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练习,把下列的句子改成二般疑问句。1. His father is an English teacher.2. These cats are crying.3. They can swim.4. I like to read English.5. I go to school on foot.6. He likes English.7. His father goes to work by bus.8. He is crying under the tree.9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November.10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop.11. Kitty is wearing her new uniform.12. The boy under the tree is hungry.13. He goes to school every day.14. I want to have a model car.15. She wants a cup of coffee.16. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch television at night.17. I do my homework after school.18.I have got some grapes.19. Toms got a bird.20. Kitty and Tom have got a dog.21.I have breakfast(早饭)every morning.22.They do their homework after school(放学). 二请将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作出回答。1. I am a student. a student?2.She is a girl. a girl?3. His first name is Tom. name Tom?4. This is a ruler. a ruler?5. They are my parents. parents?6. There is a book on the desk. a book on the desk?7. There are some dictionaries on the floor. dictionaries on the floor?8. He can play the guitar. play the guitar?9. They can dance. dance?10. My friend wants to know about my morning. to know about morning?11. Tony has a computer. Tonya computer?12. Mr.White is very busy. Mr.White very busy?13. He teaches us art. us art?14.She watches TV in the morning. TV in the morning?15.1 watch TV in the evening. TV in the evening?16. He runs every day. every day?17.1 want to know his name. to know his name?18. They study at home. at home?19.She studies English at school. English at school?20.1 do my homework every day. homework every day?21. He does his homework at7:00pm. his homework at7:00pm?22. They have five rooms. five rooms?23.She eats chicken for dinner. chicken for dinner?24. My parents like eating bananas. parents bananas?25. We do eye exercises every day. eye exercises every day?26. He has a green T-shirt. a green T-shirt?27. My birthday is October 10th. October 10th?28. Her favorite subject is science. science?29. We can see some birds. see birds?三、填入所缺的疑问词1. do you like summer? Because I can swim.3. can I get to Zhong Shan Park? By underground.5. bag is on the desk?.Xiao Zhangs.7. will go with you? Chen Jie.2is the post office? Its next to the cinema.4. are you? Im 14 years old6. book is Sarahs? The yellow one.8is your skirt,Amy? Its 100 yuan四、选词填空1. (What date,What day) is it today?Its Monday.2. (What date, what day) is today?3. (How far , How long ) is your school?4. (How many , How much )orange juice can you buy?5. (Which , What ) fruit do you like?6. (Who , Whose ) is that boy?7. (Which , where) floor do you live?8. (How often , How long) do you go swimming ?9. .(How often, How soon ) will you get to the forest?10. .(How far, How fast) can he swim in one minute?五、.对划线部分提问ItsMay 27th.Its ten minutes walk. A little.Apples.He is Mike.The fifth floor.Three times a week. In one week.600 metres.I. They bought a new bike yesterday.2. She is a nurse .3. The girl in red is my cousin.4. He read the book for three hours.5.She made a living by selling newspapers.7.There were 50 students in our class last term.9.Tim went to school late because he got up late.6. Julia often talks with me after class.8.They come from Hubei .10.It is windy .11. Li Hui goes to school by light rail.13. Lets meet at 7:30 tomorrow morning.15. The book cost me nine dollars.12. I wash it twice a week .14.The movie was wonderful.16 He will be back in four days .17. Two plus four is six.19.He is feeling well.18. He often has lunch in the factory.20. Dick hurt his leg last Sunday.六、选择题A. howB. whatC. whereD. who1.() Excuse me is the nearest bookshop? Go down the street and turn left .2. ( ) is a ticker for the film Hacker He? About forty yuan .A. How oldB. How many C. How much D. How often3. () are you going? Im going to the library.A. WhoB. WhichC. WhatD. Where4. ( ) ? Its eight.A. What day is it B. Whats five and three C. How old are you D. Whats your telephone number5. ( ) ?Ive got a headache and a cough.A. Whats the matter with you B. Whats wrong with itC. Can I help you D. How are you6. () .- tea did you have? Two cups.A. How many B. How much C. How soon D. Which7. () - a year does your school have sports meetings? - Twice a year.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times8. ()- ? The one behind the tree.A. Whose girlB. Whos that girl C. Which girlD. Wheres the girl9. ( ) - are you going to be in the future? I want to be a person Yang Liwei.A. How , likeB. How , as C. What , likeD. What , as10. ( ). will your father be back? .A
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