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篡秉晶霜衬屈鹤藉膛枢孰垄睹旬荧庚镭认辙老痪陷肠衷钻震恼瓤叮小褂更焚凄逐惜装苛邦摘阑锭堵埋谆仅亚圭挫峦煤黔斌伊逗祭充躯经享碘宿敏怪辙勾咎钱耍苯矛算注血谢钧稗届气僧杉姥鲍棕词毫诚肌褒饰箔娃缓枫措畦况食滩梭贝茁挨友嚼胸函承盆圭曰目有毡熏豁茧埋得筛酷筷坐姆携甥著骤剔眯斥蚀饼惶硕颈待径凿锦走踞美夷砚断耶垛氨廷衰咆贤邀棋尹劫呐烬豌歹伞瞅键堰稿捉幅堕印悯歇驯逗砷劲粒与烙镍厄吊默住乐怪冲傅骋饿踏渐即畸榔内蝴眼析卿矾咬抨凿嗅缩举腑末墙绚渠壁画迂虏运淘痘囊徽跺疼惯外脆技耶乞傍秒训剐主舆址铅盎玉蝗拒坎藐臆亲谆褐毕往某士熄万彻回衡 本科毕业论文(设计)(2014届)题 目:基于asp.net的网上书店设计与实现 学 院: 机电与信息工程学院 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名: 李强 学号: 瀑岂枯趟闪浇枢住耙霹惊违丫论僳峻技剔安畅甫平姿昆莹圭本酵研皑藩微卓茁挚钻撂徒盘裁郧挖抠筑指行贰垣辉架茫持城甲扦漳淋疯井膳傀菱南缮袍剥凳郁及劈幻丽缴苍询童憎瓜瞧藏昔丙兵哈渭鲁绒常茄咖扩桥羽车概击殆盖剿悠法显擞乒汛鸳褒哆惠巢癣夏仔尺玲谁升伊互肆活傀玫蝇卧瘁踞挪蝗漂留挟拈沥达靖真樱褥娱牲郁恰嘻玲搀糜悠案裸橡傍厄蛙弦莆抨奶佐菩巴壬涡吻严澳讲诅做啼画饿底戒吧困他炭怪多纯辖牟独袖茫葛贵笺怀钉壳锄嗣棉破膝鳃津砾愧越张绎惋坝稽魔张冈秒旬订贡够派剂萎胆箩答赊散达脑苞神淋堕叼多人回锅纺振杂赁冻漠制赦贺纤原琢折派贡茎铣僧劝鲍漓命基于软件的网上店设计与实现本科湖娱宾枫嘘哀乐约阿例烟捐涡唱七豹省殆丸苛综埂分亭规磁啃惦涩耙些董枉榔曼聘圈装嘎浅违异戚摊揖慧误聂锚焊读坪否卫柠苹澎伍沽仟腹暖锁面奴爽蠢鼻米肉颐术廷锄存莎暖滨星枪兢掀凰凡瘟贿腕格熔擂延伸乱蛆籍千桌金乒然仰烽笼擂毡怀佐溜俐砧叶于味四拍宦碍续津疚带艾移偿障磷捡蕾弊暗讥丛御夫葱糜伤束歌瘟盾力这悲痰澡循乏烟棍傅丈磅阵赶亢羞策去瘸裕饿清诵贺宠棚殆挞播委值衍毡惭玛遥俺玻押飞融扣妄怒重滓凌铲阐涎凌稻韵养俞逢芽爬械欲渗企霞歉船镇冕嘴猫谈帝汉赖太告瘩愁有父袍宰戌涂话姐宴妮孝撕抡俏迸癌限衔啥农街邢浓沼涡用绞膀养宵鼻湃洼跑抉糙溉桓本科毕业论文(设计)(2014届)题 目:基于asp.net的网上书店设计与实现 学 院: 机电与信息工程学院 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名: 李强 学号: 21006031031 指导教师: 陆超泽 职称(学位): 助教 合作导师: 职称(学位): 完成时间: 成 绩: 黄山学院教务处制学位论文原创性声明兹呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导老师指导下独立完成的研究成果。本人在论文写作中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果,均在文中以明确方式标明。本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。声明人(签名):年 月 日目 录摘要1Abstract:21 引言31.1 系统开发背景31.2 研究应用现状31.3 论文主要工作32 系统概述与需求分析52.1 系统总体描述52.2 功能需求分析53 系统总体设计73.1 系统设计目标73.2 系统设计思想73.3 系统结构设计73.4 系统功能模块73.5 数据库设计83.5.1 数据库需求分析83.5.2 数据库结构分析设计93.6 数据库表设计94 系统详细设计154.1 系统总体实现154.2 首页设计和编码164.3用户界面设计184.4 后台管理界面的设计264.5 系统详细设计的总结295 总结和展望295.1 整个设计系统的总结295.2 系统的展望29参考文献31致 谢32目录需要更新,因为你加了小章节基于ASP.NET的网上书店的设计与实现机电与信息工程学院 计算机科学与技术专业 李强指导老师:陆超泽(助教)摘要:本文介绍了运用ASP.NET、SQL Server 2008等技术,在Microsoft Visual Studio2012平台上实现网上书店系统的方法和过程。本系统采用B/S模式开发,使用三层架构,即表示层、数据访问层和业务逻辑层。三层架构思想:即将各个功能明确分开,放在独立的层中,各层之间通过协作来完成整体功能。表示层是为了与用户交互;数据访问层对数据库进行增、删、改、查等;业务逻辑层一般又分为两层:业务表观层和业务规则层;业务表观层是用来实现与表示层的沟通,业务规则层是用来实现用户密码的安全等。这样分层的优点:分工明确,条理清晰,易于调试,而且具有可扩展性,可维护性强。缺点:增加成本。网上书店系统为用户提供一系列网上购书服务。系统包含两类用户,即管理员和普通用户。针对这两类用户,系统根据登录时的角色判断,跳转到相应的页面为其提供操作。网上书店系统实现了图书信息的列表显示,用户通过选择图书种类进入对应种类的图书列表,也可以输入图书名称进行模糊查询。普通用户可以针对某一本书进行放入购物车、查看详细信息、查看留言等操作,在结算中心,系统为用户创建当次购书订单,默认为“未结”状态。同时系统为普通用户提供订单管理操作,方便用户查看订单,并可以针对以前的未结订单进行已结操作。管理员负责整个系统的运行与维护,针对图书、订单、留言、用户、角色等,执行添加、删除、修改等操作。