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Teaching plan for Oxford English 4AM4U1 The natural worldSchool: Changyi Primary SchoolDate: Nov. 27. 2013 Teacher: Wang Jin教学设计说明:本单元的教学主题是Natural world, 通过老师带孩子们参观Mr MacDonald的农场,帮助孩子们了解哪些是农场动物,它们的习性和饮食习惯,我们在农场参观时要注意什么。本课教学的内容是Say and act “Feed the animals”. 我将本课内容和Look and learn 中的四个单词进行整合,在教学中复习动物们的外形,生活习性和它们的叫声,并通过学习hay, grass, corn以及meat,了解不同的动物有不同的饮食习惯,并用句型“They like eating _.”进行操练。同时,针对不同动物的不同习性分别形成语段,进行句和段的操练。最后,形成完整的语段,达到训练语言和提高能力的目的。学生情况分析: 四年级的学生经过三年多的英语学习,已经掌握了较多的单词词组,能够听懂老师的课堂用语并根据要求进行课堂互动。能够用所学到的知识对老师的要求进行反馈并推动课堂的进程,这些都为教学打下了坚实的基础。目前学生接触到的句型有to be, to have, there be, can和祈使句等。此外,一般现在时和like doing的结构也是目前学习的重点,在教学中要尽量把这些句型时态进行整合。教学内容:1 通过孩子们参观农场的活动,学会单词hay, grass, corn和meat2 通过孩子们参观农场的活动,学会词组 feed the sheep with the grass, feed the horses with the corn,feed the pigs with the corn, feed the dogs with the meat, farm animals, wild animals3 通过孩子们参观农场的活动,用各种已学句型对农场里的动物的外形、生活习性、叫声和饮食习惯等进行描述,并整合形成语段。4 用已学的单词词组和句型对农场动物进行描述,培养学生保护动物,热爱大自然。教学过程设计:Procedures Content MethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song.Old MacDonald has a farm在歌曲中进入本课学习活动。2. Answer the teachers questions.1. Quack, quack, what do you hear?2. How do they go?通过师生间的问答引入新授II. While-task procedure1Learn the word: grassfeed the sheep with the grass1. Talk about the picture of the sheep.2. What do the sheep eat?3. Learn the word: grass 1) Read 2) How is the grass? 3) What do the sheep like eating?4. They like eating grass, so we feed the sheep with the grass, learn this phrase. 5. What animals like eating grass too?6. Say sth. about the sheep通过问答逐渐形成语段,图文结合鼓励学生大胆表述。2 Learn the word: hay feed the horses with the hay1. Talk about the picture of the horses.2. Do the horses like eating grass?3. Learn the word: hay1) Read 2) How is the hay?3) What do the horses like eating?4. Do we feed the horses with the hay?5. Learn the phrase: feed the horses with the hay6. Chant.7. Say sth. about the sheep and the horses.通过语段带动学生复述,根据文本内容稍作扩充,提升学生能力。3. Learn the word: corn Learn the phrases: feed the pigs with the corn1, Talk about the pictures of the pigs.2. What do the pigs like eating?3. Learn the word: corn 1) Read 2) What animals like eating corn too?4. Talk about the pictures about Mr MacDonald and the pig. 1) Learn the phrases:feed the pigs with the corn 2) Say sth. about the pictures. 3) Read the paragraph.通过提问引发讨论,给出关键词帮助学生理解和记忆,在老师的帮助下运用关键词描述图片,构成语段。4. Learn the word: meat Learn the phrases: farm animals wild animals1. Look at the pictures, what animals do you see?2. Where do they live?3. Learn the phrase: farm animals4. Are dogs farm animals?5. What do the dogs like eating?6. Learn the word: meat7. Learn the phrase: feed the dogs with the meat8. What animals like eating meat?9. Do these animals live on the farm? 10. Learn the phrase: wild animals11. How are the farm animals?通过meat引入farm animals和wild animals两个概念,了解它们的不同。学会用语言来描述这两种不同的动物,教育学生保护动物。III. Post-task activities1. Match the pictures.2. Chant.3. Learn the lesson.4. Talk and finish the paragraph.将扩充文本以短文形式呈现,整合语言知识,培养语言能力。Assignment1. Copy the words and phrases. 2. Say sth. about one farm animal.课堂教学实录:一、 Pre-task:1. Sing a song.2. Answer the questions according to the song.What do you hear?How do they go?二、 While-task:(一) Grass:, feed the sheep with the grass1. Talk about the sheep. (What, How many, How)2. What do they eat? Learn the word: grass3. How is the grass?4. What do the sheep like eating?5. So, we feed the sheep with the grass, learn this phrase6. What animals like eating grass too?7. Say sth. about the sheep.(二) Hay, feed the horses with hay1. Talk about the horses. (What, How many, How)2. Do horses like eating grass? Learn the word: hay3. How is the hay?4. What do the horses like eating?5. Do we feed the horses with hay? Learn the phrase: feed the horses with the hay6. Do the sheep like eating hay?7. Lets chant.8. Say sth. about the sheep and the horses.(三) Corn, feed the pigs with the corns: 1. Talk about the pigs. (What, How many, How, Where, like doing)2. Do the pigs like eating grass? Hay? Learn the word: corn3. What animals like eating corn too?4. Talk about the pictures:How are the pigs?What do they like doing?How is their plate?How are the pigs?How do they go?Who comes?What does he do? Feed the pigs with the cornHow are the pigs?5. Learn the phrase: feed the pigs with the corn6. Say sth. according to the phrases.(四) Meat, feed the dogs with the meatFarm animals, wild animals1. What animals do you see?2. Where do they live? Learn the phrase: farm animals3. Are dogs farm animals? What do they eat? Learn the word: meat4. Dogs like eating meat, what do we feed th
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