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. . 中级口译阅读篇第一章中级口译简介与准备方法一单元中级口译简介中级口译:含金量高 通过率低(10-15%)go the extra mile笔试(Sept. & March)Listening Comprehension90 分40 minsSpot DictationMultiple ChoiceListening & TranslationReading Comprehension60 分50 minsTranslation (C-E, E-C)100 分60 minsReading Comprehension是拿分的关键Reading Comprehension难度定位:03年后难度级别向高口接轨二单元如何准备中高级口译阅读方法一:Broaden Your Knowledge扩展知识面中高口译很注重文化背景和丰富的知识面1、阅读材料推荐文体Diversity:argumentation, advertisement, handbook, story, conversation, table, extract, and feature 主题:英美政治体制、欧洲的经济状况等要求:我们尽可能的扩展知识面推荐:报纸New York Time .nytime.Economist.economist.重点阅读editorial和feature这种文体,文体特点:实效性、争议性杂志National Geographic电子光盘Discovery 看盘的方法:听原声看英文字幕2、Knowledge在中高级口译中的重要位置举例:This is a Catch-22 situationCatch-22 ? Catch 军规Catch-22第22条军规Catch-22延伸含义:悖论方法二:Enlarge Your Vocabulary (CET-6)尽可能扩大你的词汇量1、 自己背注重背单词的motivation目的、目标。爱上英语,爱上学英语的过程。2、 单词扩展词根词缀扩展法:诗经.大雅中“”翻译成great harmonyharmony:和谐(具有政治意味)该词的几种扩展变化:philharmony:phil古希腊词,意为爱、喜欢 harmony最初的意思和声philharmony:爱乐philosophy哲学phil爱、喜欢sophy智慧philosophy爱智慧哲学Philadelphia费城Phil爱、喜欢Adelphia兄弟Philadelphia兄弟之爱、博爱词根词缀发展的极端现象:antidisestablishmentalism核心词establish建立方法三:阅读技巧 如何读文章、如何解题目推荐教材:英语中级口译全真试题集、中级口译阅读真题补充教材、中级口译笔试备考精要、中高级口译词汇必备第二章中级口译阅读讲解之如何读文章一、中级口译阅读特点、原则:中级口译阅读特点:1. 出题顺序与文章顺序一致定位容易,顺着做2. 不考生僻难懂的单词,即使出现亦非考点所在不慌3. 在文章较难的情况下,考题多为细节题抓逻辑关键词,不必把握全文中级口译阅读原则:略读全文领会大意掌握技巧准确定位读两遍七分钟第一遍略读重点读主题、焦点、作者态度,忽略细节,抓住关键词第二遍寻读有目的阅读 略读全文skimming 凭借重点词汇区分主题与细节领会大意focus & attitude掌握技巧准确定位scanning 寻读,定位perfect二、中级口译阅读具体方法如何区分文章的主题和细节主题句Topic Sentence (TS):主题/中心思想,核心容 focus & attitude主题和细节之间存在的三种关系:1、 分类列举:主题是综述,由细节分类列举下来2、 现象原因:现象可以略读,原因才是关键所在3、 抽象具体:主题永远是抽象的,细节永远是具体的主题句如何定位1、 文章主题句:首段首句/末句 末段首句 前三段必定出现主题句2、 段落主题句:段落首句/末句 段落转折后主题句的特征:1、 主题句必定是以判断句式出现2、 高度概括(不出现具体时间、地点、人物,若有则skimming时不看)3、 有表示重要性的字眼:point, essence (essential), primary, major, fundamental, imperative, necessary, critical, important, matter 最高级形式唯一性词汇第三章 真题讲解一阅读技巧:注意略读和详细读的结合阅读文章前划出小节数Questions 1-5Winding through the dense Philippine rainforest, my guide slows to a halt. guide:导游文章中人物的三种命运:1、 全文主角2、 引用其言语3、 作为引子出现只有人物作为全文主角的时候才有必要在第一遍阅读。答题技巧:引子部分可以在第一遍跳读。He leans over and carefully plucks a leaf from a bright green plant. Holding it to his arm as if its covering a wound, he says simply medicine. My guide is definitely no doctor, but he knows what he is talking about. He is a native Negrito tribesman who once taught American soldiers about his peoples ancient ways in the jungle.Jungle survival tours are a popular attraction in Subic Bay, the former US naval base that has been transformed into a special economic zone and tourist area. Starting at the time of the Vietnam War, American soldiers used the areas lush jungles and the knowledge of the local tribesmen to train for the harsh conditions of jungle warfare. After the Americans pulled out of the Philippines in 1992, tribesmen started guiding tourists.Jungle survival tours are a popular attraction in Subic Bay, the former US naval base that has been transformed into a special economic zone and tourist area.段落首句位置,判断句式,包含关键词。可以初步判断本句为主题句。Throughout Asia, former military sites have been transformed into unusual and fascinating tourist attractions. Not far from Subic, on the windblown island ofCorregidorat the mouth of ManilaBay, visitors can huddle in the same tunnels where American general Douglas MacArthur made his last stand before the Philippines fell to Japan in World War II. A light-and-sound show recreates the nerve-wracking bombing soldiers endured.Throughout Asia, former military sites have been transformed into unusual and fascinating tourist attractions.本句进一步抽象、概括化,可以判断本句为全文主题句。 On Singapores SentosaIsland, FortSiloso, a beautifully restored gun site, was one of the 12 coastal artillery batteries that tried to defend Singapore during its brutal downfall to the Japanese in 1942. On Penang, Malaysia,FortCornwallis is a reminder of he islands former strategic importance. Built by British naval officer Captain Francis Light in 1786, it was later rebuilt by prisoners. Today it offers a great view of the ocean.US military personnel are now back in Subic Bay. Many come on joint military exercises; others are simply tourists. And many echo the sentiment of one US soldier who recently marveled at Subics pristine jungle and deep water port. Why did we give this place up? he asked military Manoeuvres.For more information on Subic Bay, check out the Philippine Department of Tourism website (.wowphilippines.ph) and look for Subic in the Where To Go section. To learn more about sites on CorregidorIsland, check out .corregidorphilippines. for tour and hotel information. SentosaIsland maintains an im
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