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如何有效处理课堂纪律问题1. 以积极的态度和极高的学生期望开始每堂课。如果你消极对待学生或认为你的学生会行为不端,学生就会真的行为不端了。而这常常是课堂管理中被忽视的方面。2. 每天上课都准备充分。也就是说,要为将要教授的课程做好充分的计划,保证带上所有的资料、准备好教学方法去教室,因为减少因准备不重复而停顿的时间可以帮助你维持课堂纪律。3. 不同课堂活动之间的过渡要顺畅。也就是说,当从全班讨论过渡到学生独立学习时要将课堂的停顿降低到最小化。事先准备好任务安排或者将任务安排事先写在板子上。课程的过渡往往会导致课堂中断。4. 在学生进入课堂时观察学生。在课堂开始前看有没有可能出现问题的迹象,例如,如果课前注意到学生中有激烈的讨论或矛盾,你就要努力处理问题了。为了解决问题,你要在课前允许学生与你或对方讨论几分钟,如果有必要就把他们分开,并且要努力与他们达成协议,让他们保证,无论有什么问题,上课时间都不要计较课前出现的问题。5. 将纪律要求张贴起来并持之以恒地执行。对学生错误要严格对待,但是学生前一两次犯错可以警告,然后再进行处罚。你的纪律要求要易于明白,而且要将课堂中断降到最低,例如,你的纪律要求可以是这样的:第一次犯错误,口头警告;第二次犯错误,课后留校;第三次犯错误,单独指导。6. 合理处理课堂上的干扰。也就是说,不要将课堂干扰扩大。你制定的纪律要求可以处理课堂干扰,但是,有时候你也可以灵活处理。例如,如果两个学生在教室后面说话,你的纪律计划的第一步是给以口头警告,而不是停止教学去批评学生。取而代之,只是简单提一下学生的名字就足以把他们拉回到课堂上来。另一个技巧就是对他们之中的一位学生进行提问。7. 在事情失去控制之前用幽默来化解不良的情形。注意,前提是要了解你的学生。下面的例子可以供你借鉴,避免扩大干扰。例如,你要求学生把书翻到第51页,但是有三个学生却忙于讨论,不要立即对他们大声批评。反之,面带微笑地叫他们的名字,温和地问他们可否晚些时候再讨论,因为你非常想知道他们讨论的结果,但你要等课堂结束才有时间。这样会换来一笑,而你也达到了自己的目的。8. 如果有学生言语顶撞你,要保持镇定,尽快从这种情形中摆脱,不要与学生大声争吵。斗争总会有输有赢,而且影响会很长远。另外,也不要要求学生在课堂上写检讨等,以免影响以后的课堂。9. 如果有学生发生肢体冲突,记住,其他学生的安全是最重要的。尽量保持冷静,因为你的举止有时可以化解紧张的情景。你应该在学年开始就和学生讨论制定一个处理暴力的计划。你可以利用呼叫按钮寻求帮助,还可以派学生向其他教师寻求帮助。如果可能伤害到其他学生,应该让他们躲到其它教室。如果两个学生打架,教师可以根据学校规定介入或等待救援到来。10. 记录班级发生的重要的纪律问题。如果学校要求你提供课堂中断的历史记录或其它类似文件,这个记录就会很有必要。11. 今日事今日毕。把课堂管理和课堂干扰问题留在课堂上,这样你才能为明天的课做准备。提示:1. 辨认中断课堂的征兆。显然,这与课堂管理实践经验有关,但是,许多征兆还是很明显的。2. 应尽量少用讽刺。如果非要用讽刺,你要确信对学生有效。许多学生不会明白你讽刺的真正意义,而且,其他学生会将你的讽刺视为煽动不良氛围的行为,而这会使你课堂管理的意愿失败。3. 一致和公平是有效的课堂管理的必要因素。如果你哪天忽视学生干扰课堂的行为,而下次又严厉对待这种情况,那么,你就缺乏一致性。你无法得到学生的尊重,而且干扰情况还会增加。而且,如果你处罚不公平,不能保证公平地对待学生,学生很快就会意识到你的行为,不再尊重你。你还要做到每天都新鲜开始,不要因为干扰课堂与学生作对,而应该期望他们行为良好。4. 让简单更简单。学年开始就对学生严格要求,那样学生才知道你希望能够掌握课堂,希望学生学习。随着时间的推移,你会越来越轻松。5. 纪律要易于理解和管理。你有一大堆的纪律,但是学生却不能一贯地遵守就不好了。你需要做什么:l 张贴班级纪律l 进行纪律计划NextPage英文原文:How to Handle Discipline Problems with Effective ClassroomManagement1. Begin each class period with a positive attitude and high expectations. If you expect your students to misbehave or you approach them negatively, you will get misbehavior. This is an often overlooked aspect of classroom management.2. Come to class prepared with lessons for the day. In fact, overplan with your lessons. Make sure to have all your materials and methods ready to go. Reducing downtime will help maintain discipline in your classroom.3. Work on making transitions between parts of lessons smooth. In other words, as you move from whole group discussion to independent work, try to minimize the disruption to the class. Have your papers ready to go or your assignment already written on the board. Many disruptions occur during transitional times during lessons.4. Watch your students as they come into class. Look for signs of possible problems before class even begins. For example, if you notice a heated discussion or problem before class starts, try to deal with the problem then. Allow the students a few moments to talk with you or with each other before you start your lesson to try and work things out. Separate them if necessary and try to gain agreement that during your class period at least they will drop whatever issue they have.5. Have a posted discipline plan that you follow consistently for effective classroom management. Depending on the severity of the offense, this should allow students a warning or two before punishment begins. Your plan should be easy to follow and also should cause a minimum of disruption in your class. For example, your discipline plan might be - First Offense: Verbal Warning, Second Offense: Detention with teacher, Third Offense: Referral.6. Meet disruptions that arise in your class with in kind measures. In other words, dont elevate disruptions above their current level. Your discipline plan should provide for this, however, sometimes your own personal issues can get in the way. For example, if two students are talking in the back of the room and your first step in the plan is to give your students a verbal warning, dont stop your instruction to begin yelling at the students. Instead, have a set policy that simply saying a students name is enough of a clue for them to get back on task. Another technique is to ask one of them a question.7. Try to use humor to diffuse situations before things get out of hand. Note: Know your students. The following example would be used with students you know would not elevate the situation to another level. For example, if you tell your students to open their books to page 51 and three students are busy talking, do not immediately yell at them. Instead, smile, say their names, and ask them kindly if they could please wait until later to finish their conversation because you would really like to hear how it ends and you have to get this class finished. This will probably get a few laughs but also get your point across.8. If a student becomes verbally confrontational with you, remain calm and remove them from the situation as quickly a
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