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Module 11 词汇篇拿厌脑帚操)业誠丽拿教学目标)掌握重点词汇及短语并能灵活运用。爭趣味引入:參知识梳珂1. smile v. &n. 微笑 We Chin ese ofte n shake hands and smile whe n we meet visitors, and sometimes we nod our heads.当会见来访者的时候,我们中国人经常握手微笑,有时候我们点头。 What are you smili ng at? 你在笑什么 ? She welcomed him with a smile.她笑着欢迎他。【探究总结】smile 的用法(1) smile作动词用,常构成短语:smile at, 意为对微笑”;(2) smile 作名词用,常构成短语:with a smile, 意为面带微笑”;(3) smile 和laugh的区别:smile 一般是无声的微笑;laugh 一般是有声的笑、大笑,laugh at 嘲笑。2. each pron. 各个,每个In the US some people shake hands, and some kiss or hug each other. 在美国,有些人握手,有些人亲吻或彼此拥抱。. He gave a book to each of his parents. 他给他父母各送了一本书。. He gave ea ch boy an apple. 他给每个男孩一个苹果。【探究总结】each 形容词代词 each 和 other 构成相互代词 each other, 相当于 one another ,而 every 不和 other 连用each可指两个或两个以上中间的每一个,而every只可指三个或三个以上中间的每一个,不能指两个中的每一个 , 如可以说 each of my eyes, 不可说 every one of my eyesevery 形容词 every 和 not 连用构成不完全否定。 each 不和 not 连用 表示每隔”、每,要用every +基数词+复数名词”。这种结构中的every不能用 each 替代3. hold v. (held) 握着;使不动. South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you.南美人在和你谈话时,有时候会抓住你的胳膊。. John held a knife in his hand. 约翰手里握着一把小刀。【探究总结】 hold 的用法 作及物动词用,意为“握着;使不动;举行;包含;容纳”,常构成短语:hold on 意为“(打电话时)别挂断”; hold on to 意为“抓住不放;紧紧抓住” 。4. It s+形容词+to do sth.做某事是的. In some places, it isn t polite to look at people when you talk.在一些地方,当你说话的时候看着人是不礼貌的。 It s very kind of you to help me.你能帮我,真好。 It s difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很难。【探究总结】It s +形容词+ to do sth. 句型(1) 在英语中,如果作主语的动词不定式太长,为了避免头重脚轻,一般用 正的主语置于句尾。(2) lt is+ 形容词+of sb. + to do sth.形容词描述行为者的性格品质,女【It is+ 形容词+for sb. + to do sth.形容词描述事物的特征、性质,如5. bring v. (brought)带来 You cannot bring food or drink into the lab.你不能把食物和饮料带进实验室。【探究总结】bring的用法(1) bring作动词用,意为带来”,其过去式为brought ,常构成短语:to sb.意为给某人带来某物”;bring up 意为养育”。(2) bring, take, carry与 get 的用法辨析:bring表示从别处把某人或物“带来”或“拿来”take指把某人或物“带走”或“拿走”(到别处)carry指“搬运”,不具体说明来去的方向,有时含有沉重或麻烦之意get指到别处把某物取来,相当于go and bring挙特爸讲屈1. Our teacher came into the classroom.A. with smileB. with smilesC. with a smileit作形式主语,而将真kind, n ice, polite 等.easy, in teresti ng等.bring sb. sth. = bring sth.D. i n a smile答案:C 解析:with a smile, 意为“面带微笑”2. Everyonehim when he ran past us.A. laugh at B. smile at C. laughed 答案: D解析:smile at, 意为对微笑”3. of the girls has got a pencil and some paper.A. AllB. EveryC. Everyone答案: D解析:each可指两个或两个以上中间的每一个,结构为each of -D. smiled atD. Each4. How often does the Olympic Games take place?A. Each four yearsB. Every four yearsC. Every yearD. Each year答案: B解析:表示“每隔,要用“every 基数词复数名词”。5. May I speak to Jim, please?A. Hold on, pleaseB. Hold up, pleaseC. Hold out, pleaseD. Hold over, please答案: A解析: hold on 意为“ ( 打电话时 ) 别挂断”6. Shall Imy sister here next time?A. bringB. takeC. carryD. get答案: A解析: bring 表示从别处把某人或物“带来”或“拿来”7. It s very nicepictures for me.B. for you to drawD. of you drawingA. of you to drawC. for you drawing答案:A解析:It is+ 形容词+of sb. + to do sth.形容词描述行为者的性格品质8. very hardhim to study two Ianguages.A. It s; ofB. It s; forC. That s; ofD. That s; for答案:B解析:It is+ 形容词+for sb. + to do sth.形容词描述事物的特征、性质挙当堂练可基础演练用所给词的适当形式填空1. It s p olite up when your teacher comes into the classroom. (stand)2. Please your homework to school tomorrow. (bri ng)3. Theya meeting tomorrow. (hold)4. My mother gave me an apple with .(smile)5. The teachers alwaysat us. (smile)答案:1. to stand 2. bring 3. will hold 4. a smile 5. smiles巩固提高1. 这个大厅只能容纳这么多人。The hall canonly so many people.2. 你应该微笑并和他们握手。You shouldandwith them.3. 让我们彼此拥抱一下吧。Let s.4. 在有些国家,你说话的时候盯着别人是不礼貌的。In some coun tries, to look at people whe n you talk.5. 给我拿杯茶,好吗?Would you pleaseme a cup of tea?7. Mou nt Tai isthan Mou nt Emei.答案:1. hold 2. smile; shake hands 3. hug each other 4. it is nt polite 5. bring当堂检测)单项选择1. I m glad to meet so manyher e.A. visitB. visitsC. visitorD. visitors2. We should speak to the oldA. politeB. impoliteC. politelyD. rude3. He ranfast for mecatch up with.A. too; toB. so; thatC. such; thatD. eno ugh; to4. What do you say to your pare nts whe n you go to sleep in the evening?A. Thank youC. Good ni ghtB. Good morningD. Good evening5. You can sta nd closepeople in the Middle East.A. forB. toC. atD. around6. I ll tell you some waysEnglish.A. lear nsB. learni ngC. to lear nD. lear nedA. higherB. highC. lowerD. low8. My pen frie nd is from acoun try.A. foreig nerB. foreig ners C. foreig nD. west9. I don t like apples.A. veryB. quiteC. very muchD. at all10. talk in class.Sorry, I won t.A. Please not B. Don tC. Doesn tD. Didn t完形填空People use body Ianguage for sending messages to o
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