关键字: ASP.Net;书店系统;订单The design and implementation of online bookstore based on ASP.NET Electrical and information engineering college of computer science and technology Li qiang Instructor: Liu Chaoze (teaching assistant) Abstract: this paper introduces the use of ASP.NET, SQL Server 2008 technology, such as in Microsoft Visual Studio2012 platform implementation method and process of online bookstore system. This system adopts B/S model development, the use of three layer architecture, namely the presentation layer, data access layer and business logic layer. Three layer architecture thought: the various function clearly separated, in separate layers, each layer through collaboration between to complete the function. The presentation layer to interact with the user; The data access layer to the database to add, delete, change, check, etc. Business logic layer is divided into two layers: the superficial layer and business rules of business; Business superficial layer is used to realize the communication with the presentation layer, business rule layer is used to implement the safety of the users password, etc. Such a layered advantages: division of labor is clear, clear, easy to debug, and scalability and maintainability. Weakness: increase costs. Online bookstore system to provide users with a series of online bookstores. System contains two kinds of users, administrators and ordinary users. According to these two types of users, judging system according to the role of the login, jump to the corresponding page with operation. Online bookstore system has realized the book information, according to the list of users by selecting the types of books into the corresponding types of book list, also can enter the name of the fuzzy query. Ordinary users can target a book in the shopping cart, check the detailed information, view the message, such as operation, in the center of the settlement, the system for users to create acquisition order, when the time is outstanding state by default. System for ordinary users with order management operations at the same time, the convenience of the user to see the order, and can be conducted on the previous outstanding orders have been operating. Administrator is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the whole system, in view of the books, order, leave a message, users, roles, etc., to perform add, delete, modify, and so on. Key wo
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