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A Promotion Designed to Promote the Sales of Zhengyue ShopSubmitted by (Zhong Rui)Student ID number (W2002A2501B0006)Supervised by (Xiao Pengbo)A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityMay, 2007Draft 2中文摘要威海筝乐坊琴行创建于2004年2月,是一家个体性质的小型特色店。主要销售古筝、古筝配件并开办少儿、成人古筝培训班。由于信誉良好、服务周到,产品及教学质量过硬,两年间销售量由第一年的三十余台到第二年五十余台古筝,学员数量由最初的十多个学员到现有的近七十个学员。但随着日益激烈的市场竞争,在对本店的产品和服务方面的宣传促销显示出明显的不足。两年多来的保守经营,守株待兔的销售方式使本店的知名度十分有限,一直以来忽视了市场推广的重要性使得新采取一系列措施来充分推广本店的良好品牌形象,社会知名度,提高市场占有率都势在必行。从市场销售的原理与实践来看,促销能促进产品销售,发现有利的市场机会,提高企业的竞争能力。本论文通过设计一个市场促销计划,采取一系列促销手段来提高琴行的销售及招生能力。我作为此琴行的创办人和主要负责人设计了此次市场推广计划。本论文前期通过对客户的分组问卷调查、员工绩效考核分析、SWOT分析、集思广益法,与同事的自由讨论等调研方法确定了此次提高管理计划的目标方向。在中期的计划执行过程中,通过采取店员工作日志、市场部人员日常工作计划和反馈表等检查和监测手段来确保提高计划得到了充分和正常的执行。在后期计划评估部分,本论文通过要求每位促销人员填写对执行新计划的综合意见反馈表,同时对主要客户、学员以及目标客户通过电话、电子邮件和面对面交流等形式征询对市场部的推广人员的意见反馈。此项计划的设计人员最后根据员工、学员及客户的反馈意见总结出了促销计划评估报告和实施计划前后调查对比表。经过从2007年6月至7月周密的调查分析和制定切实可行的促销计划,以及实际操作中的严格执行与监测分析评估,此次促销计划得以顺利完成并取得了预期的效果。登报纸广告,发宣传彩页,组织宣传演出等等活动在一定程度上提高了市场知名度,增加了琴行的销售量和业务量。通过此次改善管理现状的计划的实施,我们强烈地意识到,仅靠一次短期的促销计划是不能让我们一劳永逸的。随着社会、市场和企业自身的不断变化发展,不断的调整改善促销方式是企业得以不断良性发展扩大的重中之重。市场机遇是无限的,分阶段随时调整好促销方式,充满信心的准备迎接机遇的到来。AbstractThis BA degree paper presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem of the sales decrease of Zhengyue Shop the first quarter of 2007. Zhengyue Shop, which founded in February, 2004, sales Zheng, a kind of Chinese traiditional musical instrument and affords the service of training courses of playing Zheng. Based on the hypothesis that good sales promotion can make the product and service be known and accepted by more people. Scientific research methods of customer survey, such as telephone, email and face to face interviews, Employee Performance appraisals, questionnaires, brainstorming and SWOT analysis were used in the identification and analysis of our problems. Communicative method of on-the-job staff training for customer services were also adopted in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project. With the efforts of all project members, we achieved our goal successfully. Our product and service is known by more and more people. The results of the project prove that a promotion project can provide perfect opportunities to make our product and service be known by more people and our business more prosperous in todays competitive environment.Table of Contents Page. Introduction. Project rationale and Project Hypothesis.1. Project rationale2. Project Hypothesis. Problem analysis.1. Current Business Situation.1.1 Financial Resource1.2 Human Resource.1.3 Physical Resource1.4 Social and Political Environment.2. Needs and Wants Analysis.2.1 Needs Analysis of the Customers.2.2 Needs Analysis of the Employee. 3. The SWOT Analysis . Project Design.1. Project Design.2. Planning of Activities.2.1 Activities Planned to Take Place2.2 Time-scale of Activities.2.3 People Involved and Their Responsibilities.2.4 Cost Analysis.2.5 Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project2.6.1 Monitoring Plan2.6.2 Evaluation Plan.3. Risk Analysis3.1 The potential risks Analysis3.2 Protective Measures to be Taken. Project Implementation and Monitoring1. Project Implementation.1.1 General introduction of time, place of project implementation1.2 The working steps of implementation. 2. Monitoring of Project. . Project Findings and Discussion 1. Results of Improvement Project Evaluation 2. Data (Results) Analysis2.1 The previous Problem Analysis. 2.2 Records of the Implementation of Project.2.3 Customers feedback.2.4 Survey of Employees work Performance. 3. Results Discussion. ConclusionBibliographyAppendix 1: The Project FrameworkAppendix 2: Activity Flow chart with time-scale.Appendix 3: The Project Progressive checklist.Appendix 4: Project Managers Diary.Appendix 5: Project Members Daily Feedback Form.Appendix 6: Employee Performance AppraisalAppendix 7: Promotion Project Evaluation Report.Appendix 8: Comparison of Degree of Satisfaction by our Customers.1.IntroductionWeihai Zhengyue Shop, founded in February, 2004, enjoys a
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