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人教新起点四年级下学期英语连词成句知识点巩固练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. a, buy, I, shirt, red, want, to (.)2. are, Where, you, from (?)3. you, like, a, cap, would, red (?)4. today is warm it(.)5. these are whose shorts (?)6. can She a horse ride (.)7. her What isname(?)8. you, see, can, what(?)9. youlikewouldwatersome(?)10. Lily, orange, has, an, dress (.)11. winner, she, the, is (.)12. isinshortsTomred (.)13. is who little that girl (?)14. you, how, are, old, (?)15. at, fat , animals, these, look (.)16. at, that, look, dog, toy (.)17. I, fishing, go, often (.)18. ismywhereyellowpen(?)19. there many Are students (?)20. do, your, What, parents, do(?)21. like, I, dont, running (.)22. snowman very cool is the (.)23. number, phone, is, My, 2564387 (.)24. from, I, Singapore, am, (.)25. be you do to want What (?)26. is this new a cap (.)27. do, you, what, do (?)28. is, friend, my, this, (.)29. jump, he, can, high?30. brother is baby this your (?)31. the is girl Who (?)32. my green is colour favourite ( . )33. books, new, We, have (.)页码 / 总页数
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