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pension Gold 8*60 5, living allowance 13*568 four main 1, 2015, financial, education, design section, under the leadership of our accountants to study the countrys financial policies, laws, and familiarity with financial system actively studying accounting, master professional knowledge and master the accounting technique, adhere to principles, properly implement superior departments accounting requirements. 2, give full play to accounting initiative, careful budgeting annually, and do a year-end work on the budget no budget expenditure, budget expenditures, strictly control expenditures. Often communicating with school leaders reported financial position, and in terms of revenue ideas, ways to strictly implement the financial system, two lines of income and expenditure. 3, further standardize the schools financial management system, created the democratic financial management group, democratic financial group checks the school each semester accounts. Reporting annually to the schools financial income and expenses, so that all the teachers of school finances be aware. 4, with the school leadership greater control in school debt, does not give to the debt did not comply with procedures in the accounts. 5, various infrastructural projects to the school can do to teach . The poverty alleviation of poverty alleviation and training with the combination of the proposed by 2014. In the province, the city poverty alleviation and immigration office careful guidance and county Party committee and government of the correct leadership, the county seriously practice the scientific development view, and counties around the target, and comprehensively implement the Central Committee and the State Council on poverty alleviation immigration policy, adhere to the, strengthen infrastructure construction, accelerate the poor areas and immigration of education, health, culture and other public welfare undertakings development, the whole village advancement and the new rural construction, through the entire village advancement, poverty alleviation immigration, intellectual, social, industrial and other means, increasing the masses of poor and immigrant economic income a year, I do all the work staff Through joint efforts and struggle, and achieved excellent results, 2014 for 2666 million yuan project funds, and 2013 compared to increase by 60%, poverty alleviation and resettlement work was named the citys third, Tan Lun Tan reservoir migrants synthetic immigration village as the citys economy to inspect a major bright spot, makes the contribution to the economic and social development in Qianshan. For 2020 together to achieve well-off society to make enormous contribution, is now on the 2014 since the county to carry out the implementation of poverty alleviation and resettlement work are summarized as follows: A, poverty alleviation work 1, entire village advancement. Our countys agricultural population of 38 million people, poverty population of 4.9 million people, accounting for 1 2.9%. The county, Twelfth Five Year Plan, will focus on poverty alleviation in the village of 14, since poor agricultural village has a total population of 2.55 million, poverty population 0.518 million people, accounting for 20%.2014 years, total planning project 20, 851 million yuan of total investment, including 280 million yuan of poverty relief funds of central finance, county matching funds of 70 million yuan department support funds 3.76 million yuan, self广东省信宜(桂粤界)至茂名公路项目第T6标段 薄壁墩盖梁及垫石施工方案 目 录第一章 编制依据2第二章 工程概况2第三章 施工部署2第四章 薄壁墩盖梁及垫石施工方案4第五章 工期保证体系及保证措施9第六章 工程质量管理体系及保证措施11第七章 安全生产管理体系及保证措施15第八章 环境保护、水土保持保证体系及保证措施19第九章 文明施工、文物保护保证体系及保证措施23薄壁墩盖梁及垫石施工方案第一章 编制依据1、信宜(桂粤界)至茂名公路项目施工图;2、施工合同及招、投标文件、工程量清单;3、广东省高速公路建设标准化管理规定;4、公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTG/T F50-2011);5、公路工程质量检验评定标准(JGJ F80/1-2004);6、现场调查所获取的有关资料;第二章 工程概况一、工程简介 第T6合同段起于信宜市丁堡镇(K34+880),路线经过水口镇,路线止于(K50+320)石曹陂附近,顺接第T7合同段起点。本合同段路线长15.44km,主要是由路基、两座互通立交(信宜互通及水口互通)、两座跨线桥(X648跨线桥)、八座大桥(湾统大桥、旺贵塘大桥、石背大桥、东光河大桥、隔子塘大桥、马轱塘大桥、张屋大桥、岭脚水库大桥)等组成。路基工程包括软基处理、土石方工程、边坡防护、排水工程等;主线上桥梁工程里程合计约3.115Km,桥梁上部结构主要为预应力砼预制小箱梁、T梁和预应力混凝土连续箱梁。二、主要工程数量 薄壁墩盖梁只分布在石背大桥、K42+161分离式立交桥,其中石背大桥有37个,42+161分离式立交桥有2个,砼标号为C35,共有1596m。第三章 施工部署一、施工队伍安排桥梁施工划分三个班组,划分如下:1、 桥一班负责湾统大桥、X648跨线1号桥、旺贵塘大桥、信宜立交主线桥下部构造的施工;2、 桥二班负责信宜CC匝道桥、石背大桥、东光河大桥、隔子塘大桥、马牯塘大桥下部构造的施工;3、 桥三班负责张屋大桥、岭脚水库大桥、水口立交主线桥、水口CC匝道桥、X648跨线2号桥下部构造的施工。二、资源配置(1)、主要技术及管理人员主要技术及管理人员表序号姓名职 务备注1周德文 项目经理2魏利强 项目总工3胡龙群项目副经理4文跃顺质检工程师5陈小珠试验工程师6谢道龙测量工程师7房伟国桥梁工程师8邓延新 施工员9冯景培 施工员 10 李镇洪 施工员11 张坤华 施工员(2)、主要机械设备主要机械设备表序号设备名称规格、功率、及容量单位数量1装载机2m台22搅拌站套23砼运输车10m台204吊车25t台45模板定型钢模套若干6振捣器个107电焊机台5第四章 薄壁墩盖梁及垫石施工方案1、盖梁施工方案
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