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课题:period i: languagepoints授课日期:姓名:班级:编号知识与技能:熟练本单元所学单词、短语和句型过程与方法:积累词汇并掌握其用法,提升运用能力情感态度价值观:积极而热情地投入,充实自己的英语知识,强化基础教学重点:掌握本单元词汇、短语和句型的用法,时间状语从句教学难点:疑问词+todo作主语、宾语、表语。使用说明及学法指导:专业自习:背诵所有短语和句型并按要求完成一轮资料上的配套习题。知识链接:结合本节所学内容巩固以前知识。【学习过程】知识链接部分for lack of因为缺乏,,have nolackof.不缺乏1. Iack=lack for=belack ingin 缺乏 a lack of 的缺乏注意:lack在用作名词时常与of连用,表示一缺乏II,作不及物动词时常与介词for连用,lacking与介词in连用。lack作动词时,后常接表示钱、勇气、能力、经验等的名词。2. imaginedoing sth.想象做某事imaginesb.doing sth.想象某人做某事imaginesb. /sth.as把某人(物)想象成imaginative adj.具有想像力的 imag inary adj.虚构的;幻想的向某人道歉bey on dimagi natio n超乎想象;超越想象;出乎意料地imaginationn.想像力; 创造力imagi nable adj.可想像的3. apologiseto sb. for (doing) sth. /maksoffer an apology to sb. for (doing) sth.因owe sb.a n apology应向某人道歉4. in onesfavor 对有禾 Uaskafavor of sb.请某人帮忙 in favor 得宠 in favor of 赞成; 支acceptsb.s apology接受某人的道歉do sb.a favor帮某人忙win sb.s favor得到某人的欢心/好感out of favor失宠 favorableadj.好意的;赞成的;有利的(表示主语自己对做某事有把握,有信心。)确信主语会做某事;持;有利于5.acerta inMr. ha ng某一位姓张的先生becertain/sureof.对”有把握becertain/sureto do sth. fo定会/务必做某事(表示以局外人的立场推测,certain/sure确凿地;肯定的makecertain/sureof.把搞清楚/弄明白易混辨异certain/sure:sure与certain都表示“确信,肯定”,通常可以换用,但是certain既可以用物作主语,也 可以用人主语,而sure通常用人作主语,所以在It is certainthat从句结构中,certain和sure不能换用。6. in addition是副词短语,常放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾。in additionto.除,,之外,复合介词, 后接名词或动名词。aswell = besides= in addition 除此之夕卜(用作昌 U 词)aswell as= besides= apartfrom = in additionto 除,之外卜 (用作介词)7. think of考虑;关心;想起,想到;看待,评价think of. as.把”看作,认为”think highly/well of 看重;评价高think poorly/little of不怎么看重;评价不好think nothing of把,看得很平常;认为 ,不在话下think nothing of it不必客气,没什么(对致谢或道歉的答复)think over仔细考虑一下think about考虑;想起;回想think to oneself心中想;盘算;自忖think twice再三考虑;踌躇think up想出,想起;捏造,虚构;设计出,发明think out想出;想通;仔细考虑think back to回忆起8. leaveout省去,遗漏,不考虑leavefor.动身去,leavesb. alone不打扰/不理会某人leavesth. alone别管某事leavesth. /sb. behind忘了带某物;将某人抛在后面或落下leaveoff停止;不再使用;戒除onleave 休假9. would like/love sth.想要、愿意would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事would like to havedone意为本愿意做某事但实际上未做。10. advanceon/towards sb. /sth.(为了 ”)前进;(向”)前进,行进in advance (ofsth.)(时间上)提前;预先(二aheadof time)makeanadvancein sth .某方面有进步advancedEnglish/maths 高阶英语/高等数学 advanceplanning 事先计划11. on purpose 故意地with/for thepurposeof 为了, 以 为目的to the purpose合乎目的地;切题地to little/no purpose作用不大;徒劳purposeto do sth./doing sth.企图做某事12. cheerup感到高兴;感动振奋cheeron为,加油cheersb.为某人喝彩13. show off 炫耀show sb. around领某人参观show up出席,至U场15. in sb.,absenee在某人不在时absenceofmind心不在焉,精神恍惚absent-minded心不在焉的16. apply , to,将.运用至.apply to do sth.申请做某事applyoneself/ onesmindto (doing) sth. 申请(得至).14. benervousabout对,,神经紧张/害怕/焦虑不安beafraid of因”而害怕 beworriedabout/that.因,而担心 beanxiousabout/for 为而焦虑 /担心intheabsenceof,不在时;缺少beabsentfrom 不在,缺席applyto,适用于.、apply tQ s、b. for sth.向申请(得专心致力于,专心从事 makeanapplication (tosb. forsth.) 向.2) socialcommunication 社交4) whatacoincidence! 真巧6) look awkward看起来尴尬8) becautiousabout 对 .小心10)bemodestabout 对 .谦虚12) lt is estimatedthat据估计14) smalltalk 聊天I6)body language 肢体语言i8) look away from把目光从移开17.1)thebasicrules 基本规则3) asaconsequence 结果5) introducesbto sb把某人介绍给某人7)putonalittle weight 增加一点重量9) gothrough详细讨论;浏览;经历(苦难)11) Ontheanniversaryof. 在.的纪念日13)establisharelationship 建立关系I5) atthis point 在这一亥 U17)make a conversation 做一个对话I9)makefriends with 交朋友二makeafriend of20)put onesfoot in ones mouth 说错话,失言,犯使人难堪的错误21) discouragesbfrom do in g sth劝阻、打消某人做某事的念头encouragesb to do sth鼓励某人做某事23) teaseat 嘲弄川重点句型1. 1. Peoplewith goodsocial skills com muni catewell andknow howto haveac onv ersation 懂得社交技巧的 人交流起来比较容易,也知道怎样和别人交谈。句式分析:疑问代词 凝问副词+ to do,可以作主语、宾语、表语,有时疑问词前可用介词(常被认为同位语)注意:why后跟不定式时,省去不定式符号to。一疑可词+不定式I结构中,不定式只能用主动式,而不能用 被动式。,(1) When to go for the picnichasn t been decided.(2) 1 don t krwho to turn to for help.(3) The difficulty for the little horse was how to cross the river.(4) 1 have no idea of how to do it.(5) The problem of whether to con fess troubled the girl2. In fact, she had n ever lear nt the basic rules of social com muni cati on, and as a consequenee she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her moUttB 上,她从来就没有学会社交的基本规则,因 此,每次张嘴都会犯与之相关白句式分析:everytime在上文的句子中作连词使用,引导时间状语从句。(1) 以名词短语的形式出现,用来引导状语从句的短语还有:themoment, theinstant, the minute, thesec ond an ytime, n ext time, the first time, thelast time, the day, them on th, the week, theyear, them orning, the after noon 等。(2) immediately, instantly, directly等词也可以用作连词连接两个句子,表示两个紧接着发生的动作,相当于assoonas3. You neednt to havespokenso slowly.句式分析:neednt havedone没有必要做某事,但却做了。didn needtod。没有必要做某事,实际上也没做。当堂检测:1.1 recog ni zed you I saw you at the airport.A. the mome nt B. while C. after D. once2. I liste n to your advice, I get into trouble.A. Every time B. When C. While D. U ntil3. -Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes,I gave it to her I
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