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To further promote the development of logistics in China E-Commerce Summary: With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics has been unable to meet our existing e-commerce distribution requirements, logistics has become a bottleneck restricting the development of Chinas e-commerce. E-commerce Logistics logistics enterprises in China there is a small scale, single function, the low level of service, logistics management system is incomplete, logistics, backward technology and equipment and so on. To eliminate the constraints of the logistics of the development of electronic commerce, we must take the appropriate strategy to accelerate the development of Chinas e-commerce logistics. Key words: Logistics Development Strategy E-commerce Development of Chinas Logistics Logistics is the process of e-business an important part of the operation. A complete e-commerce transaction process usually contains four basic streams: information flow, business flow, capital flow and logistics. Logistics in e-commerce plays an important role. Any e-commerce transaction, if there is no logistics, information flow, business flow, capital flow will be impossible to realize. It is only through logistics and distribution, in order to transfer the goods or services to consumers, e-commerce activities can be completed successfully. Can be seen, logistics, information flow, business flow and cash flow ultimately guarantee. However, relative to information flow, business flow and capital flow in terms of logistics has its own particularity. Course of the operation in e-commerce, information flow, business flow and capital flow can be the use of information technology in the network quickly realized the logistics will be divided into online and offline logistics logistics. On-line logistics commodities are mainly information products and services such as software, electronic publications, etc., they can be online fast delivery; while offline logistics refers to the logistics of physical goods, they can not be transmitted on the network must pass under the net logistics approachAchieve. With the rapid development of Chinas e-commerce, logistics has been unable to meet our existing e-commerce fast-delivery requirements, logistics has become a bottleneck restricting the development of Chinas e-commerce. Logistics become a bottleneck in the performance of e-commerce is the realization of the flow of commerce on the Internet, China is not an effective social logistics and distribution system, the physical transfer of goods to provide low-cost, timely transfer services. Chinas e-commerce logistics bottlenecks caused by two main factors: First, because it increases the difficulty of e-commerce logistics, calling for improvements. In the e-commerce environment, in order to satisfy the customers individual needs, the enterprises production has undergone a drastic change from the original mass-scale production into many varieties, small batch production, which makes the number of product varieties increased quickly. Production mode of this change is that an enterprise e-commerce market in order to better meet the needs of strategic measures taken. However, this change has greatly increased the difficulty and complexity of logistics and distribution levels, namely, the frequent need to implement multi-batch, small-volume distribution, which is the process of logistics companies and logistics operation has put forward higher requirements. Second, because of Chinas logistics industry itself is relatively backward. The practice shows that the foreign e-commerce development, e-commerce is inseparable from the rapid development of advanced logistics support. If there is no perfect system of logistics and distribution, e-commerce can not be rapid development. My main problems in e-commerce Logistics Compared with the western developed countries, Chinas relatively backward logistics. E-commerce in Chinas logistics development process, there is the following areas: Logistics enterprises smaller, single function, a lower level of service. Chinas logistics enterprises according to their ownership of different nature and mode of operation can be divided into two categories: one category is controlled enterprises. Such enterprises are government-owned or collective-owned logistics companies, such as the China Grain and Oil Storage and Transportation Company, materials storage and transportation companies. And those non-controlled enterprises. Such enterprises are cultivated by the market, according to market discipline to various wholly-owned or joint-stock logistics enterprises. Quantitative point of view, a large number of Chinas logistics enterprises. Data show that at present China has more than 1,000 various types of logistics distribution center, the logistics involved in more than 40 listed companies,
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