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浙江省绍兴县杨汛桥镇年秋七年级英语上册UnitDoyouWanttogotomovie教案人教新目标版浙江省绍兴县杨汛桥镇2012年秋七年级英语上册Unit 9 Do you Want to go to movie教案2 人教新目标版 (The 1st period Section A 1a-2c) Teaching aims (教学目标) 1、learn to talk about preference (学会谈论自己的爱好) 2、learn to ask about others preference (学会询问他人的 爱好) Language points(语言点) 1、要求掌握以下句式: (1)-Do you want to go to a movie? -Yes, I do. I want to go to an action movie. (2)-What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies and comedies. 2、要求掌握以下词汇: 带*的词可以提前,为第(1) types of movies: action movie, thriller, comedy, 二课时做些铺垫,另外*documentary, *opera (Beijing Opera) 鼓励优秀学生在预习的(2) romance, movie 基础上能学会使用。 3、Difficult points:(难点) (1)Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to go to an action movie. Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习) (1) T: Hi, class! How are you today? S: Fine, thank you. T: But whats the weather like today? 热身部分可以做些星S: Fine, too. 期、日期等交流,既可T: Oh, yes. Its a fine day today. Do you like the 以将学生引入英语世weather? 界,又可以分解以后的 S: Yes. I can play ball games. 知识难点。以天气引入 T: (转向另一生) Do you want to play ball games, too? “Do you want?” S1: Yes, I do. (学生回答有困难,教师帮助并加点头,摇头肢体动作。) T: What kind of ball games do you like? (用动作或图片对话中出现Do you want 提示) to ,和What kind S: I like (回答可多种,但最终引导学生到movie这个话of do you like?的题上来。) 新句型,学生回答可能1 T: Do you want to go to a movie? (show a movie poster or 有点困难。教师可帮助a picture) 学生回答并加肢体动S: Yes, we do.(如学生回答有困难,教师帮助。) 作。建议回答五、六组T: OK, lets watch it. 学生。 (2) Presentation(呈现新知识) T: Please watch the films and then say the names out.(放板书movie 录像片断,让学生根据画面说出电影名字。) 没有多媒体,可以用电 S:卧虎藏龙 影广告或图片。 T: Yes. Its English name is Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. What kind of movie is this? Its an action movie. 以同样方式教授 板书 “Crouching Romeo and Luliet tragedy 悲剧片 Tiger Hidden Finding Neom cartoon 卡通片 Dragon”, action Spiderman science fiction 科幻片 movie. 并叫学生猜测Titanic romance 爱情片 action movie的意思。Mr Bean comedy 喜剧片 如学生有困难,可用动thriller 恐怖片 Massacre作、表情表示或用中文The Palace Museum documentary 纪录片 提示。 T: Here are some classic movie dialogues. Can you tell us the kinds of movies,(根据录音对白,说出该电影的类别。) Please listen.(如指环王,沉默的羔羊等) 可以适当拓展电影种类S: 名称: 2. Work on 1a(完成P53 1a)(放大图片) cartoon, science T: There are some posters on P54. Can you match the kinds fiction of movies with the posters? 或S: What kind of movie is Poster A? 1S: Action movie. 2Answers: 1. action movie _a_ 2. comedy _c_ 3. documentary _d_ 4. thriller _b_ 给学生一分钟时间来完3. Work on 1b (完成P53 1b) 成此项任务或以同桌学T: Now listen and circle the kinds of movies in activity 生问答形式完成。 1a you hear. T: Now lets check the answers. 2 These words should be circled: action movie, comedy. 播放磁带两遍,让学生单独或对子,也可以让Tapescript 四人小组为单位讨论答Boy: Do you want to go to a movie? 案。 Girl: Yeah, I do. Boy: Do you want to go to an action movie? Girl: No, I dont. I want to go to a comedy. 4. Work on 1c(完成P53 1c) T: From this dialogue, we know this girl wants to go to a movie. She doesnt want to go to an action movie. She wants to go to a comedy. But what about you? T: Do you want to go to a movie? S: Yes, I do. I want to see . Do you want to go to a comedy? 1She doesnt want to / S: Yes, I do. I want to see .Do you want to see a thriller? 2She wants to在这课S3: No, I dont. I want to see. 里不作要求,目的只是让学生先熟悉一下,为5. Work on 2a(完成P54 2a) 以后的学习作铺垫。 T: I know everyone likes movies. But different people have different ideas. What about my friends Ben and Sally? Now 在这部分里,可采用S1listen to their conversation. Number the kinds of movies in 问S,S问S,S问S,22334the order you hear them. 或两人一组编对话。 Answers 3 comedies 1 action movies 2 documentaries 4 thrillers 播放录音两遍,给学生 一分钟时间完成。有困Tapescript 难的学生,可两人一组Ben: Do you want to go to an action movie? 或四人一组完成此项任Sally: No, I dont like action movies. 务。 Ben: What kind of movies do you like? Sally: I like documentaries. What kind of movies do you like? 3 Ben: I like documentaries too, and comedies. I dont like thrillers. Sally: You dont? Ben: No. Theyre scary. 6. Work on 2b(完成P54 2b) T: Listen to this conversation again. Draw under the kinds of movies Ben and Sally like, and draw under the kinds of movies they dont like, and draw ? for “I dont know.” Answers comedies action documentaries thrillers movies Ben ? Sally ? ? 播放录音两遍,检查答7. Work on 2c (完成P54 2c) SURVEY 案。有困难的同学二人组内做个调查,用What kind of movies do you like?问,一组或四人一组完成此然后做个汇报。 项。 Names Kind of movies Jim action movie Lily Lucy e.g. S: Our group has four students. Two like action movies. 8. Homework. Oral work(口头作业) (1) Listen (1a, 2a) and recite the dialogues. Written work(笔头作业) (1) Write a short essay.(根据组内调查情况,写一篇小短文。) 4 Unit 9 DO YOU WANT TO GO TO A MOVIE? (The 2nd period Section A 3a-4) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1、go on talking about preference (继续谈论自己的爱好) 2、go on asking about others preference (继续询问他人的爱 好) Language points(语言点) 1、要求掌握以下句式: (1) I like thrillers an
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