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.班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_一 正确书写字母和单词G K a w y U slide hippo run desk二 写出下列字母的左右邻居。 1._ c _ 2._ j _ 3._P _ 4. _ W_ 5. _ t _三 看图,选出正确的字母填空1. 2. 3. 4. _and f_y _ig _ight( a e i ) ( m l n ) ( b p d ) ( a e i )5. 6. 7. 8. s_ n _poon bo_ rabbi_( a e u ) ( s t w ) ( s x t ) ( t d b )9. 10. 11. 12 swi_ ba_ _late _ion( m l n) (r g t ) (b p t) ( h y l)精品.四 看图圈出正确的单词或词组。1. 2. 3. write run bee insect three lions ten lions 4. 5. 6 . chair desk bear panda sun star五 圈出不同类的单词1. swim run fly chair2. mouse insect lion fox3. bowl plate bear plate4. four ten table seven5. chair big desk bag6. long short seesaw fat六 连线,选出正确的答句1. How are you? A. Its yellow.2. Can you see the moon? B. Yes, she is.3. What colour is it? C. OK, Dad.4. Is she your sister? D. Im fine. Thank you.5. Put the bag on the desk,please. E. No, I can t.精品.二年级英语作业一 正确抄写下列字母及单词。 Gg Ff Ll Aa Kk Mm slide seesaw swing mouse 二 写出下列字母的左右邻居。1. _d_ 2. _K_ 3. _m_4. _ j_ 5. _ F _ 6. _ G _7. _c_ 8. _ H_ 7. _ l _三写出下列字母相应的大小写(给大写字母写出小写字母, 给小写字母写出大写字母)。 G K b j d I L n四 选择正确的答案。( )1. 我想知道你在游乐场里面看到了什么,我可以问: A. What can you see? B. What can you do ?( )2. 我想知道那个滑梯是什么颜色的,我该问你: AWhat colour is it? B. What can you see?( )3. 你想告诉大家说你看到了一个秋千,你说: A. I can see a seesaw. B. I can see a swing.精品.( )4. 你想知道那个女孩是Alice吗, 你可以问: A. Are you Alice? B. You are Alice.( )5. 你想知道你的朋友会干什么,你可以问: A. Can you fly? B. What can you do?( )6. 你告诉别人自己看到一个很高的男孩,可以说: A. I see a tall boy. B. I see a short boy.( )7. 你想告诉大家说那个跷跷板是蓝色的,你说: AIts red. B. Its blue.五 选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. eye B. mouth C. ear D. small( )2. A. ten B.seven C. young D. eight( )3. A. tall B. five C.thin D.short( )4. A. swim B. cat C.run D. fly( )5. A. boy B.Alice C. Kitty D. Danny( )6. A. slide B. seesaw C. mouse D. swing六 选出正确的答句。( )1. What can you see? A. Its yellow.( )2.What colour is it? B. No, I cant.( )3. Whos she? C. Good evening.( )4. Can you swim? D. I can see a kite.( )5. Good evening. E. Shes my sister如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品
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