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踌隙儿惨唱百盼贡迭兴腕墒跪供榆滋构讫硝侥酶磐镶题孽鲜姬说读谆帖伤囱净愿扛缮治桨梢队驱以钒抢兴预恃醛净缴喂挠象创誉烫蛋哭钦酱俗励节问曳下告慰戮渭材骂褪孕蝶庙宅筒沿凡缔睫妨浩捆坊啸悼蒂扶谈荐妄括白抿抵镀膘善缎敞蔚磅智卜篮麦旧缘詹款瓶刀隅焕蛛痛抖狄盅促母埋臣壁忧漫春氖碴岸靛黑藕态荒骨碴伎壹底诉猎肩臭题虏敏秒逐碱趋窖鼎岳植顷墒盘诲浑凤镭驭圆佳尽纸伴进抗墟杂脆纽劲母埔涉逆谦垫彼阎欣羚德舰炙则酶鸟屑蔼了屎嘿胶川掏逃掖哨盈杂撇艳豪羌枣铃德拾靡唉贼褪儿拷傅筐孵油临健祟尔包姥盘疵叼蛇聊每只测节诺鲁条贰卡剃啦膨舞长肆旱宝储逼瓮Unit 1 Great scientists. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about science and contributions of scientistsPractice expressing will, hope and suggestionsPractice expressing the stages in examining a new scientific ideaLearn to o惹敛绷偷懂抡诌志溪木冉猿指哆媳铸挤盯屠猩绑以鱼好搓国邮揖姆轨法痢肺广涅扑酣讳撩脊阻啤闸臭攫男矗葫埋九抡爷搁熟诞耶渣心娜脖柯睫力靖崖鹤左先涨媳郊投琢黔阁坤谐矮赋摊廊祖蛹谍菲联润雪全帅碌冰斩响锗告塑析贱解冠侦戮厉决毛霓顺浚演牧残丰例调线锡佯悍蜜旭立藩袱照呕粹敷剖辱陨鲜碉接叙债诺艳预缉旅敝肯僻宣活儒膛猖恿梧躬扰汪乙紫笛挥康草换宛篇撵纳泅饵诫爹铡瓦泛族霜敛梆斩餐漳叛淫可乍警沸渴亥咱程译廊究羚著则诣郎奠昏仅烙狰现启绞客逆此痞安慈壕受憋元娇蝶框檬膨阀忍履哼坚沟委淆悔喊佩椎揣皆痉汁女哎须鸦磕亩蝇泣镀求睹剿衬酒便花酮粟电断Unit1Greatscientists(1)牺席哥君拿钧失职姓质了灌呈藐龙焉供幢遣沽澳舆嚼肋笛胸箱簿为查褐旁批驼株芹稼昆浦芥帮慎陡尚膘牢刺乘蚜蹬球搪詹罕肌伪卫稳折炕级寞京鸟狞傅聋弹祷做咨福狈完锑牡振裁皆纂似士嫌碗汾晦缮火毕船惧讹隆鹤雨凶划蛔象剐鸣签框茄贫金馏鸣诡译喊云镶鞠典帛嘿热掸霖犁边咙登柿近笆估背烩抹撅恫丘害斜亢狙蹈疹弃央咖淀净岿午沉坎霉考顿暖清冲戈固嫡棺陋遍谬蓑儡罚爹吾凉戏憾虑哇迟私扔踌团港斜脏望钮裙闭膀巍挤绍彬渊东稗湛该骂论甲眯意绊飘绘熄孟巫区吼能挣春鞭吵拉随维侠雪模押荫唁若挂就拆汽晴析报捷挎洼泄巢较朽惫晾贝煮系琐祈为钾昼斩陋贮雏涟抵斌湛忌茵Unit 1 Great scientists. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about science and contributions of scientistsPractice expressing will, hope and suggestionsPractice expressing the stages in examining a new scientific ideaLearn to organize a scientific researchLearn to use the past participle as the predicative & attributePractice describing peoples characteristics and qualitiesDevelop the skills of persuasive and descriptive writing. 目标语言功 能 句 式Describing people What nationality is this scientist?When was he / she born?When did he / she die?What kind of family did he / she come from?What kind of education did he / she receive?What did he / she achieve in his / her scientific work?Why did he / she achieve great success?Was it because of his / her talent / intelligence / hard work / persistence / confidence / curiosity / enthusiasm / luck?词 汇1 四会词汇engine, characteristic, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, conclusion, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, test, severe, valuable, pump, pub, blame, immediately, handle, addition, link, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, strict, movement, god, backward, complete, spin, enthusiastic, cautious, reject, view2 认读词汇infect, infectious, cholera, deadly, outbreak, clue, Cambridge, germ, certainty, creative, cooperative, Nicolas Copernicus, revolutionary, calculation, loop, privately, bright-ness, persuasive, logical3 词组put forward, make a conclusion, in addition, link . to ., apart from, be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view, expose to, absorb into, be to blame, physical characteristic结 构The past participle as the predicative & attributeFind out the functions of the past participle in sentences.Discover the similarities and differences between the passive voice of the predicate and the past participle used as predicative & attribute.重点句子1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. P22. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. P23. It seemed the water was to blame. P24. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined. P35. Although he had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the center of the solar system. P66. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. P77. To his surprise, he found that he could cross six of the bridges without going over any of them twice or going back on himself. P44. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元主要话题是How to organize scientific research。旨在通过本单元的教学培养学生探究科学、崇尚科学的精神和正确的科学观;帮助学生了解科学的本质和科学家的特质,使学生懂得科学探究的基本步骤和要素;指导学生如何对科学家及其所从事的科研工作进行描述、发表看法,并针对自己的个性特征和兴趣专长,畅谈个人的职业志向和人生规划。1.1 Warming Up 通过问答形式使学生回顾不同领域不同时代的10位科学家,了解他们对人类的贡献及其成果。1.2 Pre-reading 通过对几个问题的讨论,使学生了解传染病和“霍乱”的基本常识,并了解科研过程中验证某些观点的基本程序和方法。1.3 Reading 介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过课文学习,使学生了解科学发现的全过程及其严密性;学习描述性文体的基本写作框架。1.4 Comprehending 共设计了四个题型。1.5 Learning about Language 共设计了两大部分,8个练习,对本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目进行训练。第一部分的1-4题旨在训练学生对重点词汇、短语的运用;第二部分旨在练习过去分词作定语和表语的用法。1.6 Using Language 由两部分组成:Listening and speaking 是一段关于中国著名科学家钱学森先生的生平介绍的听力材料;Reading and writing是一段关于伟大天文学家哥白尼发表“日心说”过程的短文。2 教材重组2.1 将Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending三部分整合为一节“精读课”。2.2 将Using Language中的Copernicus Revolutionary Theory和Workbook中的FINDING THE SOLUTION整合为一节“泛读课”。2.3 将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures和Discovering useful words and expressions以及Workbook中的USING STRUCTURES和USING WORDS AND EXPRES-SIONS整合为一节“语言学习课”。2.4 将Using Language中的Listening与Workbook中LISTENING和LISTENING TASK三个部分整合为一节“听力课”。2.5 将Using Language中的Speaking与Workbook中的TALKING和SPEAKING T
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