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1 Consulting Service Agreement/咨询服务协议 This Consulting Services Agreement this “ Agreement ” is dated December 28 2005 and is entered into in 【】 City Peoples Republic of China “PRC” or “China” by and between Company A “ Party A ” and COMPANY B “ Party B ”. Party A and Party B are referred to collectively in this Agreement as the “ Parties .” 本咨询服务协议“本协议”由公司甲“甲方”与公司乙“乙方”协商一致于 2005 年 12 月 28 日在中国【】市签订。甲方和乙方称为“各方”。 RECITALS 陈述 1 Party A a company incorporated in Hong Kong specializes in dress industry and investment 甲方为在香港设立的公司专业开展服饰业务和投资 2 Party B a limited company incorporated in PRC is engaged in the manufacture and sale of the dress collectively the “ Business ” 乙方为在中国设立的有限公司从事服装制造和销售 “业务” 3 The Parties desire that Party A provides Party B with consulting and other relevant services in connection with the Business and 各方期望甲方提供咨询服务和其他与乙方从事业务相关的服务给乙方与 4 The Parties are entering into this Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions under which Party A shall provide consulting and other related services to Party B. 各方签订本协议以确定相关条款和条件据于此甲方将向乙方提供咨询以及其他相关服务。 NOW THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows: 为此各方签订以下协议以资双方遵守 1. DEFINITIONS 定义 1.1 In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings: 本协议中以下词组应具有以下含义 “ Affiliate ” with respect to any Person shall mean any other Person that directly or indirectly controls or is under common control with or is controlled by such Person. As used in this definition “control” shall mean possession directly or indirectly of power to direct or cause the direction of management or policies whether by ownership of securities or partnership or other ownership interests or by contract or otherwise “关联人”指的是对于任何人而言直接或者间接地予以控制的、或者被其控制、或者共同被他人控制的某人。在本定义中。控制指的是直接或者间接拥有具有能力直接或者 间接影响管理的方向和政策不管是通过股份所有权还是通过合伙或者其他所有权权益这种安排可以通过合同或者其他形式进行。 “ Consulting Services Fee ” shall be as defined in Clause 3.1 “咨询费”由第 3.1 条进行定义。 2 “ Indebtedness ” shall mean as to any Person any one of the following: i money borrowed by such Person including principal interest fees and charges for the deferred purchase price of any property or services ii the face amount of all letters of credit issued to such Person and all drafts drawn thereunder iii all liabilities secured by any Lien on any property owned by such Person whether or not such liabilities have been assumed by such Person iv the aggregate amount required to be capitalized under any lease for which such Person is the lessee or v all contingent obligations including without limitation all guarantees to third parties of such Person “债务”指的是对任何人而言下述情况之一 i 所有因此类人的借款以便还清迟延支付的购买财产价款或者服务费而产生的债务包括本金利息费用和收费 ii 所有应当由此类人支付的信用证以及由此出具的票据的票面价值 iii 任何由设置于此类人拥有的财产之上的留置担保的责任不管此类人是否承担了这些责任 iv 此类人作为租赁人应当支付的租约总金额或 v 所有此类人的或有债务包括但不限于向所有第三方作出的担保 “ Lien ” shall mean any mortgage pledge hypothecation assignment deposit arrangement encumbrance lien statutory or other preference priority or other security agreement of any kind or nature whatsoever including without limitation any conditional sale or other title retention agreement any financing or similar statement or notice filed under recording or notice statute and any lease having substantially the same effect as any of the foregoing “留置”指的是任何抵押、质押、担保、转让、存款安排、权利负担留置法定或者其他优惠优先权或者任何其他性质种类的担保安排包括但不限于任何有条件的出售或者其他所有权保留协议根据法定形式签发的任何融资或者类似的申明或者通知以及任何与前述安排具有实质性相同效果的租约。 “ Person ” shall mean any individual corporation company voluntary association partnership joint venture trust unincorporated organization entity or other organization or any government body “人”指的是任何个人公司自愿性的组织合伙合资企业信托非公司型组织团体或者其他组织和政府机构。 “ PRC ” means the Peoples Republic of China “PRC” 指的是中华人民共和国。 “ Services ” means the services to be provided under the Agreement by Party A to Party B as more specifically described in Clause 2. “服务”指的是本协议下由甲方向乙方提供的服务由第二条详细解释。 1.2 The headings in this Agreement shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 本协议中的标题不应当影响对本协议的解释。 2. RETENTION AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 聘用和服务范围 2.1 Party B hereby agrees to retain the services of Party A and Party A accepts such appointment to provide to Party B services in relation to the current and proposed operations of Party Bs business in the PRC pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement the “ Services ”. The Services shall include without limitation: 乙方在此同意聘用甲方提供服务并且甲方依据本协议规定的条款接受聘用向乙方在中国正在开展或者即将开展的业务提供相关服务“服务”。服务包括但不限于 a General Business Operation . Provide general advice and assistance relating to the management and operation of dress industry and other Party Bs business. 3 一般业务经营。提供和管理、运行服饰业和其他乙方业务相关的咨询服务和协助。 b Human Resources . 人力资源。 i Provide general advice and assistance in relation to the staffing of Party B including assistance in the recruitment employment and secondment of management personnel administrative personnel and staff of Party B 为乙方的人事提供建议和协助包括乙方管理人员、行政人员与普通员工的招募、雇用、调等 ii Provide training of management staff and administrative personnel 提供管理层、员工和行政人员的培训 iii Assist Party B to establish an efficient payroll management system and 协助乙方建立健全的
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