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本科毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计),题目资江大桥设计(五)是本人在指导教师的指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文章以明确方式注明。除此之外,本论文(设计)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全意识到本声明应承担的责任。作者签名:日期: 年 月 日摘要本设计题目为资江大桥(五)预应力混凝土连续梁桥,本项目位于益阳市资阳区和赫山区境内,线路全长2547.8m,其中大桥桥长550m,桥头接线长752.18m,另外在大桥资阳岸设匝道桥一座,长185.24m。单向三车道,上部结构采用先简支后连续的预应力混凝土连续箱型梁桥。简支转连续是桥梁施工中较为常见的一种方法,该施工方法的主要特点是施工方法简单可行,施工质量可靠,实现了桥梁施工的工厂化、标准化和装配化。目前随着高等公路的发展,为改善桥梁行车的舒适性,简支转连续梁桥在中、小跨径的连续梁桥中得到了广泛地应用。随着社会的发展,建立起更加发达、快捷、便利的交通网络成为了影响区域经济发展的重要因素。上世纪60年代至今,由于科学技术的发展,现代工业制造水平的提高,对桥梁建造提出了越来越高的要求,通过一代又一代的土木人的辛勤奋斗,高速公路上循环交叉的立交桥,高架桥,长达几十公里的跨海大桥,新发展的城郊高速公路,铁路桥与轻轨运输高架桥等。这些桥梁犹如一条横跨江海上的“彩带”,将我们的世界装扮的愈发多姿多彩。纵观世界各国的大城市,常以工程雄伟的大桥作为城市的标志与骄傲。桥梁建筑已不仅仅是一种交通出行的要求,而且作为一种结构艺术的形式,存在于我们的生活中。 梁桥体系桥梁是一种非常古老而实用的桥型。梁作为承重结构,是以它的抗弯能力来承受荷载的,梁分简支梁、悬臂梁、固端梁和连续梁等,悬臂梁,固端梁和连续梁都是利用支座上的卸载弯矩去减少跨中弯矩使梁跨内的内力分配更合理,以同等抗弯能力的构件断面就可建成重大跨径的桥梁。预应力混凝土梁氏体系的桥梁应用甚广,简支梁的最大跨径已经达到78m,连续梁的最大跨径接近200m。关键词:连续梁;悬臂施工;预应力;弯矩;极限状态 AbstractThis design topic for the zi river bridge of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, (5) within the territory of the project is located in ziyang district and guming yiyang city district, line length of 2547.8 m, 1518.6 m long, including bridge bridge connection 752.18 m long, the other at a bridge from the shore a ramp bridge, 185.24 m long. One-way three lanes, the upper structure USES the first after the simply supported continuous prestressed concrete continuous box girder bridge. In turn simply supported continuous bridge construction is one of the more common method, the main characteristics of the construction method is simple and feasible construction methods, construction quality and reliable, and has realized the bridge construction of factory, standardization, and assembly. At present, along with the development of the higher road bridge in order to improve the driving comfort, turn simply supported continuous beam bridge in medium and small span continuous girder bridge has been widely used.With the development of the society, to establish a more developed, fast and convenient transport network has become the important factors that affect regional economic development.Since the 1960 s, due to the development of science and technology, the improvement of modern industrial manufacturing, the bridge building higher and higher demands are proposed, by generation after generation of civil people of hard struggle, circular cross highway overpass, the viaduct, dozens of kilometers long cross-sea bridge, the new development of suburban highway, railway and light rail transit viaduct. The bridge is like a ribbon across the ocean, will dress up our world more colorful. Big cities throughout the world, often in engineering grand bridge as a symbol of city and pride. Bridge construction is not only is a kind of transportation demand, and as a kind of structure form of art, exist in our life. The bridge girder bridge system is a very old and practical bridge. Beam as supporting structure, to be able to withstand the load, its bending beam simply supported beam and cantilever beam, fixed end beam and continuous beam, cantilever beam, the fixed end beam and continuous beam are using unloading on the bearing bending moment to reduce bending moment in the span of the internal force distribution in the beam span more reasonable, at the same section flexural capacity of components can be built with big span Bridges. Prestressed concrete bridge of kissing the system application, the biggest span beam has reached 78 m, the biggest span continuous beam is close to 200 m.Keywords: The continuous beam;:The continuous beam; The cantilever construction; Prestressed; Bending moment; Limit state.目录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论11.1 工程概况11.2 技术标准和设计参数11.3 主要设计规范21.4 地质条件2第2章 方案比选32.1方案32.2方案比选依据4第3章 桥梁纵向分孔及横截面尺寸拟定63.1桥梁纵向分孔63.2桥横截面尺寸拟定63.3箱型截面尺寸的拟定7第4章 桥面板计算114.1悬臂板内力计算114.2中间板内力计算12第5章 全桥结构建模及单元划分175.1活载内力增大系数175.2单元离散划分原则175.3本设计单元划分17第6章 纵向预应力钢束估与布置196.1常用的预应力钢筋196.2预应力钢筋布置原则196.3本设计中纵向预应力布置206.4预应力束的配置原则206.5横向预应力筋布置位置及几何参数216.6按正截面抗裂性要求计算横向预应力筋数量216.7纵向预应力钢筋的估算22第7章 上部结构应力及挠度验算287.1全桥结构安全性验算287.2正常使用极限状态应力验算307.3 锚固区局部承压验算437.4 挠度计算44第8章 桥梁下部结构桩基础设计及验算468.1基本数据468.2桥梁支座478.3 本设计桩的拟定488.4 本设计桩的计算验算50第9章 结论54参考文献55致谢56第一章 绪论1.1 工程概况资江大桥位于县道X014线资阳岸民兵渠下游350米,桥轴线与资江航道线正交。路线起于赫山岸兰溪镇油麻村一组处县道X014,止于资阳岸沙头镇新青草港村处县道X014。,线路全长2547.8m,其中大桥桥长550m,桥头接线长752.18m,另外在大桥资阳岸设匝道桥一座,长185.24m。单向三车道。下部结构墩采用桩基承台接实体墩形式、台采用桩基接盖梁。本桥上部结构采用双悬臂对称浇注的施工形式。1 .2技术标准和设计参数(1) 设计速度:80km/h(2) 汽车荷载等级:公路-I级(3) 桥面宽度:全宽14m,横向布置为0.5m防撞护栏+13m行车道+0.5m防撞护栏(4) 桥面纵坡:不大于3.5%(5) 桥面横坡:2%(单幅单向坡)(6) 车辆荷载等级:公路I级(7) 环境类别:II类(8) 结构设计安全等级:二级(桥梁结构重要性系数0 =1.0)(9) 永久作用结构自重:预应力混凝土26 kN/m3;沥青混凝土24 kN/m3;钢材78.5kN/m3;回填土18kN/m3;混凝土收缩及徐变:按照公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范(JTG D62-2004)取值;(10) 可变作用汽车荷载:公路级;冲击系
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