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2019中考英语阅读理解选习题(6)及答案Passage A(2019中考科普环保类选练)Every year when the Italian artist Michelangelos (14751564) birthday comes around, computer users all over the world are filled with fear(恐惧) and use their computers with care。 Some may even choose not to turn on their computers on March 3rd。 All this fear and care are just because a deadly computer virus is expected to cause damages(伤害)on that day。 Whats a computer virus then? Why do people get so afraid of it?A computer virus is, in fact, a little program that is put into other programs and that does something bad。 It is called a virus because, like any real life viruses such as AIDS virus, it reproduces (繁殖) itself。 And when these programs are run, the virus is brought to life。 It hides itself in your computer system waiting for the right moment to make damages。 And at the same time it keeps producing itself by copying itself onto other programs。 The Michelangelo virus waits until the artists birthday comes around, and then it will wake up to do very bad things like destroying you files。(文件)So next time when you turn on your computer, look out for computer viruses!1。 A computer virus is a kind of 。 A。 famous persons birthday B。 deadly disease C。 unsafe game D。 dangerous program2。 Computer users fear viruses because A。 they can bring users bad luck B。 they can cause damages to the users C。 they may do great harm to computers D。 they can change the programs in all computers 3。 It seemed that 。 A。 a computer virus will appear each time you turn on your computer B。 a computer virus is given to the computer by an Italian artist C。 a computer virus will appear at the right time D。 a computer virus can never be got rid of by human beings4。 From the passage we know 。 A。 many people fear computers because of the viruses B。 a computer virus is just the same as a real life virus。 C。 Michelangelo was born on March 3rd D。 the artist Michelangelo was a bad person5。 In the last paragraph, the writer suggests that we should A。 look for computer viruses B。 wait for the artists birthday to comeC。 be careful of computer viruses D。 not turn on our computers参考答案DCCCC Passage B中考英语阅读理解分类练习:健康保健类Have you heard of “Kong Nao”? A new word appears on the Internet recently。 In fact, it refers to some passengers who behave badly by plane and could endanger flight safety。 On December 11, on the airline flight from Bangkok Thailand to Nanjing, two tourists conflicted with an air attendant。 The male tourist poured garbage in the aisle(过道) and said something bad to the flight attendant。 The female tourist threw a whole cup of hot water over the flight attendant。 At last the plane was forced to turn back。 On January 10, 2015, a passenger on Flight MU2036 opened an emergency exit without permission because of dissatisfaction with the flight delay。 At last the plane was forced to turn back。 These things not only affect the normal order of flight but also have a bad international influence。 The improvement of living standards means more Chinese can take a plane。 But many of them dont behave well in public。 A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the worlds second worst tourists after Americans。 If you want to change those bad behaviors and become a civilized passenger, remember to avoid the followings:Dont spit in public or throw away trashes here and there。Never cut in line or snatch bus seats。Dont laugh or speak loudly。Dont take off shoes or smoke in public。Say something polite and do something civilized。 Whenever and wherever you are, you need to respect others。 In this way, youll win compliments(称赞) for yourself。【小题1】Why do more and more Chinese people take the plane? ABecause Chinese people want to see more of the world。BBecause taking the plane is more and more popular around the world。CBecause of the growth in the industry and the improvement of living standards。DBecause Chinese people do better and better in public manners。【小题2】_ were reported the worst by Living Social website in March 2012。 AChineseBThaisCPhuketersDAmericans【小题3】What does the underlined phrases “air attendant” mean? A空姐B护士C船长D经理【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A“Kong Nao” refers to some passengers with good behaviors。BChinese travelers should stop such bad manners as speaking loudly。CFour pieces of advice are mentioned to become a civilized visitor。DOn December 11, 2014, the airline flight had to return because of weather。Passage CIn almost every big university(大学)in the United States, football is a favourite sport。 American football is different。 Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it。 They try to take it to th
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