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芮城县2015年度课改展示课竞赛暨第十一届小学教学能手评选教案There is a horse in this photo. 芮城县七一示范小学 南庆妮一、Teaching aims:1.Language knowledge :学习单词horse, sheep, vegetable, face和句型 There is .2.Language skills: 能够听,说,认,读单词,能够熟练运用新句型。3.Sentiment: 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极与他人合作。二、Teaching key points:掌握语言结构“There is a horse in this photo.” 能够听,说,读单词“horse, sheep, vegetable, face” 并熟练运用新知识。三、Teaching difficult points :灵活运用新知识与他人进行谈论四Teaching aids: CD-ROM, PPT五Teaching steps:Step 1. Warming upa. Greetings.b. Sing a song.(设计意图:初步感知there be的句子结构,并提高学生学习兴趣。)CTalk about Linglings family.(设计意图:复习与本课有关的正在进行时的句子结构,渗透我校的前参教学。)Step 2. PresentationA. Part 1 利用动词短语和图片引出课题(设计意图:巩固就知,引出新知)B. Part 2 a. Read the text and underline the new words. b. Listen, and fill“there is and there are”. c. Listen and answer the questions.1) Whats the horse doing? 2) Whats the sheep doing?3) Whats the cat doing? 4) Whats the girl doing?5). Whos the girl? 6).Whats Lingling doing? d. Repeat the text. e. Retell the text.( Brainstorming game)(设计意图:用头脑风暴游戏,刺激学生的学习兴趣,加深对本课所学的重要句子印象。)Step 3 .Practice (Page 40, Part 4)Talk about this picture in pairs. (设计意图:培养学生的综合观察能力,以及对新知活学活用的能力。)Step 4.Production(Play a game).Show the students some different pictures, talk about the pictures in pairs.( 设计意图:提高学生学习兴趣,培养学生乐于参与,勇于开口,与别人合作的能力。)Step 5. Cooling down. This class, we learnt some new words and how to use “There is ”.七Homework: Listen to the CD-ROM ,and read the text to your mother or your father.八Writing design.Module 7 Unit 1 There is a horse in this photo. There is Its Shes . 九Notes.
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