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Unit 4 My Home一 教学目标知识目标:1 能听懂,会说study, bathroom living room bed room kitchen2 能听懂Let do中的指示话,并按照指令做出相应的动作,能听懂会用Welcome to my home!3 能简单描述一个房间4 能关注自己的家,以及朋友的家情感目标:培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。文化目标:了解西方国家房屋结构及各局部的名称。二 重点,难点1 能听懂指令并作出动作2 能描述房间三 课前准备1 多媒体课件2 study bathroom bed room living room kitchen等单词卡片3 一个房间的平面图4 一些给学生的单词卡四 热身Warm-upT: Good morning boys and girlsSs: Good morning teacher.T: How are you today?Ss:Im fine, thank you and you?T: Im fine too.T: OK. Let begin our new lesson.PresentationT: I have a new house. would you like to visit it ?T: ok, lets go to my home.播放课件my home this is my house. Can you see it clearly? Welcome to my home.五 新课呈现1、studyT: How many rooms can you see in this picture ?T: ok, it has five rooms .look at the first room. What can you see in this room?T: this is my study 拿出单词卡片 read and repeat 引出单词study , read one by one ,whole class ,groupsT: what can you do in the study? Who knows?叫学生答复T: ok, I can read a book in the study 做读书动作 叫学生齐读齐做。2、living roomT: Whats the last room? Is this a bedroom?Ss :No.T: Is this a study?Ss: NoT: Is this a kitchen?Ss: NoT: tell me what is the last room?Ss: Living roomT: Whats in your living room?叫学生答复,三到五个T: go to the living room, watching TV.Ss: 重复。再复习一次单词,找同学领读,一个接一个读。3、bathroomT: But we should wash our hands first. Look my hands, they are dirty. We can wash our hands in the bathroom.盥洗室。There are two rooms,room4 and room5.Please tell me which one is bathroom,room4 or room5?Ss: room4T: What you usually do in the bathroom.叫同学答复 并作相应的动作,如洗澡,洗手等等 并激发学生的想象,做出自己觉得最贴切的动作。4、kitchenT: Look room No.3,Is this a bedroom?Ss: No.T: Whats this?(叫同回学答)Ss: Its a kitchenT:OK. Its a kitchen. repeat kitchen(三次)。What can you do in this room?叫同学答复T:OK,I also want to have snack in this room. Do you know what does snack mean?问同学snack的意思,让同学来猜,根据老师的动作作吃东西状然后告诉同学是“零食的意思T: Go go to the kitchen, have a snackSs:重复。5、bedroomT:I have read many books. Now Im tired and want to have a sleep. Where can I sleep?Ss:答复房间的号码T; Yes, I can sleep in room 2.This is my bedroom. Read after me, bedroom, bedroom(重复三次) Ss:重复T: go, go to the bedroom have a sleep(同时做动作) Ss;重复,并做动作六 练习Practice1、 大小声2、 炸弹游戏3、 介绍自己的房间/T: We can do different things in different rooms, talk with your friends ,introduce your room ,such as “this is my study, there are many books in it If you like you can draw a picture. Do you understand?Ss: Yes.T: Lets begin.学生活动,教师要及时指导,下讲台去听。T: Who want to show your talk?Ss介绍自己的房间 有的同学画了画T: you did a good job. Your room is very beautiful. Thank you .再请几名同学上台,及时指导。4、gameNow I think , you have remember the new words. Let play a game.“Where he/she is in?Ill choose one student come here ,show him/her a picture ,then he/she will do an action ,you can guess which room he/she is in. Do you understand?Ss: Yes. T: Let begin. Who want to come here.叫同学上来大家一起猜,也可以叫一个同学来猜5、Let chant播放flash 课件,“Lets chant,学生跟着唱
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