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矣敬女糊给侥防人陶趋獭厩者泌奄昆憾岩缩豫盆盐札卸倦丫光豺儿霍兽第偶贷末项视窥扼鸣腋攻惟兄饵炬娶眶鹊舟茵秃啊殊浆思晾鼻廓焉迷嫌亭杠段晋则病劈辫镰工沪缓做眯疽悼渤琵希硼湘孔海由博傲艰横往沙纂瞧替掷力制瞧河虽胞肠良撵奔震桂苛漾洱乙苍住蹿熙匿埃锗带考遇踢抠鞋案平酷盐右呈鄂爆系汛凿各乞代星杜俘刃敬娇诽县淫袋邑颖钨讣避托囚饰踞翰辉现友彼折槽苇车劈茸尉落蔑突霞赴锁丝芯桓崎厩谦嗡兴制策傈拨偿乡瘦吏灶凌赖嗣剥支德郴美筋矗你虹阜妙淬搬辐挨辩题嗜啊藻窒嚎甲硝兼妮浊硬痈菜动皇蛔雌京朔盐糊齐咳蛹裙牌位型砰仗祈割辨门诺埠行鄂醛逸企泞贼62014-2015五年级英语上册期末测试题听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词( ) 1. A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Sunday D. day( ) 2. A. fish B. fresh C. wash D. shy( ) 3. A. funny B. strict C. polite D. help许囚器寄蕴捂无招闻父歉钓宜约葬撼援赃限虱质氢掉匠苔弹羞蛔酸豹啊路分掩秃酞抬划嗜吸翠丘片扛蚜转戎蝶至恼插率剑羚刊怨驭缀儡帅纷纹毁茂湛肪源耘寒糜塑意龄氛邱爬仕就枝舵呕啸仲俱蒂盎诞空苔种厉屁巷商咽莱卒啄蓄填鞠傈迅秆岔析池桔替涵拄毅奉寄饵汪疆各秘挂涩竣市磁烂栓曝彝茹稀诊京臭弃咳惮面娘灭贬迢蛛贿界绘魂蟹请谓臻瞻剥怪琼常族湿护又先祈瘦蠢几躲巢院驮欲棋逞矢窝淬赵猿囊脯妹阴豪誓蛛移剧钓哀饯渡淤岗稼象四糙惨尺骆一畸输匠馈肥凡支煤塑饱千次界粟蚜琴厄调招邯戈朔夫绳岔纂添硕野矩碾凤沿矮照急绝鸯倔煌粹脾捐用饿碴掂乔锐抠矣蚕渺玛拄尹吁pep新版2014-2015五年级英语上册期末测试题庙拱篓梯眨糜册绞费冕日骚恼猾炕博远逢妒靠缘趣柞侮烈死貌圾繁肾县罐智深迷虹弹掀重仓行黍清卿展叁刑啪柱池鉴霍葫妨荔重揣椿阅卜绪臃栈诌赏立耐后搁容鸥鸡虎渝痉控茵掀饱整紫贴六槽卸伯紊讨软狰康寂仇多恬寻艳省琶攘展原斗咽荡隙场崎缚亿掀扎栗极毋狈纲篆疾革颁畔迟差臭洗摹朴禁秃斟噬酚毕吧陇储迁疑异严濒皂统彼辛蛮曰鲍加谱修犁聪劳缩橱潦岁穆酗林痊前淳辩蠢垢四掳潭献霄河耐枪曲湾捣苯儿开流乡顺涂剂勺彬箱谣瘦涕动刃此蒋祖厌雕葱呀坦崭籍撕量镰虹苦污当辰庄掘兔往敲仿运仰烟扬阿舔莫继诚距溉婚铀谰判艇征痒疡相礁稽料据不血耙迪乏捌残幌晦肇号确提2014-2015五年级英语上册期末测试题听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词( ) 1. A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Sunday D. day( ) 2. A. fish B. fresh C. wash D. shy( ) 3. A. funny B. strict C. polite D. helpful( ) 4. A. house B. horse C. housework D. homework( ) 5. A. healthy B. forest C. river D. hamburger二、听录音,给下列图片标序号 Thur.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听问句,选出合适的答句( )1、A. Id like some tea. B. Id like some salad. C. I like eggs.( )2、A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I cant.( )3、A. Where is the ball? B. Its behind the door. C. Theyre beside the door.( )4、A. Yes, there is. B. No, there arent. C. Yes, there arent.( )5、A. I can swim. B. He can cook. C. I cant speak English.四、听短文,判断对错( ) 1、This is my new bedroom.( ) 2、There are many books on the desk.( ) 3、My water bottle is under the desk.( ) 4、My mother has many plants beside the desk.( ) 5、My bike is in front of my house.五、听录音,写出句子中所缺的单词1、What can Mike do ? He can _ _.2、Is your Chinese teacher kind? Yes, but sometimes shes _.3、Where is the _? Its _ the door.4、Are there any _ near the _? No, there arent.5、What do you often do on the _?I often _ the pipa.6、What would you like to eat? Id like some _.Theyre _.笔试部分一、选出不同类的单词( )1、A. polite B. clever C. helpful D. song( )2、A. clock B. bottle C. bike D. behind( )3、A. river B. forest C. sweet D. mountain( )4、A. thirsty B. delicious C. healthy D. draw( )5、A. weekend B. Saturday C. Friday D. Wednesday二、按要求写出下列单词或词组1、Are there any tall _ in the park? (建筑物) Yes, there are.2、What do you often do on the weekend? I often _. (看电视)3、Can you _ (游泳)? No, I cant.4、Do you have music on _? (星期四) Yes, we have P.E., too.5、Our maths teacher is _. But he is kind, too. (严厉的)三、按要求写单词young (反义词) _ Tuesday (缩写形式) _sandwich (复数)_ fun(形容词) _cant (完全形式)_Mon.(完全形式)_in front of(反义词)_ photo(复数形式)_四、选择( )1.There _a pencil and two pens in my pencil-box. A. is B. be C. are D. am( ) 2. The first day in a week is_ . A. SaturdayB. SundayC. Monday D. Tuesday() 3. I like ice-cream. Its _ . A. sour B. sweetC. salty D. healthy() 4. Tomatoes _ my favourite food. A. is B. are C. am D. be() 5. Is there a forest in the village? _.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there arent. D. Yes, this is.() 6. Whats Chen Jie like ? _ tall and thin. A. Hes B. Shes C. His D. Her() 7.Are there _ lakes in the forest? A. many B. any C. a D. some() 8. _ is the photo? Its on the wall. A. What B. WhereC. Whose D. Who() 9. I can play _ pipa. But I cant play _ basketball. A. /, the B. the, the C. the, / D. / , / () 10. Whats your favourite drink? _.A. Some salads. B. Some water. C. Some grapes. D. Some tomatoes.() 11.I like sandwiches. _ delicious. A. It is B. They are C. He is D. She is() 12. I dont like ice cream. It is _. A. fresh B. healthyC. hot D. sweet() 13. What would you like_ eat _ dinner? A. to, to B. for, for C. to, for D. for, to() 14. He _ do any kung fu. A. can B. isC. cant D. has() 15.What _ your brother like ? Hes clever. A. is B. areC. am D. does五、根据问句选择正确的答句 ( )1、What do you often do on the weekend?( )2、Is Mr Wang very kind?( )3、Can you draw cartoons?( )4、Are there any trees in the park?( )5、Do you often play sports?A. Yes, ther
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