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吉林省农产物出口贸易问题探析 本篇论文目录导航: 吉林省农产物出口贸易问题探析影响吉林农业外贸的因素研究绪论农产品外贸出口相关概念及理论基础农产品外贸出口现状及问题分析吉林省农产物外贸出口的问题成因分析吉林省农产品出口贸易可持续发展的对策加强吉林省农产物贸易的措施研究结论与参考文献 中文摘要 我国自古以来就是一个农业大国,农业在国民经济中处于基础性地位,而吉林省作为一个农业大省,其农产品外贸对其也十分重要。特别是当中国加入WTO,中国和东南亚的自由贸易的各个协定签订,农业的发展、农产品的出口对于吉林省的经济起着十分直接而重要的影响。而在当前吉林省农产品不仅仅要面对国内的挑战,也要积极参与国外的竞争,所以研究吉林省的农产品出口贸易问题十分重要。近些年来,我国十分重视农业、农民、农村;问题,每年的中央一号文件都是有关三农;问题的方面的建议。今年是十三五;的开局之年,解决三农;问题,提高农民收入,改善农民生活,是十三五;规划中的重要方面。而研究吉林省的农产品外贸问题,促进农产品的出口,打造具有国际竞争力的农产品,有助于全面建设小康社会的实现。本文以比较优势理论、要素禀赋理论,新贸易理论和竞争优势理论为理论基础,从总量规模,品种结构,主体力量,贸易环境等方面来分析和总结吉林省农产品外贸的现状,从出口农产品结构单一,传统品种比重过大 ,出口市场过分集中,农业现代化水平低,基础薄弱等方面分析了当前吉林省农产品外贸存在的问题根据吉林省农产品外贸出现的问题,直接影响因素和间接影响因素两个个方面来分析当前吉林省农产品外贸存在问题的原因。根据其问题的形成原因,从从发展产业化经营促进农产品加工精深化,培育农产品出口龙头企业群 ,发挥政府的支持作用,完善多层次的农产品出口政策体系 ,积极发展特色农产品贸易,建立农产品现代化物流 优化农产品出口商品结构 ,强化农产品出口促销服务和信息服务,健全农产品出口服务体系,加强出口农产品质量安全管理不断壮大农产品贸易主体等多个个方面为吉林省农产品外贸发展提供对策建议。希望通过本文对吉林省农产品外贸问题的研究,对于提高吉林省农产品外贸水平有所帮助,对于其他地区的农产品外贸出口有所借鉴。关键词:农产品,外贸,出口贸易AbstractSince the ancient times in China is an agricultural country, agriculture is in thefoundational status in the national economy, and the jilin province as a big agriculturalprovince, the agricultural products trade is also important.Especially when Chinajoined the WTO, China and southeast Asia free trade agreement is signed, thedevelopment of agriculture, agricultural products export to the economy of jilinprovince plays a very direct and important influence.In the current jilin provinceagricultural products not only to face the challenges of the domestic, also want toparticipate in the competition of the foreign, so the jilin province agricultural productexport trade is very important.In recent years, our country attaches great importanceto agriculture, farmers and countryside; problem, every one in the middle of the fileis advice on the problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers;.This year is the startof the implementation of much starker choices-and graver consequences-in;, solvethe problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers;, to improve the farmers income,improving farmers life, which is an important aspect of the much starker choices-andgraver consequences-in planning;.And study the foreign trade of agricultural productsof jilin province and promote the export of agricultural products, to build with theinternational competitiveness of agricultural products, contribute to the realization ofbuilding a well-off society in an all-round way.Based on the comparative advantage theory and factor endowment theory, newtrade theory and competitive advantage theory as the theoretical basis, from the totalscale, variety structure, the main body strength, trade environment, etc, to analyze andsummarize the present situation of the jilin province agricultural product trade, fromsingle export agricultural structure, traditional varieties proportion is too large, theexport market excessive concentration, low level of agricultural modernization, weakfoundation, etc, analysis of the current problems existing in the foreign trade ofagricultural products. Jilin province.According to the jilin province agriculturalproduct trade problems, directly influencing factors and indirect influence factor twoaspects to analyze the causes of the problems of jilin province agricultural producttrade.According to its formation cause of the problem, from industrialization topromote agricultural products processing from development to deepen, fosteragricultural exports leading your community, give play to the role of the government ssupport, perfect the multi-level system of agricultural product export policy, activelydevelop characteristic agricultural product trade, establish modern logistics ofagricultural products to optimize agricultural export commodity structure, strengthenthe agricultural product export promotion service and information service, improvethe agricultural product export service system, strengthen the export of agriculturalproducts quality and safety management has grown more each aspect such asagricultural trade subject for jilin province countermeasures and Suggestions for thedevelopment of the foreign trade of agricultural products.Hope that through the studyof foreign trade of agricultural products of jilin province, this paper also help improvethe level of jilin province agricultural product trade, for the reference in other parts ofthe agricultural product export.Key words:foreign trade export trade of agricultural products目 录中文摘要ABSTRACT目 录第 1 章 绪论1.1 论文的研究背景1.2 国内外研究现状1.2.1 国外研究现状1.2.2 国内研究现状1.3 主要内容1.3.1 全文章节1.3.2 创新点1.4 研究方法与文章结构1.4.1 研究方法1.4.2 本文结构第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础2.1 基本概念2.1.1 农产品出口2.1.2 农产品外贸2.2 理论基础2.2.1 比较优势理论2.2.2 新贸易理论2.2.3 竞争优势理论第 3 章 吉林省农产品外贸出口现状及问题分析3.1 吉林省农产品
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