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关于生态建筑材料在装饰装修中的应用价值探析中英文对照About ecological construction materials in the application of decoration value analysis contrast in both Chinese and English生态环保是二十一世纪重要的课题。我国为了更好的适应国际经济发展和能源消耗形势,实现经济可持续发展战略,构建社会主义和谐社会,提出了构建节约型社会。装饰装修中的节能环保也是其中重要的内容之一。为了更好的实现这一目标,在装饰装修中不断的应用生态建筑材料,生态建筑材料大行其道,它不仅改变了过去装饰装修材料中存在各种有毒气体和有害物质的现状,同时又实现了节能环保,在装饰装修中非常具有应用价值。Ecological environmental protection is a important subject in the 21st century. In order to better adapt to international economic development in our country and the energy consumption situation, to realize the economic sustainable development strategy, building a harmonious socialist society, proposed the construction of economical society. Adornment is decorated in the energy conservation and environmental protection is one of the important content. In order to better achieve this goal, the application of ecological building materials continuously in the decoration, ecological building materials is popular, it not only changed the past decoration materials in the status quo of all sorts of toxic gas and harmful substances, energy saving and environmental protection, very has the application value in the decoration. 装饰装修生态建筑材料Ecological building materials decoration 装饰装修生态建筑材料是为了实现在建筑材料在生产、应用等过程中实现与生态自然环境协调,达到使用最少资源和能源,对环境无污染等目的的建筑材料。主要的意义就是为了实现节能环保,避免对环境造成污染;而且在回收和循环利用上面能够更好的体现其生态价值。在现在的装饰装修建筑材料大多都是有化学材料制成的,含有有毒有害物质和成分,在使用过程当中挥发出有毒气体和有害物质,对人体健康造成损害。装饰装修生态建筑材料的出现是非常的具有应用价值的。Adornment is decorated in order to realize ecological building materials are in building materials in the process of production, application, etc. To realize coordinated with ecological environment, to use the least resources and energy, and on the environment pollution-free, etc. The purpose of building materials. Mainly is in order to realize the significance of energy conservation and environmental protection, to avoid damage to the environment; And on the recovery and recycling can better reflect its ecological value. In most decoration building materials now are chemical materials, containing toxic or harmful substances and ingredients, in use process of volatile poisonous gas and harmful substance, causing damage to human body health. The emergence of ecological building materials decoration is very has the application value. 装饰装修生态建筑材料以现代高新技术为技术前提,在可持续发展和节能环保的主导下,在材料的设计、生产、使用、回收等阶段,进行科学合理的运用,使得其实现生态环保、节能、舒适实用等功能,达到与生态环境、人文的和谐。Ecological building materials decoration with modern high and new technology for technologys premise, under the leading of sustainable development, energy conservation and environmental protection, the material design, production, use, recycling, such as stage, carries on the scientific and reasonable use, make it realize the function such as ecological environmental protection, energy saving, comfortable and practical, with ecological environment and cultural harmony. 二、目前我国装饰装修建筑材料的现状Second, the present status of the decoration of building materials in China 我国的装饰装修建筑材料的发展还不是特别的健全,在使用的过程存在不少的问题。Decoration building materials development in our country is not a special sound, many of the problems in the process of use. 装饰装修建筑材料的设计不科学Decoration building materials design is not science 目前使用的装饰装修建筑材料的设计没有考虑到其科学合理和实用性,有的纯粹是为了追求外观的特点,缺乏高素质的设计人员,进行科学合理的设计,产品的更新淘汰比较的弱。Currently used decoration building materials design without considering its scientific and reasonable and practical, some are purely in order to pursue the appearance characteristics, lack of highly qualified design personnel, for scientific and reasonable design, product update out is weak. 2、产品质量不达标2, the product quality is not standard 在生产的过程中不重视装饰装修建筑材料的质量,没有严格按照产品标准来执行,很多都是用化学材料制作而成的,很多重要的指标都没有达标。在装饰装修完成后,在使用过程中,很容易排出有毒气体和有害物质,对人体造成损害。而且使用寿命也不长,造成了资源的浪费。Do not take the decoration in the process of production of construction materials quality, no strict according to product standards implementation, a lot of chemical material are made of, and a number of important indicators are not standard. Upon the completion of the decoration, in use process, it is easy to discharge toxic gas and harmful substances, causing damage to the human body. And the service life is not long, caused the waste of resources. 生态建筑材料在装饰装修中的应用价值The value of ecological building materials in decoration 生态建筑材料与普通整的材料相比,它具有许多的优点,比如性能强、性价比高、节能环保等一上市就受到人们的欢迎和喜爱。装饰装修生态建筑材料不仅能够很好的实现节能环保和健康的要求,而且在满足装饰装修个性化要求上也非常的不错。装饰装修生态建筑材料不仅增强了建筑的室内使用效果,同时还与时俱进,结合现代科学技术和审美,在装饰装修的外观效果上实现了美观。Ecological building materials compared with the ordinary solid materials, it has many advantages, such as high performance, cost-effective, energy-saving environmental protection, a public is welcomed and loved by the people. Ecological building materials decoration not only can well realize the requirement of energy conservation, environmental protection and health, and meet the personalized requirements on decoration is also very good. Ecologica
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