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Unit1 Good friends-Reading1问候:Good morning, students. 2导入:Living alone on a deserted island, one will meet many difficulties beyond daily trouble. Can you imagine how would you feel if you were alone on a deserted island?(Yes, you will have bad feelings when you live alone. You will feel angry, lonely, hungry, worried, hopeless, afraid, etc.)3、快速阅读:Today we will learn a passage about a person who survives a crash and lives alone on a deserted island for many years. Turn your book to page 3. Scan the text-Chucks friend, and then answer me some questions.板书:Unit 1 Good friendChucks friend1)What happened to Chuck one day?( Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. But Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.)2)What must Chuck learn to do in order to survive?(He learns how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. More importantly, he learns to develope a friendship with unusual friends.)3)What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?( He learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island. For example, he comes to realize that friendship is important in his life, and that he hasnt been a good friend. He also learns that he should care more about his friends.)4、精读:Read the text carefully, and organise the main idea of each paragraph.板书:P ara.1 General introduction about the film Cast Away.Para. 2 What Chuck learns to survive on the island.Para. 3 What chuck learns about himself on the island.Para. 4 The lesson we learn about friends and friendship from the film.5、练习:Now, lets do some exercises.Choose the following sentences ture or false.1). Chuck is a businessman working in a company. (T)2). Chuck is one of the people who survive the plane crash. (F)3). Chuck makes some friends there one of whom is Wilson, a football. (F)4). Staying on the island helps Chuck realize his own shortcomings. (T)5). Friends can be human beings, animals and even things. (T)6、家庭作业:1) Do your oral practice with your partner.Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, or Chucks wife. You are very curious about what has happened to Chuck and keeps on asking him a lot of questions. Make a dialogue between Chuck and his wife. Think of as many questions as possible.2) Read the passage again and again.Are you clear? So much for today. Goodbye.Unit2 English around the world-Warming-up & Speaking1问候和复习:Good morning, boys and girls! I want to check your homework first. Have you reviewed the words and expressions of last unit? Very good! Today we will learn the a unit-unit 2 English around the world板书:Unit 2 English around the world2热身:Turn your book to page 8. Look at the picture.1) What do you think is happened in the picture? (The man is looking for a toilet, but he cant find it.)2) Where is the man do you think? (The man is in the bathroom)Now read dialogue and find some facts about Joe and Nancy.1) What is Joes nationality? How about Nancy? (Joe is an American while Nancy is British.)2) What is it that Joe is looking for? (Joe is looking for a toilet.)3) What is it that Nancy thinks Joe wants? (Nancy thinks Joe wants to have a bath.)4) What is their misunderstanding about?In American English the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a toilet and sometimes a bath or shower. In British English, the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a bath or shower and sometimes also a toilet. Joe wants to go to the toilet, but Nancy thinks he wants to take a bath.You did quite well. There are really some slight differences between American English and British English, so in order to avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary for us to know about some differences between American English and British English.3听说:Now Lets do Part ThreeSpeaking. please turn your book to page 9.Ask two students to read the dialogue.Finish the sentences below dialogue 1 and check the answers in the class.Work in pairs and act dialogue1 out.the same way to play dialogue 2.4家庭作业:In the box there are several useful expressions. These sentences are all about the language difficulties in communication. When we express our requests and orders, we use them. Please remember these sentences and make up a dialogue about language difficulties with your partner, using the expressions in the box after class. Next class I will ask some pairs to come here to act it out. Are you clear? So much for today. Bye-bye.Unit3 Going places-Reading1.问候:Good morning, boys and girls. 2.导入:1) Do you like travelling? Why? (to see other countries and places, to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food)2) Do you like adventure travel? Why? (Yes. Its exciting.We can have unusual experience.)3) Do you want to learn more about adventure travel?(Yes.)Lets learn a new passage about adventuer travel. Open your book to page 17. 板书:Unit 3 Going placesAdventure travel3.快速
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