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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(1a-2d)教案 一、教学目标1.知识目标:1)单词:do, dont, does, doesnt, strawberries, like, have, hamburgers, orange, tomatoes, ice-cream, broccoli, salad, French fries, bananas.2)句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2.能力目标:通过学习本课,学生能够用英语互相讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食品。3.情感目标:讨论美食,享受生活美味,提倡健康合理膳食。二、教学重点:掌握关于食物的词汇。三、教学难点:学会使用交际用语Do you like bananas?Yes, I do./No, I dont.四、教学设计:Step1. 通过让学生猜冰箱里有哪些食物的形式,导出新的单词。同时让全体学生拼读每个单词、让个别学生将单词写到黑板上。本环节课堂节录如下:T: Today we are going to learn Unit 6. Look, whats this?Ss: Its a fridge.T: Right! There are many kinds of delicious food in it. Can you guess?S1: Apple.T: Yes, there are some apples in it. Are there any oranges in it?S2: Yes.T: OK, Maybe you are right. Now lets open the fridge and check them out. Look, what are they?Ss: They are bananas.T: How do you spell it?Ss: B-A-N-A-N-A, banana.T: Anything else?S: French fries.T: Maybe you are right. Lets see. Look! What are they?Ss: They are French fries.T: Can you spell it, please?Ss: F-R-E-N-C-H, French, F-R-I-E-S, fries.T: Yes, very good! Who can write it on the blackboard?S: Me.T: You please.Step2. 布置一项任务:老师手持一个盒子,让同学猜猜老师最喜欢的食物。规则为学生只能问老师问题而老师只用 “Yes” 或 “No” 回答。本环节课堂节录如下:T: You see, there are so many things in the fridge. I know each of you has your favourite food. Right? I have my favorite food, too. Now I want you to guess it. You can ask me questions to find it out. Think over, what question can you ask?S: Whats your favorite food ?T: Yes, you can ask me in this way, but I want you to guess it. I can only answer “ Yes” or “ No”. How can you ask me?S: Do you like bananas?T: Yes, I do. Yes, good question! So all of you can ask me like this, clear?Ss: Yes!S: Do you like hamburgers?T: No, I dont. I dont like hamburgers.S: Do you like oranges?T: Yes, I do. Theyre sweet.S: Do you like ice cream?T: Yes, I do. Its my favorite food in summer. OK, I think one of you has got the right answer. Now my favorite food is in this box!Ss: Chocolate!T: No, I dont like chocolate. lets open and see! Look! Whats this?Ss: Orange!T: Who got the right answer? S: Me!T: OK, congratulations! And this orange is for you!完成Section A, 1a, 1b.Step 3. 布置拓展性任务:要求同桌学生合作编一个小型对话,主题为询问别人喜欢或不喜欢的食物。要求使用刚学过的食物类单词以及句型,同时也可以适当地加入课外单词(老师请一程度较好的学生先进行示范)。本环节课堂节录:T: Now lets do the pair work. Make a dialogue with your partners. Ask your partners like this to find out their favorite food. I will ask some pairs to act it out. Two minutes. ( Two minutes later )T: OK, stop here. Whod like to be the first pair? You two, please!A: Hello.B: Hi.A: Lets go to eat breakfast. Look, do you like hamburgers?B: Yes, I do.A: Oh, I like it, too. Do you like French fries?B: No, I dont. They arent healthy food.A: OK, lets eat hamburgers.B: Great! Thank you.Step 4. 完成课文32页Section A听力练习activity 2a, 2b。Setp5. 当堂听写:听写单词与句型,进一步巩固本课学习内容,并将本课应掌握的单词和句型落实到“写”上,使学生不但会说同时会写。Step 6.Homework1. Copy the new words and try to learn them by heart.2. Make up a new dialogue about likes and dislikes then write it down in your exercise book.五、课后反思:本单元的主题为食物,贴近学生生活,因此学生很喜欢该主题,上课气氛比较热烈。课堂布置的任务使学生在完成的过程中不知不觉地掌握了单词与句型,从而达到教学目标。Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 第一课时Section A 1a1c姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】1.知识目标:识记表示食物的单词,并掌握food、 fruit、 vegetable与其它表示食物的单词的关系;能准确区分可数名词与不可数名词。2.能力目标:能用英语谈论食物和表达喜好,并在交际情景中熟练运用;学会用“Do you like?” /“Does he like?”等句型来询问、了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物。3.情感目标:了解西方人的饮食习惯与文化,由此对中西方饮食文化的差异进行对比与思考。【预习内容】1.预习1a的内容,根据图片写单词(按顺序写): 2.请把下列表食物的单词按要求分类,可数名词使用复数形式.(小提示:注意ice cream, salad和orange)banana; hamburger; tomato; broccoli; salad;water; apple; tomato; pear; French fries; orange; ice cream; strawberry; milk; potato; ice cream;可数名词:_ _ _不可数名词:_ _ _3.通过预习的疑问是 【知识点拨】like 的用法:1.like+something/somebody喜欢某物/某人 例:Ilikeapples. I like my teachers. 2.like+doing/to do喜欢做某事 例:I like singing, but I dont like to sing today.注意:like后跟动名词doing时表示一般的行为,跟不定式todo时则表示特定的行为或动作。 likesomebodytodosomething喜欢某人做某事。【学习过程】Step1. 通过学生展示冰箱里有哪些食物的形式,导出新的单词。a 香蕉_ b汉堡_ c 西红柿_ d 土豆_ e橘子_ f 蔬菜 _2.请把下列表食物的单词按要求分类,可数名词使用复数形式.(小提示:注意ice cream, salad和orange)banana; hamburger; tomato; broccoli; salad;water; apple; tomato; pear; French fries; orange; ice cream; strawberry; milk; potato; ice cream;可数名词:_ _ _不可数名词:_ _ _3.通过预习的疑问是 Step2. 布置一项任务:老师手持一个盒子,让同学猜猜老师最喜欢的食物。规则为学生只能问老师问题而老师只用 “Yes” 或 “No” 回答。S
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