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平面UV光固机Fiat UV Curig Machine使用说明书Operation Instructions制造编号:HCH-503-1162ASeriai No.昆山瑞达工业自动化设备有限公司 1、 产品用途Product Usage:本产品主要用于对各种平面对象表面印刷后的UV油墨,胶水进行光固,HCH-201 fiat UV machine is mainty used for the curing of printed UVInb on various surfaces such as bothlcs and cylindrical articles.2、 产品特点Featnres 本产品采用封闭式结构、输送带传送方式,使用过程中,可根据对象大小和材技的不同,调整输送带速度和UV灯与对象的照射距离,以提高工件的光固效果。Sealed structure and conveyor transmission are adopted in this machine. Moreover, of conveyor speed/disance detween substrateand UV lighi can be adjusted according to tue size and material ofsubstrate in use so as to optimize the curing result产品底部装有风机,可随时将光固室内的热量排除,以延长灯管的使用寿命。 Heat in the chamber can be well let out through the excellent exhaust system at any time so that the lifetime of UV lamp can belengthened. 本机具有外形美丽、适用面广、光固效果好、质量可靠、使用安全、操作方便等优点。Lt is a mschine with wdvantages such as reliable quality,superb curing result, beautiful appearamce, and easy as well as safeoperation. 3、技术参数 Basic Technical Date:最大光固工件尺寸Max Curing size平面型:700*180mm(宽*高)Flat: 700*180mm(w*h)输送带速度范围Conveyor speed Range0-5m/min调速方式Speed Adjusting Methob电子无级调速Electronic stepless mode总功率Totai wattage26KW灯管功率Lamp wattage8kw*3风机风率Blower power supply750w/220v*2输送电机功率Conveyormotorpower snpply120w/1p/220v外形尺寸DimensionsL3000*W850*H1750mm1、 电压表(ameter)2、 速度调节(speed.adj.)3、 UV1定时器(UV1 timer) 4、 UV1启动/停止(UV1 start/stop)5、 UV2定时器(UV2timer)6、 UV2启动/停止(UV2 start/stop)7、 电源指示(pilot.lamp) 8、 工作指示(work indi cate)9、 电源开(power.on)10、 电源关(power.off)11、 温控仪(temperapure control)V、使用方法Operation Metlod1、 接通电源将输送带开关拨至开的位置,调速器旋扭调整运行速度,使输送带达到工作理想速度;Turn on the power and start the conveyor,use the speed Controller to achieve proper speed.2、 按下UV启动按钮,UV灯管点亮,灯管亮度逐渐加强,从点亮到工作状态有预热设置时间。在预热时间内,风机不工作,灯管功率切换不执行。Press the UV START button to light the UV lamp,and it starts Reating.Before resding finished,fan dose not work,and lamp power not witchblade.3、 预热时间完成,风机开始运转,进行抽风散热,灯管功率自动转至操作面板所设定的功率檔,可根据被固化之工件的要求对灯管高度进行调节.When reading finished,fan start to discgarge heat. Lamp start To Work at preset poreset level;the light nee is adjustable according tothe Requirement of the object. 4、 UV系统总功率为24kW,启动状态为全功率,若需使用半光功率(12KW),可将操作面板2、4亮度调节开关拨至全光檔,灯管功率将切换至全光工作状态。当按下UV停止按钮,UV电源关闭,灯管熄灭。Thetotal power of the UV system is 24KW,when press UV start,itworks at full power and full light,when switch to half light,it works at half power (12KW).when press UV STOP,the power and lamp off.5、将工作印刷面向上放置,经输送带送入光固室内,经过UV照射,此时要注意调整好输送带的输送速度。Place the object face UP on the conveyor bect,the ovject isconveyd Into the cabinet for UV curing. The conveyor should beadjusted toproper speed luring the porcess. 6、工作结速后,按下UV停止按钮,关闭UV系统电源,UV灯管停止工作,此时散热抽风机仍继续抽风,机器在5分钟后会自动将抽风机关闭。因UV灯管停止工作后,灯管本身和光固室内还存在大量之热能,故散热抽风机需延时关闭。 Pass UV STOP button to stop UV system.the fan will go on to dischargeheat and will stop automatically in 5 minutes.7、关闭UV系统电源后,在散热风机抽风时,UV系统电源二次开启不执行,需待抽风停止后方可二次开启UV系统电源。The UV system cannot be restart before the fan stop.8、在未关闭UV系统前,不可切断机器主要电源,即使UV系统关闭,也不可接着关闭机器主电源,关闭机器主电源散热风机停止工作,灯管之热能未能散去,余存的热能将导致灯管变形、影响其性能、寿命、严重时将导致灯客破裂损坏DO NOT turn off the main power before uv system stopped, Wait till heat discharged and fan stopped Remaining heat is harmful to lampV1、注意事项: Precaution: 1、UV灯管在开启5分钟后才可进行工作和功率切换。 The UV lamp will not begin to work and wattage chuangeonly Afteeeer starting the system for five minutes. 2、UV灯管第二次开启应间隔10分钟以上,因本机器系统设有延时功能,故灯管开关后在延迟时间内启动不到,需等待延迟时间完成后方可二次开启。 The UV lamp should not be restared less than ten minutrs,interval, Sinee this system has a stop delaying function ,and during this period,the lamp can, tbe started. 3、长期操作,工作人员应戴防紫外线的专用眼镜。 For long time exposure to this unit, tue protective classesshould be worn 4、本机在使用过程中,由于UV系统的工作电流较大,电压较高,频繁启动将使灯管使用寿命缩短。因此应尽量减少灯管的 启动或停止次数。 While iu use,because of the high voltage of the UV system,too frequent start operations will shorten the life of lamps andthis should be avoided 5、当UV系统开启过后,电容器中还储存有电能,不可对其用手或拿金属体接触电容器的带电导体部分和灯管的连接导线,确需更换灯管或维修线路,必须现对电容器进行放电处理,否者该储存的电能将伤及人 体造成触电事故。 When starting the UV system, the electricity left in the system may hurt hurt human bodies or canse an accident, so don,tuse hand or conductive metals to contact the electric devices. And when it is really in need to change lamp or make maintenance, the special eleetricity discharge should be done first6、 机器必须有可靠的接地保护线,接地电阻不可大于10奥姆,机器应放在通风干燥的地方使用,机器受潮后会引起 高压泄露和降低电器系统的使用寿命。 The machine must have reliable geound zero line, and the wattage should not be greater than lo um The unit should be put at dry place with good ventilation,the moi
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