundreds of years, the American machinery was created at one moment in time for its specific purpose.24. The Court unanim ously declared its support for red tape, the treasured procedural safeguardsthat protect us even when we do wish to be protected, andthe law s delay.25. While the inefficiency of the separation of powers is to be highly valued for its protecti on of basic liberties, this is no excuse for in dividual age ncies to be in efficie nt as orga ni zatio n.26. This is an institution whose existenee rests on custom rather than constitutional provision, even though its chief members, the secretaries of the federal executive departme nts, must be approved by the Sen ate.27. The American machinery of government, which requires cabinet secretaries to be resp on sible both to the Preside nt and the Con gress(with its competi ng in terests) makes that virtually impossible.28. Some Preside nts havec onvened their cab inet on ly for the most formal and routi ne matters, while others have relied on it for advice and support.29. While all cabinet secretaries are equal in rank and salary, the missions of those inthe inner cab inet tend to give them an adva ntagei n prestige, access, and visibility denied to those who head the rest of, or t
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