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8A Unit 4 Wild animalsPeriod 4 Grammar(1)Title(课题)GrammarType(课型)New新授课Period(课时)4Supporting theories(理论支持)建构主义学习理论:学习者的知识是在一定情境下,借助于他人的帮助,如人与人之间的协作、交流、利用必要的信息等等,通过意义的建构而获得的。因此,学习是一个积极主动的建构过程;知识是个人经验的合理化,而不是说明世界的真理;知识是商谈出来的;学习者的建构是多元化的。因此,建构主义学习理论强调教学必须以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和对所学知识在原有经验基础上的意义生成,要求教师由知识的传授者、灌输者转变成为学生主动建构知识的帮助者、促进者,学生学习的合作者。1.改变以前单向控制教学活动的角色观念。2.鼓励学生探究客观世界中复杂和真实的问题。3.创建一个令学生舒适的学习环境。4.调整课程,以便使可能费时很多的建构活动能与一定年级所要求的课程内容保持均衡。Aims and demands(教学目标)A: Knowledge (语言知识) 1. To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about possible situations.2. To learn new words in Grammar.C: Feeling (情感态度)To develop the students good personal qualities and imagination.Key points and difficulties(教学重、难点)1.To learn the conditional sentences.2. To learn new words in Grammar.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based Approach Situational Teaching MethodAids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)1. Get some pictures with words ready.2. A paper with some exercises教 学 设 计课前延伸(预习) 1. Preview the new words of this part.2. Look for some sentences with if-clause.Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内探究课内探究 学StepWarm up & Leading in1. Make a dialogue between the teachers and students.2. Lead in.1师生对话,让学生进入上课状态。2对话内容尽量向生词方面引导,以达到顺利呈现单词的目的。Step II PresentationA. Present the new words.snake, noon, information, report, thirsty, examB. Present if-clause1. Try to elicit the conditional structure by asking questions such as: T: What will happen if you come to school late? S: I will miss some classes. T: What will happen if you break your favorite toy? S: I will be very sad.T: What will happen if you dont prepare for an exam?S: I will get a bad mark. Try to think of sentences which reflect students own experience, 2. Write the most interesting answers on the blackboard. Ask the students to include the if-clause as well. Eg: I will miss some classes if I come to school late.I will be very sad if I break my favourite toy.I will get a bad mark if I dont prepare for an exam.3. Read all the sentences again and ask more able students to tell the whole class when we use this kind of conditional sentences to elicit the rule. (We use conditional sentences to talk about the possible result of a possible action.)4. Ask the students to open their books and read the rule and the sentence patterns at the top of page64. (if-clause, simple present tense, main clause, simple future tense)1在语境中结合图片呈现单词,做到词不离句。2巧用学生的亲身体会进行适当的想象,易于激发学生兴趣,焕发学生激情,避免语法课的沉闷。导Step III Practice1. Ask the students to finish A1 on page64. Check the answers in groups.2. Ask the students to finish A2 on page65. Then ask six students to come to the blackboard to write the answers on the blackboard. The teacher checks the answers together with the students.3. Read the six sentences on page65 and work out the rule. (We need a comma after the if-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.)4. Finish A3 and read it with partners. 5. Finish some exercises on the paper.采用小组内探讨答案的方式,培养学生的合作意识。练Step IV Production Play a game. One of the desk mates writes the main clause, the other writes if-clause. Each of them reads the sentence out with a right tense.通过游戏,既检查学生对if从句的把握情况,也增加了课堂内容的趣味性。课后提升Step Assignment.1. Finish some exercises on the paper.2. Make sentences with if-clause.3. Preview the part of because . 控制作业量,既落实双基又重视能力。4
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