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320900400017215Business license code营业执照号Dongtai Huaqiang Plates Project东台华强板材项目55022987-0Enterprise Project code企业项目代码Memorandum of Investment投资备忘录Party A: TIMELEN INTL ASSET MGMT (S) PTE LTD Party B: Hong Kong Xin Li Yuan Investment Co., limited乙方:香港鑫利源投资有限公司 Party C: Dongtai Huaqiang Plates Co., Ltd.丙方:东台华强板材有限公司Signed on August 25, 2011签署日期:2011年8月25日Signed in Singapore签署地点:新加坡According to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Singapore and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China as well as the principles of mutual benefits, both parties, upon amicable negotiation, reach a cooperative agreement as follows on that Party A cooperates with Party Bs project in China. The capital that both parties determine to invest is legal, clean and free capital without criminal records, which can be transferred freely, and invested unrestrictedly. 经友好协商,根据新加坡国以及中国香港特别行政区法律、法规的规定,双方本着互惠互利的原则,就甲方在中国区域内与乙方的项目合作,达成如下合作合约,以共同遵守。双方确定投入的资金皆属于合法、干净、无犯罪记录的自由资金,可自由的调动,并且不受限制的进行投资。Article 1第一条Investment and Cooperation in China 中国区域的投资合作 Party A determines the investment project that is recommended by Party B. Party A fully understands the business plan of Party B, and identifies the market prospect of Party B. Party B shall take charge of the subsequent operation and management. Party A intends to provide capital for all-around cooperation with Party B. 甲方自定的投资项目经乙方推荐,并充分了解其商业计划,在认同其市场前景下,后续的运营与管理交由乙方,甲方拟提供资金给予乙方全面运作。Five million Singapore dollars500万新加坡元Party B agrees to accept the first batch of capital provided by Party A: FIVE MILLION SINGAPORE DOLLARS IN WORDS. 甲方首批提供资金:五百万新加坡元。The capital shall be transferred to Party Bs account in HSBC. Account No.: 400-894036-838资金注入乙方在香港汇丰银行的账户,帐号:400-894036-838Article 2第二条Profit Distribution 利润分配Party A will obtain fixed return from the capital it provides. Party A will not take the risks or shoulder the losses during any operation. The annual interest rate of the capital is 8%. For any change to the cost of fund, Party A shall negotiate with Party B otherwise. The shares of Party B in the Chinese company shall be subject to the legal registration, which shall be shared by cooperators based on their proportion of registration.甲方提供的资金均享有固定回报,不承担任何经营过程中风险以及亏损。资金年息为8%,资金成本如有变动,甲方与乙方另行协商。乙方在中国公司的股份以法定注册为依据,由共同合作人按其注册比例享有。Article 3Implementation 第三条 执行1. Party A entrusts Party B to implement the daily issues of investment, including the manufacturing of artificial plates:1、甲方委托乙方执行投资的日常事务,包括:人造板材制造等:1) At the beginning of the cooperation, Party B shall exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations as the project initiator;合作初始阶段,行使及履行作为项目发起人的权利和义务;2) Upon the investment project is confirmed, Party B shall exercise its rights and fulfill the corresponding obligations as a cooperator;在投资项目确认后,行使其作为合作人的权利、履行相应义务;2. Party A shall have the right to examine the implementation of the daily issues in the cooperative company. Party B shall be obliged to report the operation and financial statuses of the project to Party A;2、甲方有权检查合作公司日常事务的执行情况,乙方有义务向其报告项目的经营状况和财务状况;3. Party B shall, during its implementation, be liable for compensating the losses of investors arising from its faults or incompliance with this agreement;3、乙方在执行事务时如因其过失或不遵守本协议而造成其投资人损失时,应承担赔偿责任;4. The following issues must be agreed by Party A and Party B:4、下列事务必须经甲、乙双方同意:1) Party B transfers its company shares to others;乙方转让乙方公司股份给他人;2) Make guarantee or pledge based on the mentioned shares; 以上述股份对外担保、质押;3) Replace the executors of issues.更换事务执行人。Article 4Transfer of Investment 第四条 投资的转让1. Cooperators must obtain the consent of Party A and Party B for transferring part or all of their interests in cooperators to others other than cooperators;1、共同合作人向共同合作人以外的人转让其在共同合作人的全部或部分权益时,须经甲、乙双方同意;2. Party A shall notify other cooperators of transferring part or all amount of investment; 2、甲方转让在投资中的全部或全部投资额时,应当通知其他共同合作人;Article 5Other Rights and Obligations 第五条 其他权利和义务The term of the cooperation among cooperators shall be five years from the date when this contract enters into effect. Party B shall have the priority to renew the cooperation at expiry. Party A shall have the right to make additional investment or disinvestment in accordance with the operation of the project by Party B in Chinese mainland.自合同生效日起,共同合作人合作年限五年,到期乙方享有优先续约权;甲方有权根据乙方运作中国大陆项目的情况,追加投资款或收回投资款。Article 6Listing and Services 第六条 上市及服务 1. When Party Bs company is listed in the future, Party A shall unconditionally own the only omnic
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