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太原科技大学华科学院毕业设计说明书太原科技大学华科学院毕业设计(论文)任务书专业/方向:机械设计制造及自动化(工程机械) 时间:2010年3月29日学 生 姓 名安瑾航指 导 教 师张福生设计(论文)题目ZL50装载机工作装置设计(加长臂)主 要研 究内 容1、 工作装置机构类型的选择分析2、 工作装置机构设计3、 工作装置结构设计4、 主要零部件的强度分析计算主要参考文献1、 车辆底盘构造及设计2、 汽车设计3、 专用汽车设计4、 机械零件设计手册5、 机械工程手册6、 车辆液力传动主要技术指标(或研究目标)最大牵引力:138KN;爬坡能力:;使用质量:17500kg;铲斗容量:3.0;额定载荷:50kN;额定功率:154.5kw2200rpm;低档速度:10kmh;高档速度:34kmh;倒档速度:13kmh;最大掘起力:160kn;最大卸载高度:3200mm;最小卸载距离:1250mm进度安排第48周:收集资料,方案设计(包括毕业实习)第911周:主参数选择及设计计算第1216周:结构设计、校合计算第17周:整理说明书,准备答辩说明:一式两份,一份装订入学生毕业设计(论文)内,一份交学院(直属系)。摘 要装载机是工程机械的主要机种之一,广泛用于建筑、矿山、水电、桥梁、铁路、公路、港口、码头等国民经济各部门。本文中参阅了大量的土方机械的设计参考书,其中大多数是有关装载机方面的,有的是工作装置单一构件的设计,有的则是整个工作装置的设计,并且有许多有关工作装置优化设计方面,各参考所涉及到的装载机虽然型号不同,研究的方法也有差异,但综合起来基本上也概述了现行的设计方法。国外装载机发展迅速,而我国装载机在设计上存在很多问题,其中主要集中在可靠性、结构设计强度等方面。而工作装置对于装载机来说又是重中之重,所以工作装置的设计好坏直接影响到装载机的使用寿命以及工作效率等。虽然现在市场上的装载机已经日趋成熟,但对其进行改进设计仍有非常重要的意义,尤其是装载机的工作装置。装载机工作装置的转斗六连杆机构是由与液压缸,铲斗相关联的两个四连杆机构组合而成。轮式装载机在作业时,靠改变液压缸的长度来使铲斗获得所要求的收斗角和卸料角。机构中各杆件长度及其结构参数确定后,需要对该机构作某些特定计算,以判断机构设计的正确性。在工作循环中速度与加速度变化合理;油缸活塞行程为最佳值;工作装置运动平稳、无干涉、无死点、无自锁;动臂从最底位置到最大卸载高度的举升过程中,保证铲斗中物料不洒落;在卸载后,动臂下放至铲掘位置铲斗能自动放平。关键词 工程机械,装载机,工作装置The Turn Withershins 6-link Work Equipment Design of ZL50 Wheel LoadersAbstractThe loader is one of the main kind of the engineering machinery, used in every department of national economy such as the building , mine , water and electricity , bridge , railway , highway , port , quay extensively. In this article has referred the massive folk recipes machinery design reference book, majority is the related car loader aspect, some are works the equipment sole component design, some then is the entire work installment design, and has many related work installments optimization design aspect, each reference involves to the car loader although the model is different, the research method also has the difference, but synthesized basically has also outlined the present design method. The overseas loader development is rapid, but our country car loader has very many problems in the design, mainly concentrates in aspect and so on reliable, structural design intensity. But works the installment regarding the loader to say also is extremely important, therefore the work installment design is good and bad affects directly the car loader service life as well as the working efficiency and so on . Although in the present market car loader already day by day was mature, but carried on the improvement design to it still to have the extremely vital significance, in particular loader work installment. Loading the machine work equips of turn the container six connect pole organization is from press with liquid an urn of, the container mutually connection of two four connect the pole organization combine.A type loads the machine at homework, is pressed by the liquid of changes an urn lengths to makes the container acquired requests of accept the Cape of the container with unload to anticipate the Cape.Each pole in inside in organization a length and its construction parameter certain empress, need to make the some and particular calculation to that organization, the accuracy that to judge the organization the design.In worked circulation the speed changes with acceleration the reasonable;The oil a piston route of travel is the best value;The work equips the sport steady, have no to interfere with, have no the dead center and have no from the lock;Move the arm from most the bottom position arrives the biggest unloading to raise to rise the process inside highly, guaranteeing the container the inside the material do not spread to fall;After unloading, move the arm descend to put to the container to dig the position container can put automatically even.KEY WORDS Wheel Loaders ,Work Equips目 录中文摘要1英文摘要2目 录3前 言51. 装载机工作装置设计概述 61.1装载机工作装置设计概述61.2结构型式选择62. 铲斗的设计 82.1铲斗设计要求 82.2铲斗斗型的结构分析 92.2.1切削刃的形状92.2.2铲斗的斗齿92.2.3铲斗的侧刃102.2.4斗体形状102.3铲斗基本参数的确定102.4斗容的计量12 2.4.1几何斗容(平装斗容) 12 2.4.2额定斗容(堆装斗容) 133. 工作装置的结构设计 143.1工作机构连杆系统的尺寸参数设计 153.2机构分析153.3设计方法153.4尺寸参数设计的图解法16 3.4.1 动臂与铲斗、摇臂、机架的三个铰接点G、B、A的确定 16 3.4.2连杆与铲斗和摇臂的两个铰接点F、E的确定 18 3.4.3转斗油缸与摇臂和机架的铰接点C和D的确定20 3.4.4举升油缸与动臂和机架的铰接点H及M点的确定22 3.5确定动臂油缸的铰接位置及动臂油缸的行程23 3.5.1动臂油缸的铰接位置23 3.5.2动臂油缸行程的确定 243
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