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选修材料整合教材内容,有滋有味品阅读 本人在讲选修六教材第二模块阅读-The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter(Textbook, Page 22)- 时,正好当时二十一世纪报(21st Century Teens)阅读版第12期有一篇对应话题的文章Harrys Run (P45)。所以,就把这两份材料整合起来,设计了一节阅读课。当时是按选修课走班上的,效果反响还不错。现在把它重新整理出来,分享一下,望各位老师和专家雅正。 A sip of Fantasy Literature- ReadingPart I Newspaper Reading-Enjoying Our 21st Century Teens, the 12th edition: Harrys Run (P45)I. Pre-reading (Present some pictures from The Harry Potter films on Screen)Qs for Warming-up:1. Do you like the Harry Potter films? What do you think of them?2. The whole series end; will you miss Harry Potter? Can you name the seven series of Harry Potter? Lets recall them!Lead in:Do you want to know some details about the 7th series of Harry Potter?Lets come to our Teens, read Harrys Run(P45) to find what you may want. II. Fast ReadingRead Harrys Run fast, and answer the questions:Whats the main change of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, compared with other series? (Answer: Their adventure becomes more grownup.) III. Careful ReadingRead the passage again, carefully and decide the following statements are True or False:1. Harry Potter has changed both literary and cinema history. ( )2. Harry and his two friends are on the run, because they want to run away from the safety of the school and the adults protection. ( )3. When his comrades leave to return home, Harry defeated the dark forces all on himself alone. ( )4. Harry and his friends beat Voldemort at last, using the three magical objects. ( )5. Daniel Radcliffe is the talented director of Harry Potter movies. ( ) IV. Learn from practice1. The three are on the run. On the run: “be busy;be escaping;in a hurry”Practice:1)母亲为准备汤姆的婚礼已经马不停蹄忙了整整一星期。Mom has been _ _ _ all week _ _ Toms wedding.2)小偷已在逃一个月了。The robbers _ _ _ _ _for a month.3) 我如果上班晚了, 早餐就会吃得很匆忙。I will eat breakfast _ _ _if Im late for work.2. Harry and his friends take to the road to hide from. take to the road: to start travellingPractice:1) After a short stay in the village, they took to the road again.Translate it into Chinese: _. .and saving Harrys life in the nick of time. in the nick of time: at the last possible moment “正是时候; 恰好; 在紧要关头; 最后一分钟”Practice:1) He got to the station in the nick of time and caught the train.Translate it into Chinese: _4. “ We owe it to them as much as to ourselves to do a fantastic job on these last films, .”owe sth. to sb./ sth. : “把归功于.”1) He owes his success to good luck more than to ability.Translate it into Chinese: _联想: owing toPart II Textbook ReadingI. Lead-in Question:We have learned so much about Harry Potter now, but how much do you know about the great writer, J. K. Rowling ?Lets turn to Vocabulary and Reading: The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter, (Textbook, Page 22).II. Predicting before Reading:v Harry Potter is designed for _. A. schoolchildren B. adults C. young people III. While ReadingTask 1: What is mainly talked about in this passage?Tips for learning skill: Pay attention to the title or the first paragraph or the first sentence of each paragraph.Task2: Match the main ideas with the paragraphs.Para.1 a. She met some difficulties while writing.Para.2 b. She overcame the difficulties and published the first book.Para.3 c. Rowling, Harrys creator came up with the ideaPara.4 d. The books appeal to readers of all ages.Para.5 e. The effect of the books are great.Para.6 f. It took her ten years to complete the successful books.Task 3: Divide the passage into 3 parts according to the main ideas. Part 1(para _) Coming up with the ideaPart 2(para_-_) Meeting difficultiesPart 3 (para_-_) Achieving SuccessTask 4: Careful reading Part 1 (para 1) Coming up with the idea 1.Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from? 2. Where did she add flesh to the bones of the first Harry Potter story?3. Where did she develop the whole series? Part Two (para 2-para 3) Meeting difficulties 1. What difficulties did she meet when she began to write the first story? 2. When did she finish the first story?Part Three (para 4-6) Achieving Success1. Why is Harry Potter so popular? Because the Harry Potter books readers of all ages. They created a _between parents and children. Now, it is also claimed that they are _for _interest in reading. Harry Potter has even become part of the school _ 2. Find out
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