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旺昌资料城 营销策划管理资料大全 http:/tb99888.taobao.com/ QQ:602429086更多精品资料网址: tb99888.taobao.comInitial documentation of the client-suggested objectives and paramters. This document is developed before a job is actually initiated, and the effort invested should not be intensive. The goal is to create a common understanding at the outset of an engagement in which the entire team and client agree.Webcast Client BriefWho is the client?Whats going to be webcast?Where is the venue?Is it going to be live? (If so there are other complications. Please contact us to complete brief.)Who will be doing the filming? (We need to brief them on webcast filming.)What format can we get the video in? (VHS, SVHS, Betacam; how many tapes, etc. We prefer SVHS.)Will it already be edited into segments, each segment clearly separated by a space of black silence, including smooth fadein/fadeout? (If we need to do editing, please contact us to complete brief.)更多精品资料网址: tb99888.taobao.comWill we need to provide dubbing/voiceover? (If so, please contact us to complete brief.)Will we need to provide transcription/translation service? (If so, please contact us to complete brief.)How many segments will the video have, and how long will each segment be?Where is the primary audience (China, US)?How many users are expected to simultaneously watch the video segments? (Only answer if you have a good idea.)What time is the event? What is the schedule we have to conform to?How long should the video segments and web pages be kept on the site?What should happen when the time is up? (Removed or replaced with other information, in that case, describe the other information in detail.)Do you want different information before the event and after the event? (In that case, describe both in detail.)Do you want web pages to accompany the webcast to be made as well? (In that case, describe how many; e.g., one index page and one page per segment; where they should be hosted, and any special design requirements.)What is the budget?EXAMPLEOgilvy PR will do a webcast for Nokia.Material will be provided in the form of a (S)VHS tape containing 6 segments of 3-5 minutes each, as well as transcribed versions of the speech in electronic format (MS Word). Half of the segments will be in English, half in Putonghua. The video has already been edited, so the segments are cleanly separated by a silent black period with fadeout/fadein.A sitelet to be put on the Nokia website will be developed and put up at the same time as the webcast.The primary audience will be in China. Traffic is expected to be less than a hundred simultaneous users.The event will take place in September, and it needs to be hosted for 6 months. The content will be ready in September and 15 days will be allowed for encoding of the video and production of the webpages.Upper limit for budget is USD 8,000.旺昌资料城 营销策划管理资料大全 http:/tb99888.taobao.com/ QQ:602429086
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