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太和县高效课堂研究会 导学案 新目标英语八年级上册师案Unit 2 How often do you exercise ?Period 1 Section A(1a-1c) 主备人:蔡伟 审定:后王银 时间: 教学流程教师寄语: 教师寄语: There is no royal road to learning. 求知无坦途。二次备课Step 1 GreetingsGreet students as usual.Step 2 PresentationShow a calendar to students.T: Whats this? Can you name it?Ss: Its a calendar .T: Very good.Look, this is the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are the weekends. What do you do on weekends? First have students discuss and answer the question like this.A: What do you do on weekends?B: I often play football.Then have students open books at P9. And look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities and describe it. e.g.: A girl is shopping. At the same time, show some new words , how often , hardly ever , twice , once and explain frequency words e.g.: always means every day .Then direct out “how often ?”A: What do you usually watch TV on weekends?B:I usually watch TV on weekends.A: How often do you watch TV?B:I watch TV once a week/three times a month/every day(告诉学生这是表频率的词)(The teacher must help students answer the question.因为这可以加强学生对语言的感知,用这个办法反复练习两三组句子,学生自然就会这种语言的表达了)Step 3 Preview guide 学法指导:(1)频度副词:表示动作发生间隔的副词。它们主要是:always; usually ; often ; sometimes; hardly ever; never(2)频度副词的位置:通常在主语后,实义动词前面。但Sometimes也可在句首。如:They often go swimming in summer.He never speaks Japanese.The answers are:1. exercise 2. help with housework 3.hardly 4. go to the movies 5.how often 6.once 7.go shoppingStep 4 Preview displayWords: 1. Read the new words.2. Read after the teacher.3.Read aloud,then check the pronunciation each other.4. Listen and write the new words. Then check the answers in groupsStep 5 Cooperative inquiry learning Activity 1 Ask students to listen to the tape of 1b on P9. Write the activities (If necessary, play again.). Then check the answers:exercise,read;watch TV;help with housework;go shopping;watch TV;go shopping Activity 2 1.Practice the conversation in 1c again and again till recite it.2.Show. 3.Comment.Step 6 PairworkHave students talk about what they do on weekends and How often do they do something each other?E.g.:A: What do you do sth. on weekends?B: I often do sth.A: How often do you do sth.?B: I do sth. every day.Then have some pairs to act out their conversations.Step 7 Summary Ask a student to show the summary of this period. The other students may provide additional explanation.Step 8 TestAsk students to finish the exercises of the test alone. Then correct the answers in pairs.The answers are:(一)、选择填空1.A 2.A 3.A(二)、改错对划线部分提问 1.What do 2.How often do【学习目标】理解always; usually ; often ; sometimes; hardly ever; never的意义,明确它们在句中的位置。【学习重点】 明确always; usually ; often ; sometimes; hardly ever; never在句中的位置。【学习过程】一、预习导学(一)、根据汉语提示写出下列单词并熟记:1. 锻炼;运动 2. 帮助做家务 3.几乎不;几乎没有 4. 去看电视 5.多久一次 6.一次 7.去购物 (二)、背诵下列词组: (1)多久一次 how often (2)在周末 on weekends (3)去看电影 go to the movies (4)很少(几乎从不,难得) hardly ever(5)一周两次 twice a week二、预习展示把你的预习成果与组内其他成员进行交流,如果有不同答案,可向别组或老师求助。三、合作探究活动一:1听课本P9上1b的磁带,完成1b。(根据需要可以播放2遍)2听磁带,跟读听力内容。活动二:结对子反复练习课本P9上1c的对话,直至可以背诵,然后到聚焦处展示并进行评比。四、课堂小结1这节课你学到了哪些表示频率的副词?2总结一下你今天所学习的句型?五、达标测评(一)、选择填空: 1. My mother shops once _ month. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Whats your favorite _ ? I like red. A. color B. program C. exercise D. subject 3. _ students in your class come from Canada? Only one. A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How old(二)、对划线部分提问:1. He always plays basketball after school._ does he always _ after school ?2. They hardly ever play football._ _ _they play football ?反思:Unit 2 How often do you exercise ?Period 2 Section A (2a-2d)主备人:蔡伟 审定:后王银 时间: 教学流程教师寄语: Talents come from diligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation.天才在于勤奋,知识在于积累。二次备课Step1 Lead-in1.Greet the class as usual. 2Review by asking and answering:A: What do you do sth. on weekends?B: I often do sth.A: How often do you do sth.?B: I do sth. every day.Step 2 Showing learning aimsAsk the students to read the learning aims together. Let them know what they should learn in this period. Step 3 Preview guide 1、Words:1.Read the new words.2.Read after the teacher.3.Read aloud,then check the pronunciation each other.4.Listen and write the new words.The answers are:译一译:1.每天 2. 一个月一次 3.
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