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公司治理优秀论文精选和点评(袁庆宏)向大家NBER上的几篇公司治理专题的working paper值得精读。 PaperAuthorsTitle W7958 Oct 2000The Governance of the New Enterprise (CF) W6309 Dec 1997Luigi ZingalesCorporate Governance (CF) W5554 May 1996Andrei Shleifer Robert W. VishnyA Survey of Corporate Governance (CF) W8661 Dec 20_Lucian Arye Bebchuk Jesse M. Fried David I. WalkerExecutive pensation in America: Optimal Contracting or Extraction of Rents? (CF LE LS) W9068 Jul 20_Lucian Arye Bebchuk Jesse M. Fried David I. WalkerManagerial Power and Rent Extraction in the Design of Executive pensation (CF LS LE) W8449 Aug 20_Paul A. Gompers Joy L. Ishii Andrew MetrickCorporate Governance and Equity Prices (AP CF) W8220 Apr 20_Bengt Holmstrom Steven N. KaplanCorporate Governance and Merger Activity in the U.S.: Making Sense of the 1980s and 1990s (CF) 以第1篇“新企业的治理”(The Governance of the New Enterprise)为例: Rajan和Zingales在论文中提出如下新观点: 1 企业的性质发生了变化不再是Berle和Means的所谓Modern corporation(1932)或者钱德勒(Chandler)的所谓Modren business enterprise(MBE)。 2新型企业中人力资本所有者更多地控制着有价值资源(valuable resources)导致企业的法律边界(legal boundaries)与经济边界(economic boundaries)不再一致。 3提供更有价值资源的要素所有者在企业中拥有更大的“谈判力”(power)。 4相应地公司治理的焦点也必须从关注经理层与股东之间的代理问题转换到研究如何在企业中构建一套人力资本激励机制上来。 以上是我个人对文章的理解-袁庆宏 20_-10-15提供 第 页 共 页
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