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便携式电子血压计设计摘要现代社会快速的发展,不仅带来了客观的经济效益,还导致我们的生活环境日益恶化。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们也更加注重自己的健康问题,而现代人们由于各种不良的生活习惯以及快速的生活节奏,导致人们的健康问题岌岌可危。其中“高血压”就是比较典型的当代都市病,“高血压”的发病率与年龄成正比,而且跟地理分布、个人的饮食习惯、生活环境更甚于和个人的体重有直接的关系。所以人们对“高血压”的防治,可以从培养健康的饮食习惯、加强体育运动、养成不抽烟,不喝酒的良好习惯等方面下手。即便人们已经意识到“高血压”的危害,可是“高血压”的患者还是逐年上升,有效、便捷的测量血压,对人们及时了解人体状况,更甚于可以进行及早的防治与治疗。传统的水银血压计需要配合听诊器测量,由专业的医护人员判断出收缩压、舒张压。整个测量过程比较复杂,且受人为因素影响误差难以保证。便携式血压计的出现,实现了非专业的医护人员也可测量血压的情况,便携式电子血压计操作简单,不需要他人帮助捆绑袖带和使用听诊器测量数据。随着便携式电子血压计的更新与换代,出现了臂式、腕式等多种类的电子血压计,而且更多功能以及人性化的服务走进千家万户。人们现在不用去医院进行血压的检测,在家就可以进行每日的血压测量及监测。很好的起到了对“高血压”的预防作用,也能使“高血压”进行及时的治疗。本设计主要以AT89C51单片机为核心,用压阻式压力传感器测得血压值,经过数模转换器转换成数字信号,经过单片机处理后,显示在液晶屏上。本设计的电子血压计具有体型小、低功耗、误差小、便于用户操作等优点,克服了水银血压计需专业知识、不易携带等缺点。也克服了一般电子血压计误差大,没有记忆功能,不能进行数据对比等缺点,使用起来更加人性化,更加简单,适合各类人群使用。关键词:血压;电子血压计;单片机 iABSTRACTRapid development of modern society, not only has brought the objective economic benefits, also led to the deterioration of our living environment. As people living standard rise, people also pay more attention to their health problems, and modern people because all sorts of bad living habits as well as the fast pace of life, lead to peoples health is at stake. Among them hypertension is typical of contemporary urban disease, the incidence of hypertension is proportional to the age, and with distribution, personal eating habits, living environment more than have a direct relationship and individual weight. So people on the prevention and control of high blood pressure, can develop healthy eating habits, strengthen sports, not smoking, not drinking habits, etc. Even if people have been aware of the dangers of hypertension, high blood pressure patients is rising year by year, however, effective and convenient measure blood pressure, for people to understand the status of the human body in time, even more than for early prevention and treatment. Traditional mercury sphygmomanometer need coordination with the stethoscope measurement, by a professional medical personnel determine that the systolic pressure, diastolic blood pressure. The whole measuring process is more complex, and error affected by human factors is difficult to guarantee. The emergence of portable blood pressure monitor for non-professional staff also can measure blood pressure, a portable electronic device, simple operation, dont need others to help bind cuff and the use of stethoscope measurement data. As the updating and upgrading of portable electronic blood pressure monitor, the arm, wrist, etc all kinds of electronic sphygmomanometer, and into more functions and humanized service. People dont have to go to hospital for blood pressure testing, now at home can be a daily blood pressure measurement and monitoring. Very good have played an important role for prevention of high blood pressure, also can make timely treatment hypertension. This design mainly USES AT89C51 microcontroller as the core, with piezoresistive pressure sensor measured the blood pressure value, through d/a converter is converted into digital signals, after dealing with the single chip microcomputer, display on the LCD screen. The design of the electronic blood pressure monitor with a small size, low power consumption, small error, the advantages of easy operation, overcome the mercury sphygmomanometer need professional knowledge, shortcomings and so on is not easy to carry. And overcome a great error in the general electronic blood pressure monitor, no memory, not data comparison and so on shortcomings, use rise more human, more simple, suitable for all kinds of people. Keywords: blood pressure; blood pressure monitor; single chip microcomputer ii湖南科技大学本科生毕业设计(论文)目录第一章 绪论11.1 课题背景11.2 血压介绍11.3血压的测量方法31.4 血压计发展概况4第二章 总体设计方案72.1 设计总体要求72.2 设计方案提出72.3设计方案论证92.4 系统总体结构设计11第三章 硬件设计133.1传感器电路设计133.2单片机电路设计153.3 液晶显示电路设计253.4 电源电路设计27第四章 软件设计314.1 程序主流程图314.2 单片机子程序模块334.3 液晶显示子程序模块344.4 数据处理子程序34第五章 总结375.1 设计总结375.2 设计心得37参考文献39致谢40附录A41附录B44iii第一章 绪论1.1 课题背景当今社会发展速度快,人们的生活水平也不断提高,可是随着社会的快速发展人们的生活节奏也越来越快,人们的生存压力也不断加大。这样健康问题就越来越突出,更多的人也更加重视健康问题,现在个人收入的一部分已经开始向医疗产业支出。而医疗产业不再是以前的看病就医,现在也有更多先进、快捷的医疗电子产品流入千家万户。这类电子产品都有共同的特点:操作简单、体积小、便于个人或家庭使用,从此便开始了个人疾病预防的篇章。高血压是最常见的一种慢性疾病,虽然高血压人们已经司空见惯,可是高血压引起的并发症:心肌梗死、心力衰竭、慢性肾脏病等都是危机人生命的重大隐患,高血压已经被医学界称为“无形杀手”,可想而知其严重程度。并且随着高血压患者的逐年增长的趋势,让人们不得不越来越重视高血压的预防及诊断。一般医院使用水银血压计,它是基于柯氏法的一种气压式血压计,使用时需要专业的一生用听诊器观察动脉血管的不同声音从而来判别收缩压和舒张压的值。水银血压除了专业或有经验的操作人员其他人一般很难实现测量准确,而且不能实现自己为自己测量,这样也会造成诸多不便。并且柯氏法也存在着一些固有的缺点:一是确定收缩压与舒张压比较困难;二是此法测量的依据是人的听觉和对汞柱的观察,这样以来主观因素大,容易因人不同造成血压值测量的不同;人们需要一个方便,安全,便于操作的血压计来实时的测量自己血压。于是乎电子血压计就应运而生,他满足了人们需求一个快捷、安全、方便的血压测量工具的要求,得到了个人及家庭的青睐。电子血压计也逐渐取代了水银血压计的地位,现在越来越多的医疗机构也在使用电子血压计来为就诊的患者进行测量,因为电子血压计不需要造作人员有过硬的医疗经验,而且电子血压计可以进行的数据读入与调出,可以很方便的让患者进行血压动态的观察。电子血压计的出现不仅给人们带来了方便与快捷,还可以让人们定期的测量血压及时的预防高血压及其并发症。随着电子血压计的发展,人们选择电子血压计的标准也越来越高,所以电子血压计的更新换代及其功能的人性化就成了电子血压计的卖点。1.2 血压介绍体循环动脉血压称为血压。血压是血液在人体内血管流动时,作用在血管壁上的压力,血压是推动血液在
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