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wordUnit 1 复习1. How do you study for a test? 你怎么为考试而学习?2. by making vocabulary lists 通过制作词汇列表3. by asking the teacher for help 通过向教师寻求帮助4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?大声阅读来练习发音怎么样?5. specific suggestions 具体建议6. memorize 动词: 记住;熟记7. the best way to do a +形容词+way to do8. get excited : get +形容词9. end up doing: end up speaking in Chinese 10.frustrated; frustrating11. pronounce 动词 pronunciation 名词12.spoken English 英语口语13.make mistakes in grammar 在语法方面犯错误14.I dont know how to use mas. 我不知道怎么用逗号 特殊疑问词+to do 15.Why dont you join an English club to practice speaking English?你为什么不参加英语俱乐部练习英语呢?a. why dont you=why not b. join+人/党派/团体 join in+活动 c. practice doing sth16.I dont have a partner to practice English with. 我没有伙伴一起练英语。类似句型 I dont have a paper to write on. I dont have a pen to write with.17.later on 随后;以后18.realize 动词 认识到;了解到19.It doesnt matter. 没关系20.be afraid of sth; be afraid to do sth21.laugh at me 嘲笑我22.plete 形容词;完整的23.take notes of 做笔记24.have trouble in doing sth25.look up new words in a dictionary 在字典里查新词26.make up conversations 遍对话27.speak English as a second language 把英语作为第二外语来讲28.deal with 处理as 把看作 I regard Tom as my best friend.30.try ones best to do 尽最大的努力去做31.unfair 形容词 不公平32.be angry with sb 生某人的气33.watch/ see/ hear sb do (表示做了) watch/ see/ hear sb doing表示正在做34.unless 除非35.influence 影响 动词 名词Unit 21. used to do sth; 过去常常做 be used to doing; 习惯于做 be used to do; 被用来做I used to get up late, but now I am used to getting up early. 我过去常晚起,但是我现在习惯早起。2. Im on the swim team. 我在游泳队里。3. be interested in sth=take an interest in sth4. an airplane 一架飞机5. I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a group. 我过去害怕在小组面前讲话。6. Im terrified of the dark. 我害怕黑。7. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 8. spiders and other insects 蜘蛛和其他昆虫9. candy 糖果 可数名词或不可数名词10.I used to chew gum a lot. 我过去嚼很多口香糖。 a lot 副词短语11. notany more=no more notany longer=no longer 不再12.chat with my grandmother 和我祖母聊天13.My life has changed a lot in the past few years. 我的生活在过去几年里变化很大。a lot 副词短语14.daily life 日常生活 China Daily 中国日报ll make you stressed out. 那会让你疲惫的。16.die 动词 死亡; death 名词 可数名词或不可数名词; dead 形容词 be dead与时间段连用17.cause problems 制造问题 cause 动词18.make a decision to do sth=decide to do sth 决定做某事19.even though=even if 即使20.to ones surprise 让某人吃惊的是21.patient 形 耐心的22.in the end 最后;终于 用于句末23.take pride in=be proud of 对感到骄傲24.pay attention to 注意;留心 to 是介词 要加动名词25.give up doing 放弃 give up smoking 戒烟26.waste time/money 浪费时间/ 金钱27.afford 动词 承当得起;买得起 I can afford a car.=I can afford to buy a car.28.necessary 形容词 有必要的Unit 31. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事; allow doing sth 允许做某事; be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事例句:We dont allow students to smoke in class. 我们不允许学生在教室里抽烟。 We dont allow smoking in class. 我们不允许在教室里抽烟。 Students shouldnt be allowed to smoke in class. 学生不应该被允许在教室里抽烟。2. get their ears pierced 打耳洞 get sth done; 类似结构 have sth done; 意思是使某事某物被 Ill have my hair cut tomorrow. (cut 过去式和过去分词都是cut) 我明天要理发。 You should ask someone to repair your bike. (同义句) = You should have/get your bike repaired.3. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 他应该停止戴那个傻傻的耳钉。 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事情 stop sb from doing sth(补充) 防止某人做某事4. He needs to spend time with friends. 他需要陪朋友度过一段时光。 a. need做实义动词 need sth需要; need to do sth需要做; need doing=need to be done(物做主语,表示被动) 例句:The bike needs repairing. = The bike needs to be repaired. 自行车需要找人修理。 b. need做情态动词,常用于否认句和一般疑问句。例句: We neednt sweep the floor. = We dont need to sweep the floor. 我们不需要扫地。5. stay up 熬夜 6. a drivers license 驾照7. so 用于肯定句,表示前句情况也适用于另一主语,用倒装语序 例句:He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday. 他昨天去看了那个住院的人。So did we. 我们也去看了。 so 表示前句情况属实,确实如此,用陈述语序。 例句:He works hard. 他学习很努力。 So he does. 他确实很努力。 综合考法:Ann has made great progress recently. and .A. So has she; so have you B So has she; so you have C So she has; so have you 解析:选C。句意:安最近取得了很大进步。她确实如此,你也是如此。8. be strict with sb. 对某人严格 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格9. concentrate on 全身贯注;专心于 We should concentrate on our study. 我们必须专心学习。10. sometime 某时 sometimes 有时候 some time 一段时间 some times 几次11. instead of 代替;而不是 I cant go to the party. Mary will go instead of me. 我不能去聚会,Mary会替我去。 Though he is ill, he goes to school instead of staying at home. 尽管他病了,他还不去了学校而不是呆在家里。12. be good for 对有好处 反义短语 be bad for 对有害 be good at 擅长于13. get noisy 变吵闹14. learn from each other 互相学习15. at present 现在16. Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital. 去年夏天我在本地医院有一次机会参加志愿活动。 a. have an opportunity(=a chance) to do sth 有机会做 b. volunteer 动词 volunteer to do 名词 志愿者17. experience 动词 经历;体验 He experienced a lot in the countryside. 名词 经历 可数名词 a great experience一次不错的经历 经验 不可数
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