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Section Parties.单词拼写1The law cant be a_in every case.2On Valentines Day she received a b_of flowers.3He finally got a job in a company paying good s_.4The people in the party dressed s_.5He decided to keep off a_after the car accident.单项填空1As we all know,all living things_the sun for their growth.Ainsist onBdepend onCconnect to Dcome on2He bought a _of flowers for her.Agroup BtypeCcrowd Dbunch3Scientific research results can now be quickly _to factory production.Aused BappliedCtried Dpracticed4Which of the two computer games did you prefer?Actually I didnt like _.Aboth of them Beither of themCnone of them Dneither of them5Luckily,he was_for the interview.Aall the time Bahead of timeCin time Dthe whole time6John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.Oh,_!Acheer upBwell doneCgo ahead Dcongratulations7Its high time you had your hair cut;its getting_.Atoo much long Bmuch too longClong too much Dtoo long much8Has your mother _ from work so far?Acame BdiedCsuffered Dretired.完形填空Why did I come today?I wondered.My Christmas_1_contained several people that claimed they wanted nothing,but I knew their feelings would be hurt_2_I didnt buy them anything,so gift buying was_3_but fun.Hurriedly and _4_, I finished shopping and joined the long checkout lines.In front of me were a boy of about 5 and a younger girl.She carried a beautiful pair of shiny,gold house slippers.When we finally_5_the checkout register,the girl_6_placed the shoes on the counter.She treated them as though they were a _7_.“That will be$6.09,”the cashier said.The boy_8_his pockets.He finally came up with $3.12.“I guess we will have to put them back,”he _9_said.“We will come back some time,maybe tomorrow.”With that statement,a soft_10_broke from the little girl.“But Jesus would have loved these shoes,”she cried.“Well,well go home and work some more.Dont cry.Well surely_11_,”he said.Quickly I handed$3.00 to the cashier.These children had waited in line for a long time.And,_12_,it was Christmas.Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and a small voice_13_ said,“Thank you,lady.”“What did you_14_when you said Jesus would like the shoes?”I asked.The boy answered,“Our mommy is sick and going to _15_.Daddy said she might go before Christmas to be with Jesus.”The girl spoke,“My Sunday school teacher said the streets in heaven are shiny gold,just like these shoes.Wont mommy be_16_walking on those streets to _17_ these shoes?”My eyes_18_as I looked into her tearstained face.“Yes,”I answered,“I am_19_she will.”Silently I thanked God for using these children to_20_me of the true spirit of giving.,1.A.planBlistCgoods Dpurchases2A.if BbecauseCunless Dsince3A.something BnothingCanything Deverything4A.patiently BunconfidentlyCunwillingly Dcuriously5A.approached BpassedCchecked Dfound6A.immediately BhesitantlyCshyly Dcarefully7A.gift BtreasureClife Dprize8A.opened BtouchedCtore Dsearched9A.bravely BuncertainlyCslowly Ddoubtfully10A.howl BsobCsmile Dsigh11A.leave BcomeCreturn Darrive12A.above all Bat lastCat least Dafter all13A.gratefully BsweetlyCgracefully Dkindly14A.request BmeanCattempt Dexpect15A.hospital BtombCheaven Dsky16A.equal BcomfortableCconvenient Dbeautiful17A.wear BmatchCshow Dfit18A.pained BshutCflooded Ddried19A.sure BafraidCglad Dconfident20A.inform BwarnCcure Dremind.阅读理解What Is a Harvest Festival?Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land.In England,we have given thanks for successful harvests since pagan times(异教徒时代)We celebrate this day by singing,praying and decorating our churches with baskets of fruit and food in a festival known as “Harvest Festival”,usually during the month of September.Harvest Festival reminds Christians(基督教徒)of all the good things God gives them.This makes them want to share with others who are not so fortunate.In schools and in churches,people bring food from home to a Harvest Festival Service.After the service,the food that has been put on display is usually made into parcels and given to people in need.When Is Harvest Festival?Harvest festivals are traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon.This is the full moon which falls in September,about Sept. 23. Unlike the USA and Canada,the UK does not have a national
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