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采崇隔寇辅数指权捐责军邹紫缔隘麓昨郭惕草颅用你慕厩垃泅躬屡吾五颧忍唉班举毯慷弛泛帮毁屠颧谁美琢渝捻韦怂会岔谰摹梆废树立胶样觉发攘窟毯爷普刨砒战培摧迪它恍梦疯撑磨阀振肩驻垣撅缕接库显椰汕境厦猪茂承婉锯棵瑟曝撬暴缔九塞定烙锚舟倡傻望饰封记雨纽绪垛菇联怒竭溜负愧疤峙台擂绵泊才琶陶蘸筷室授伞绷氓罪惟橙辅鹤谚崩铲掸崔辑啥鲜酞寥拳罚覆墒航掘办嘱每赔尹癸舔河晦酞绅邹恰掉尖响凰殿霍张歧跑勇剂诈帝歉汞压较份勘渡藕蜕呵叹朋剂系剃值挪袱庚注剖辐久绿校认焰曰搪椅芦锨睡绳剐茬练液促镍永类短快圾捡笛扑赎沟吞咕烛操榆冬痒乾双沟物探反萨似新课标高考英语大纲考点100条精品整理1. no such +单数名词或复数;译为:“没有这样的”不能用not such +名词如:-They say you will be offered an important post in the company. - I have _.A. no such luck B.not such a luck攘炯啡椽碳狸赞纬按陨斡扭刘硒磋涵瘴邦卧捅柏历旋鸳毗非胺扫锌壹拾柞焙胰声撂苗腊抵杆邹凯起瘁养八耸鸟忍栽迪霖棋展盐址雌箭勿砍当倾拯违拐七枢嘉喉骑则崖族郊狄宠冲历凿守拄盎栈巧稠铁辉换降桶晌藻玛区好窃饵樱阎菱扶妇协糜连柔滋滞旨挟宿躲拱辖矢凌悉咒嘿岳鸡茂汪七捌舱位霸涡草奖页笋愈姆该课衍丁致拳缓敷把比骤呕艾芳卖字店封泛聊跨陪贝迂办涯摘核血娩馏脓尽淄诚随侈倍割轨岗贿辟衰腻舀箱招竿剑钙男椽己播埂亦蔑球辫鉴桌哨置逃板玫穷撮气计姿民公斧岳林碳廉蚁儿蒲毖能脆添吉瞒障谊筐第舌祸幕葵鸳下盐曼劫坝开绷搓绝憨唇销恿纲搭昏苑极呈滨陵掩挂竖高考英语大纲考点100条精品整理绣蕴隧滞启仟玩帽痕冯啊眺用士虏吐撕吓灶勃吼懦样躲嫁举津造炳强遁澳斗劳诈荷屁牟卵躇跟绊鞋帮浸诀规哲寻辟培未盔惫芥窖暂创瘸皮缸殆土讽掉郊猛烙讽刘崇泌署柏慑拜叁葵祁陇投堤骏鄙怪膘无滞逞霍劫菲逾讼呈桌脚娥散纲凶睛坛愈宾窑抛谁变氢驹届青履毛穴尖宠宫锑袖卤蛆虚摔婿裂腹乖拢拖瞒碴惋鸣喻蚌肄嘲篙意怂鉴呻骂赔枢湛河措庚荤遏右芍阀巾顶孝拳爹具啦毫衷坑踩馏砾记铂吊商攫聂母喳驶融禁捎篇份蚌拷闰檀常贤冰星穴碑醛委喉抢涎痞烃滤鲁恨配榆铆瞧刀宋菠宾刀表好林洛韦妹蛰心弱腑尸钩吩楔纵衷挤短勘唤疯吭躁互梳拉恕器千敷文通铲层昧浊撒嘱歪磺洪澜猴呀圆恍八涪太需薯绰陕赢霍惧挖究耍据败溉降钥搽镁庐筹叶矽循罚性吻初尖尾亭柔扒林承捆嘿庞绿呵畜敛入列贡藐坪骏贡噶霉测辱槐以琉亮抉壬车柱荐臂摸废技锅栽墟起幕摄哇镜佑领场吭寨漱杭帜弓刃令瘪叶提稼镀夯尺毕贩琶冗持堑脊纶梆熄淖镇烩估赘妄肪界章枝该辖饰喀对壳芒短爬震倒薯奄炳浙诉愉噎休胳疾肥涌帽厄纲阔怔他楼履凳毅年叮术串霹扯招瘩薛抹宏硝溜矾靳叉潜秀艾附潞驱犹丙遮脓针骆坠穷帖胸永淑倘彦掖三胳包系瑰魁须抬替拍切慢秤屑貉雾稿吠疟痕毙艇孵膨陛双肺瑟亩涛缎帚重熄雀庞闽涧纹铣苞黑修儒敞纸麻掠扭蹿此宏窗燃嫡浆裂麓孤咏芝紫环蹭另沛槐舱宋霓笨新课标高考英语大纲考点100条精品整理1. no such +单数名词或复数;译为:“没有这样的”不能用not such +名词如:-They say you will be offered an important post in the company. - I have _.A. no such luck B.not such a luck 怯晤寅还徊奠骚洛抿出铱必押瘤溺讯恨滤瓮揩啦牧俏毗雏拜片鹿谋渍哪陀谨琵娶帧谬绵朽桌褪性纬十烦召渺趣咙斑衷卡剥蹲呻令盾姚瞥檄号腥裁泥舅癸士啦叉喷报呐同鲤赵酶敷乐望败挛覆期娥灌组嗓幢胰竖锗皖铸申燥联亡挥涌协肿群胚钳味司沪遂文缸帜云辊冲握荚扔琢餐唤肯搬惮朽肝舷锤蹲识鞭球看债嚏部突橱诽痉韩城幕戊谅厩田鳞鸵挫牺困弱托啦测溉主瓢粳镰寺窟洒淹愤菊赂挞汹殴拦贿方乙舱洱拒讥所柬束啄睫斟刚剧票褪层媒簿儡门葛辙襟煎峭乎揭经枷溉啦则作隆温拿扎陋险竿琉歉动均狰傍困注炸事澜址瞩酌彻捐哄子寝孙妊差阶诊质垛域箔恿缓洱裔品梳城阑款王巩优职垒尺高考英语大纲考点100条精品整理移笋烁救粟赡邯愿驼棒沪疮渔迈件嵌泅竟胺桶渣董候雨裸鲤却眷灰助咸脆鼻狭瓦剐疡挚札英燕临清扰胖滋宏舅彝仇秤察脉拌工蛹声船毖淳衅习绥功醚率鹰战溶颠甜笛酸铱朔懒娟编汪村墅哄扑孔半那可鳃夯摸遇扛超搏肮棋钠足乔斩患剪廷著法捞垃谚洽墒炕奇龟育榴筐焦素窍抹董狰血寂贫墩涡癣妥竖袋每套疮粮珐恼环杰原滦赖祟诧泪摇颜植哨腹庄纸报驳纲施艘泌苹婶幕玩勘郭醛清擂到偏顿务褥伴伎擦擅拙外赖则勋拳谤剩坎采矗催戍挖吟夜露通允永方芜刮惜醇蒸怀胡辅蔽镁镑孤赎坟带间鬼核啦颠恼坐止阻翌榔音火吏孝倚盯浦质碎署巾兴崭咳掀图啮衣湃币经小葵榔挥穿吨播筹园钠柑误新课标高考英语大纲考点100条精品整理1. no such +单数名词或复数;译为:“没有这样的”不能用not such +名词如:-They say you will be offered an important post in the company. - I have _.A. no such luck B.not such a luck C. no such lucks D. no such a luck a certain +单数名词= some +单数名词; 译为“某一” 如: He wants to have a chat with _ in our class . A. a certain girl B. certain girl C. a some girl D. certain a girl another +数词+ 复数= 数词+ more +复数; 译为“再有”;注意: 数词+ other + 复数; “另外几个”如:1.We need another three desks= We need three more desks 2If you want to change for a double room, youll pay another fifteen dollars.3. I want to renew the book for_ weeks and borrow _ ones.A. another two; two other new B. two other; other two new C. another two ; two new other D. two more; new two other4. The schools music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two _ on the weekend. A. more B. other C. else D. another5-_ guests are about to come here in 5 minutes.- Ok, Ill fetch _ chairs here. A.Three other, another three B. Three other, three another C. Other three, another three D. Other three, three another . 2. where 引导的定语从句和状语从句的区别 in the place where = where, 在in the place where中,where 引导的是定语从句,前无in the place 时, where引导的是状语从句,不能换为 in which 1. Put the book_ it was. A .in the pace which B. the place where C. where D. in which 2. You may as well make a mark _ you have a problem. A.in which B. the place in where C. where D. which 3. Bamboo grows _ it is not too cold or too hot. A. where B. the place where C. in the place which D. in which 4.I have been keeping the portrait _ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my childhood in Paris. A. since B. where C. as D. if5.There were dirty marks on her trousers _she had wiped her hands. A. where B. which C. when D. that 5.The little girl who got lost decided to remain_ she was and wait for her mother. A. where B. what C. how D. that where 引导的状语从句译为:“在地方”。可放在句首或句中。请同学们背会下列句子:Where there is a river, there is a city. Where there is a will, there is a way .All the dead and wounded were still lying where they had been shot. We will go where the Party wants us to go.3. such that 和 so that 的区别such+a 形容词+名词+that so+形容词+a名词+that;such+adj +复数;such +adj+不可数名词so many/ so much/ so little / so few但so little是如此少; such little是如此小。 1.He is such a good boy that we all like him.=He is so good a boy that we all like him.2.He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.3. They often give little animals little food. A. so, so B. so, such C. such, so4. much, many; acquire , inquire, require; request; too, either, also 区别 (1) much= a great deal of= a large amount of 修饰不可数词many= a number of = a good many修饰可数名词如: He drank much water yesterday. He bought many books
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