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反映还是逃避现实坡的生活及作品Reflect or Escape Reality-Poes Life and His WorksContentsAbstract.11 General talk about Poe .22 Poes life.33 Poes works and his fames.33.1 Some work experience of Poe.33.2 Poes enduring fame .43.3 Comment on parts of Poes fictions64 Conclusion.10References.12Reflect or Escape Reality-Poes Life and His Works摘 要:爱.伦坡是美国19世纪著名作家中的一个另类,他是个怪才。他的一生为我们留下了约七十首诗,五十个短篇。数量不算多,也难以举出抗鼎之作品,更难说有很深的社会意义,但他却是通向当代文学一个不可或缺的环节。他是一个从物质跳进梦幻世界的作家。他不把“真实”,“真理”当作艺术的目的,而是把“美”、“愉悦”、“效果”视为追求的目标。他凭借丰富而怪异的想象力,制造一个个梦魇,制造一个个幻觉。他的故事几乎都是现实中不可能发生的,他也不要求读者相信他所诉的是事实,而是要通过新奇的构思、刺激的场面,达到作家预设的最强烈的效果,从而给人留下惊魂摄魄、无法磨灭的印象。从他的作品看,坡是一个思维敏锐的作家,他的见解敏锐而又独到。但是,坡一生又沉醉于他的虚幻作品与酒精构造的非现实世界中。爱.伦坡到底是在反映还是在逃避现实呢?关键词:反映 逃避 生活 作品Abstract: Adgar.Allan.Poe is a different writer from the famous writers of the 19th century in America, who is a maverick genius. He left about 70 poems and 50 fictions for us. The quantity of those works is not very large, and its difficult to put out an important works, its hard to say they have obvious effects, but he leads to an indispensable link of Contemporary Literature. He is a writer who jumps into the dreamlike world from the material world. He didnt think that art was his purpose, but he thought beautiful ”, making joyful” and result is the goal of his life. He makes the nightmares and illusion relys on abundant and unusual imagination. His story is almost to happen in reality. He does not require readers to believe what he tells is the fact. Depends on the novel plot, amazing scene, he makes an frightened and indelible impression on us. Judging from his works, Poe is a writer of sharp thinking , whose opinion is sharp and original. However, Poe is addicted to his unreal works and alcohol through his whole life. Either Adgar.Allan.Poe is reflecting or trying to escape reality on earth?Key words: reflect;escape;life;worksReflect or Escape Reality-Poes Life and His Works1 General talk about PoeAdgar.Allan.Poe is a different writer from the famous writers of the 19th century in America, who is a maverick genius. He left about 70 poems and 50 fictions for us. The quantity of those works is not very large, its difficult to put out an important works, and its hard to say they have obvious effects, but he leads to an indispensable link of Contemporary Literature. He is a writer who jumps into the dreamlike world from the material world. He didnt thought that art was his purpose, but he thought beautiful ”, making joyful” and result was the goal of his life. He makes the nightmares and illusion relies on abundant and unusual imagination. His story is almost to happen in reality. He does not require readers to believe what he tells is the fact. Use the novel plot, amazing scene, he makes an frightened and indelible impression on us. Look from his works, Poe is a writer of sharp thinking , his opinion is sharp and original. However, Poe is addicted to his unreal works and alcohol through his whole life. Either Adgar.Allan.Poe is reflecting or trying to escape reality on earth?About Adgar.Allan.Poe, someone said he is a hypocrite trying to escape society, someone said his works have reflected his true life exactly. I think we cant make a judgment from the surface of ones life. To see the reflection of Poes works, we cant say that he is entirely a person really trying to escape from reality briefly.George Bernard Shaw has claimed: U.S.A. has produced two great writers -Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain. However, you can not find another great writer who suffering from so many setback more than Poe on American literary circles. He almost spends all his life in wrestle the fate. In the beginning of October 1849, Poe calls out God blesses me! before die. This voice has condensed him to the frustration grief and indignation in half a lifetime.Poe life is under poverty and sorrow. Poe is not only against the painstaking but also suffer all kinds of supercilious looks of human world, constantly slandering an open spear thrust and an arrow in the dark. No matter before death, or behind the death. Not only nobody pay attention to him at home, but also people passes different judgments of the world. The person who understand him say he is a remarkable poet and genius short novelist. But in those human who has prejudice to his works, personality and private life, he is
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