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Unit 6 I m watching TVPart 3 Grammar Focus夯实基础,活用语法 一、抄写、朗读并翻译。1 What are you doing? I m watching TV.抄写:翻译:2 Whats she doing?Shes washing her clothes.抄写:翻译:3 What are they doing? They re listening to a CD抄写:翻译:4 Are you doing your homework? Yes. I am./No, I amnot. I amcleaning my room. 抄写:翻译:5 Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is./No, he isn t. Hes playing basketball.抄写:翻译:、 Grammar Focus 语法过关。D ) 1 I m not jumping. I m AranB runC runsD runningB ) 2 they football at the moment?A Do; playB Are; playingCWere; playingDWill; playB ) 3 Bob s singing song. It s American song.A. a; aB. a; anC. an; aD. an; the( C ) 4. What s heover there? He s talking on the phone.A. doB. doesC. doingD. Did(A ) 5. That box is too heavy. Let meyou.A. helpB. to helpC. helpsD. helping(B ) 6. your family living with you in Guangzhou?No, they aren t.They are living in Shenzhen.A. IsB. AreC. DoD. Does(C ) 7.Heresome of myA. is; photosB.are;photoesC. are; photosD. is; photoes(D ) &Sometimes my little brotherbecause he is very lazy.A. does his homeworkB. doesn t his homeworkC. doesn t do his homeworksD. doesn t do his homework(C )9.do you want to go to the zoo?Let s goA. Where; at5:00 in the after noon.B. What time; onC.When;atD. What; at(B )10. Mary isn ta book, but she sTV.A. seeing; readingB .readi ng;watch ingC. reading; seeingD .look ing;watch ing三、语法运用:用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. What are you doing now? I am cleaning ( clean ) the windows.2. Are you making (make) a cake? Yes, we _are (be).3. OK. I am coming (come) now.4. Is she listening (listen ) to the teacher?5. Miss Brown is standing (stand ) near a tree.6. I like swimming (swim) very much.7. It s time to play (play ) football.8. Miss Li wants to eat (eat) some rice and two eggs.9. Look at the picture.The childrenare flyin (fly ) kites.四、重点句型运用。1.你弟弟现在在做什么?他在听歌曲。What s your brother doing? He is liste ning to the music.2. 你在玩游戏吗?一不,我在读报纸。Are you play ing games? No. I am read ing a n ewspaper.3. 你爸爸在做什么?一他正在家里喝下午茶。What s your father doing? He is drinking after noon tea at home.4. 你的叔叔正在喝茶吗?Is your uncle drinking tea now?5我妈妈每天上午都锻炼。My mother exercises in the morning every day.五、短文填空。Mike is from America, now he is 1 in a school in Beijing. There 2too manyrules in his new school. Someof them are the 3 as the ones in America, such as “You can t eat in the class, don t fight and don t4loudly in class. ” But he can t stand (忍受) some of the rules. In America,he usually 5 upat 8:00, but he has to get up at 6:00 here. He 6 to wearuniform at school and 7 shoes for P.E. class. He likes 8 ,but he can t bring his music player to school. He can t keep his hair9.And he ca n t wear a hat in the classroom. He thinks the rules aretoo 10.He n ever has fun.1.studying 2 . are 3 . same 4 . talk/speak 5 . gets6. has 7 . sports 8 . music 9 . long 10 . strict
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