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人教PEP版六年级英语上册单词拼写课后辅导练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Jim is two years y_than Ben.2. I often go to school on foot, but s_by bus.3. She can p_the book on her finger, but I cant.4. I want to w_an e-mail.5. Mr. Black comes from England. He is l_in Aurtralia.2. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Our Earth l_like a ball in space.2We will p_trees on Tree Planting Day.3We should plant m_trees to make the place more beautiful.4Jack s_on Lilys foot yesterday.5Spring in Changsha is beautiful and c_.3. 重新排列下列字母,组合成一个新单词并在括号内写出汉语意思。(1) somgethin _( )(2) radgon _( )(3) ltleit _( )(4) fogetr _ ( )(5)pneho _( )4. 按要求完成下列各题。1do(第三人称单数形式)_2like(现在分词形式)_3story(复数形式)_4go(第三人称单数形式)_5write(第三人称单数)_6is (复数形式)_7have(第三人称单数)_8study(第三人称单数)_9hobby(复数形式)_10bus(复数形式)_5. 按要求写词。1、is(过去式) _ 2、there(反义词) _3、are(过去式) _ 4、it(主格复数) _5、do(过去式) _ 6、run(现在分词)_7、wash (第三人称单数) _6. 根据句意及首字母提示填入恰当的单词。1. Amy is a good girl. Sheg_up early every day.2. There is a storya_Bobby and Sam.3. Mikeh_breakfast early last Sunday.4. Please drink some waterb_dinner.5. An old woman isw_on the road.7. 写出下列形容词的比较级形式。(1)tall_ (2)big_(3)strong_ (4)lazy_8. 看图,写单词。1._ 2._3._ 4._5._9. 根据要求,写单词。1.strawberry(复数形式)_ 2.man(复数形式)_3.these(反义词)_ 4.this(复数形式)_5.that(复数形式)_10. 写出下列动词的过去式。1.is,am_ 2.are_3.can_ 4.clean_5.come_ 6.do/does_7.drink_ 8.eat_9.become_ 10.forget_11.get_ 12.give_11. 这是Sarah写给Mother的一封信,你能根据提示写出合适的单词吗?Dearmum:Howareyou?EverydayIhavefunwithmycousins.OnMondaywewenttothep_1_.Wer_2_aboatands_3_elephants.Wet_4_manypictures.OnTuesdaywewenttoarestaurant.Wea_5_goodfood.OnWednesdaywewenttothelibrary.Wer_6_books.OnThursdaywewenttothegym(体育馆).Wewentswimming.OnFridaywestayedathome.Wew_7_TVandc_8_theroom.TomorrowIllbebackhome.Missyouanddad.Love,Sarah1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._12. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Where are you going this_?(viegnen)2Does Sally do word p_in the evening?3My mum is_about my health.(wirdeor)4Go s_and you can see the zoo.5She goes to the park_.13. 单词拼写。1The kite is f_away.2We are h_a birthday party.3The books are f_. Who can help me?14. 改变下列单词的首字母,使之变为另一个单词,并组词组。1book_2give_3come _4game_5luck_15. 按要求写单词。1. child (复数)_2. teachers (名词所有格)_3. good (副词)_ 4. they (物主代词)_5. write (同音词)_6. Canada (缩写形式)_7. America (形容词)_8. cheap (反义词)_9. teach (第三人称)_10. bad (比较级)_页码 / 总页数
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